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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. Is Luvdisc unavailable? I am looking to farm heart scales.= or other items using covet.
  2. As of now, I can only see lillipup, meowth, apom and deddenne as obtainables other than zigzagoon and teddiursa. Well off to grind up a picup team to lv 55.
  3. Other than zigzagoon/linoone and teddiursa, which other pickup pokemon are available.
  4. Weird, it should have been broken after the eruption.
  5. Eruption, lava plume or flame burst melts it. I basicallyy trained up a camerupt just to melt it.
  6. What pickup table does Pokemon Rejuvenation follow? Finished with the game and am thinking of grinding pickup pokemon to reap the rewards.
  7. Mamoswine A+ : Breed him icicle crash and he is a reat pokemon. Gets earthquake at lv 37 as swinub and lv 46 as piloswine. Tears through gyms like Shade and Aya if you get him pre epiosde 14.
  8. When we get acess to sludge wave or bolt beam thrower, nidoking would be A tier with those moves,
  9. I justrealized I can escape from the city. That makes training a lot easier.
  10. I am training a camerupt, houndour and swinub to beat Angie. Where are good grinding spots besides the gym itself. The water outside the city doesnt yield any encounters.
  11. Facepalm, did not realize you could get out. Now to train a camerupt to melt that blasrted ice hax field.
  12. Wouldit kill you guys to put a pc in a gym? I feel like I am underprepared going against Angie and the hax is kinda too much. I feel like the pkemon that could have a chance beating her are too low leveled and the fact that I cante scape her place to train makes this gym very hard.
  13. Since there is a ev training center in Gearen, should there be an ev erasing section in the center as well?
  14. Thank you. So Eruption destroys the icy field. Are there any other fire attacks that destroy the fied.
  15. Get skorupi for your future dark type. Skrelp can do if you want a water/poison -. dragon/poison
  16. Can someone post on how to get past the Sootpolis gym like/ Charlotte like floor puzzle for Angie's gym.
  17. Nidoking could be A+ rank if better tms existed like sludge wave, fire blast or boltbeam. Sheer force nidoking is a monster when ev trained in sp atk but lack of good moves hold it back. So I think it should be B rank.
  18. Don't forget the ability capsule that is hiding there. Check everything.
  19. After seeing that craziness and those cultist like maids, I infer that Angie is a crzier version of El. The same questions on good or bad or righteous are being asked. However, how would I open the gate. Would I need to answer the good or bad questions correctly. I am a bit confused on how to answer them.
  20. It seems that for overworld pokemon, you need a gourmet treat in your bag.
  21. Amber and Venam ending up falling off the cliff. Where did she land?
  22. You need a gourmet treat with you.
  23. alaneapen


    You might want to catch a nidoran and get an ability capsule. If you get a moon stone and evolve it at lv 43, you get poison jab as nidorino and earth power as nidoking. Use the ability capsule to change it to sheer force and its a monster.
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