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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. So is Kecleon rare?
  2. alaneapen


    I looked at the location guide and Kecleon is said to be found in Terajuma Forest. Is it rare?
  3. I want to do a sidequest in finding the gurdurr but when I went east, i could not cross a brdige. Is there a kecleon there or its just me?
  4. Is there any move that can destroy field effects like that annoying tree field effects which weakens water moves.
  5. Is there a shiny stone available for my roseiia?
  6. I am also running infernape, greninja, ampharos, granbull and honckrow so i could appreciate special attackers but I also need a ground type so mamoswine would be great. my reborn mamaoswine clutched against overleveled garchomp in reborn so there is that.
  7. I am planning on breeding icicle crash to swinub. Would a swinub which will evolve into mamoswine be better than my shadow vanillite which could be a vanilluxe.
  8. I am in Gearen city after getting out of Sheridam Shore. How do I go back and battle Crawli?
  9. I know its power in reborn where there is more tms but tms are lacking in Pokemon Rejuvenaion.
  10. well I did catch a shadow feebas inside the lab in sheridan badlands. The snag machine is fixed by then. However, no way of actually evolving it.
  11. I am in the process of training a 31 sp atk iv modest nidorino which I ability capsuled. I realized that it is almost useless until 43 until poison jab and earth power as nidoking. Will sheer force nidoking wreck later on ingame when more tms become available.
  12. How would I proceed further in Terajuma forest and meet up with the others and continue on with the game?
  13. What is the last gym for version 5. I beat Valerie and am in Terajima forest.
  14. Thanks so much. I noticed I missed the ability capsule before the 1st gym in Goldenwood forest. Can I just take the train and pick it up.
  15. The only ability capsules I did find is in Venam;s gym and the hidden one in Wispy tower Team Xen hide out.
  16. I want to complete help quests which can be started in Sheridan town. Where cam I find the rare Pokémon in route 2. Can someone link me to a guide if necessary.
  17. I will try to EV train my Pokémon in speed, especially my honchkrow since everything above base 80 speed out speeds it. If they still out speed, they have to be EV trained.
  18. Are gym leaders and bosses ev trained?
  19. Does Pokemon Rejuvenation have EV reducing friendship berries?
  20. alaneapen

    Xen lab

    I am in Xen Lab , where volcanion is. Are there any hidden itens to watch out for?
  21. I got to Sheridan Village. Where is the purification chamber? Would I have to find Amephst Grotto by interacting with the red stone at the entrance?
  22. I caught the shadow froakie in Goldenwood forest. Do I have to battle with it to open its heart. How would I purify it?
  23. Where are ability capsules fouund in rejuvenation? Are there any hidden locations?
  24. I think I will pick a chimchar instead. I know I will get a froakie or turtwig later so why not.
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