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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. Should have specified this was for rejuvenation not reborn. would bulbasuar still be bad as there are pokemon obtainable that would fill the roles of the other starters.
  2. Since I would be able to obatin a froakie and a fire type such as litwick or houndor, would it make the most sense to choose a grass type such as bulkasaur for a stater?
  3. Guys what starters and pokemon can I get in this game? Just anyone have a location guide for gens 1-6.
  4. I have a torchic which I evolved into blaziken. Is there any pokemo that you would rade for the froakie besdies the starters taht you want't.
  5. I would like an adamant totadile and timid froakie. I do have pawniard eggs with egg move sucker punch that I can hatch. But how would one trade in reborn.
  6. Adaptability Crawdaunt also works if you want that dual water dark typing. You can rock smash the rocks in Apophyll for a corphish.
  7. I want to do a few tm breeding. I will make sure to back up my save just in case.
  8. Neville is amazing. Seen him in nxt, didn't watch indies much but I have went back to youtube to see all my favorite wrestler's work before wee. But Neville does not fail to impress.
  9. earthquake, thunderbolt, ice beam, elemental punches, knock off or stone edge would be appreciated
  10. Just bascially download 14.6 folder and play from there.
  11. Garchomp is definetely a problem so try to defintely boost up with clefable. If you have cosmic power or def increasing x item, spam them and continue to stack them until clefable is maxed out. Then basicaly clefable can tank garchom.
  12. I suggest you keep off evolving swinub till he learns eq and ev train himin atk and speed. Basically eq spam the pokemon weak to ground. Smoochum can learn psychic if you hold off her evolution and can help you versus gengar.
  13. You do not need to patch your game. Just download 14-6 and play from there since your save file is stored in saved games folder somewhere else.
  14. Can I have a shroomish, gastly and a froakie. I have a couple of pawniard eggs.
  15. Rollins imo is the best member of the shield. He has improved a lot in the mic and is great in ring. Dean is also great and I hope he does get some ppv wins as well.
  16. Is it possible to trade or give away Pokemon, I have like 5 pawniard eggs and a pawniard in my pc box that I bred with sucker punch.
  17. Rollins vs Orton. Won't be a clean finish through but great match otherwise.
  18. Epsiode 15 is barely half done. It won't be coming out for a while.
  19. Abilities do change, but you can change them back with ability capsules which you can get from the seller in Agate circus. You need shards. and yeah this is a old post, which I just reliazed. create a new topic next time.
  20. Then leveling your flygont to lv 73 with 3 levels of continous speed evs may help. Training your pokemon to lv 70+, especially your kabutops will help. Just be sure to know which pokemon have hrass moves to avoid kabutops being killed by them. But definetly set up rain with lumineon or with a pranskter user (Cottonee I think from route 4) if possible.
  21. You may need to ev train your flygon in speed (Must easier with power anklet) . What I used was a prankster purrloin which set up the rain dance. If your flygon was faster, it would have no trouble outspeeding and hitting with eq. You might also want to train up your kabutops or a decent water type which could abuse the rain such as azumarill/crawdaunt/omastar.
  22. Mega Magmortar Type: Fire Ability: Mega Launcher HP:75 Attack: 75 Def: 97 Special Attac:175 Special Defense: 115 Speed: 103 He would be able to get a boost on dark pulse and aura pshere if only he would learn those.
  23. I support the crawdaunt idea, rock smash the rocks at Apophyll and get an adaptability corphish. Thta thing hits hard.
  24. Is it normal for old trainers to be rebattled and items to respwan if episode 14.6 is redownloaded?
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