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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. you could get a tyrapinch from the gamecorner for 10000 coins to evolve into flygon or get a noibat from underground railnet or even wait for jaw fossil and breed dragon dance on it.
  2. If you have to face Charlotte or Terra, then it is not possibe. Otherwise, you can, but the game's stsory acts like you can't.
  3. You would have to clear all logs or webs blocking the entrance to the cave. I think once you do that, you would have to go left and the ice rock would be in Celestine cave.
  4. I would consider using a more balanced team with a fire pokemon such as blazken as my starter.
  5. Wait, how did you access Weavile so soon.
  6. 1.Blaziken : starter 2.Mamoswine : his mother caught in cave across from Shade's gym, bred for icicle crash 3. Azumarill: azurill traded for growlithe, her offsrping bred for aqua jet 4. Honchkrow: murkorw caught in lapis ward alley windy day, team aqua hideout- its offpsring bred for brave bird 5. Cofagrigus: yamask found in Shade's gym 6. Mangenezone: Magmemeite found in Shade's gym My team is basically on my signature PC pokemon intended for backup: 1. Tyrantrum: jaw fossil- Helix cult place at 7th street 2. Smeargle: Mysidida cave 3. Gardevoir: get corrupted pokeball from railnet and take to pokeball shop 4. Ludicolo: obtained as lotad in coral ward, must have pokesnax with you and be a rainy day 5. Metagross: Bedlum caught In Byblosion grotto 6. Nidoking: Nidoran from Byblosion grotto 7. crawdaunt: Rock smash rocks in Apophyll beach 8. Bisharp: caught as pawniard in route 4
  7. Luckily I had two blue moon ice creams from my pick up slaves.
  8. I have the bannette mega stone but what/where are the other two?
  9. I basically prankster growled, burned it and cursed it with cofagrigus and had mamoswine finish the job. It may be strong but not unstoppable.
  10. Do the berry growing times follow ORAS. I am growing friendship berries in the forests of route 1.
  11. Are there more sidequests other than the stickers, exp share that have not been covered yet. I felt like I have done them all.
  12. They are up in the 8th floor of the obsidia department store. I suggest that you buy a few of each and use route 1 berry patches to plant some and water. Basically gorw your own berries. This game is so good for ev training and if you mess up, just reset those evs.
  13. Well you can alternate between the grooomers, reset the dates to get as many times in one day. This requires some amount of money.
  14. Nice work! Would love getting those mega stones later ingame and the mega bracelet. But take your time. Part of the fun is waiting.
  15. If you have a pickup team you can pick up a lot of them while training but other than that, the pokesnax vendor is available on clear days in peridot.
  16. Will there ever be a reborn battle frontier at end game once better tms and tutors are available? Right now, I raised a good team but it seems like there isn't mucb to test out my team besdes gym leaders and bosses.
  17. alaneapen


    Its in the top left part that you have to flip the switches to open the metal wall. Open and go down the stairs and it should be near the arons.
  18. I third trubbish. Trubbish is amazing for the first 3 gyms and it comes in handy against the tangrowths.
  19. So I am playing eccentric emerald which is basically emerald with phys/special split. So I brought ev trained Metagross, dd salamence and toxic stall tank milotic and I am early in (21 battle win streak). Metagross which is my lead basically destroys and tanks everything. If they bring a bulky ground or a special fire, I am switching to milotic to easily sponge the hits. Is there anything I should be afraid of?
  20. alaneapen


    Other than daily battles, pick up team is advised. I do not spend money on healing items and use what I get from pick up so I am rolling in money. I advise you not to spend things on trivial things and thus you save money. If you do need healing items, buy oran berries and give them to Miltanks for Moo Moo milk.
  21. leftovers are lvl 91-100 of the pickup table and its very rare. We won't be getting the other items for a long while.
  22. The grand hall trainers are all maxed out at lv 56-63 and they are all the same. Will these trainers be updated as we progress or will I have to deal with grinding these trainers while changing the date.
  23. Concerning the Brock Lesnar-cena match, would it be obvious Seth Rollins will interfere?
  24. So I started using mega camerupt in both my pu and nu teams and I saw an increase in my showdown ranking. Since mega camerupt is weak to common attacks, I found myself using team synergy to protect my mega camerupt. However, when my mega camerupt does land a fire blast or earth power it hurts the opponent so much. At least a 2hko-ohko on a Pokémon that chooses to switch in or take the hit. The power is real.
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