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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. Hey guys, I ranked up to 1445 on the NU ladder on Pokémon Showdown. Can you rate my team. 1. Camerupt @ Cameruptite EVs: 248 HP/252 Sp Atk 8 Sp D -Fire Blast -Flamethrower -Earth Power -Ancient Power 2. Gurdurr @ Eviolite Ability: Guts EVs: 252 HP 252 Atk 4 Sp D -Bulk Up -Drain Punch -Mach Punch -Knock off 3. Pawniard @Eviolite Ability: Defiant EVs: 252 Atk 252 Speed 4 Sp D -Swords Dance -Knock off -Iron Head -Sucker punch 4. Vileplume @ Black Sludge Ability: Effect Spore EVs: 248 HP 252 Def 8 Sp D -Giga Drain -Sludge Bomb -Synthesis -HP Fire 5. Uxie@ Leftovers Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP 252 Def 4 Sp D -Stealth Rocks -Psychic -u-turn -Thunder Wave 6. Feraligatr @ Lum berry Ability: Torrent EVs: 184 HP 252 Atk 72 Speed -Swords Dance -Waterfall -Aqua jet -Ice punch
  2. later you can get murkrow and you can get a ducklett egg during the pulse tangrowth event (make sure its male) and breed brave bird on murkrow. Honckrow is a beast laste game.
  3. If you want a swablu, head butt the forest trees in route 1. bred dragon dance for my tyrantrum that way.
  4. Your teamis decent but your sceptile has three grass moves. Slash leaf blade or grass knot for a coverage move if you can. Sadly the tm situation doesn't help sceptile out much. You should pick up a water type as well, like azumarill if you want physical or clawitzer if special.
  5. I have already finished the episode but how would I trigger the aster battle. Where would I go?
  6. Definitely use mamoswine as it can fill both ice and ground slot. Breed icicle crash on it with thick fat ability and it will be one of reborn's top ice types. Cryogonal is frail on the defensive side though, one physical tap and its dead.
  7. What if you refused to give Blake the first time and then gave it to him on the 2nd question. I finished the episode already and di not fight Aster.
  8. Were there any extra battles or side quests involved in Episode 14 that were not in Episode 13?
  9. Its In grand staircase, down the ladder. Get a Pokémon with rock smash and head down the purple slime stairs, it should be down one of them.
  10. I recently hatched an adamant defiant sucker punch pawniard with 29 iv in atk and 28 in speed. Considering that it later learns sd, iron head and brick break can be used for coverage, would bisharp be viable. I already have honchkrow and houndoom as dark types as well.
  11. I abused an episode 13 strength rock glitch after I stumbled upon a certain cave in a forest. Not making it super obvious but you weren't supposedd to get it until later
  12. This is why its good to have a team of 6 so each experience is distributed among team members. Common candies exist but I worry with boss battles that I would overlevel or be too weak to face the ace that is 10 levels higher than you are.
  13. Since life orb was said to be fixed, would sheer force and life orb now stack to make the damage output from Nidoking greater?
  14. Definitely train a dark type like houndoom for this battle. Meowstic can lead and handle Gengar while a dark type can handle chandelure, rotom, gourgeist. If your lombre knows a water move , use that against gollet.
  15. This explains why the level limit stayed the same after I beat Terra. Is there something about the agate trio that prevents level limit increase.
  16. Will there be a reborn league on Pokémon showdown? I would like to start using my in game team like in reborn.
  17. Check the gym leader help thread in Team Showcase and post this there.
  18. Do ability capsules prevent abilities from being changed in updates. I changed one of my murkrow's to prankster and evolved to moxie honchkrow. It stayed moxie with the update. Don't want to buy ability capsules for every update. I beat a "colorful" boss * spoiler. Should I revert now, is there a lot more to episode 14?
  19. Can this thread be locked, already moved to gym leader help thread
  20. Stupid me did not realize that I actually had to fight Terra there even though the field effect was there. Du to episode 14 changing my good abilities for bad ones and the undoing of the phys/special split, I just realized I am screwed 1. lv 71 Azumarill (huge power changed to thick fat) -play rough -aqua tail -aqua jet - superpower 2. lv 72 mamoswine (thick fat changed to snow cloak) -icicle crash -ice shard -eq -rock smash 3. lv 73 Blaziken (speed boost changed to blaze) - flare blitz -hjk -brave bird -bulk up 4. lv 68 ludicolo -hydro pump -surf -nature power -> metronome -energy ball 5. lv 71 honckrow (moxie) - sucker punch -brave bird -nigh slash -roost 6. magnezone (epic fail here) - charge beam - discharge - flash cannon -hp fight I have a defensive cofagrigus in my box that would otherwise do a lot of work but idiot me didn't put it in my party lv 70 cofagrigus -will-o-wisp -destiny bond - shadow ball -grass knot
  21. I just realized most of my Pokémon are useless here thanks to the field effect undoing the phys/special split and my hidden abilities being changed. Should I purposely black out so I can respawn in Agate circus, revert to episode 13 to get ability capsules or train special attackers. 1. lv 71 Azumarill ( was Huge power, now Thick Fat- Thanks episode 14) -Aqua tail -Play Rough -Aqua jet -Superpower 2. lv 68 Ludicolo -surf -hydro pump -nature power-metronome -energy ball 3. lv 73 Blaziken- episode changed it to blaze -HJK -Flare blitz -buk up - brave bird 4. lv 72 Mammoswine- thick fat was changed to useless snow cloak -eq -icicle crash -ice shard 5. lv 71 Honchkrow-Moxie -brave bird - sucker punch - night slash -roost 6.lv 71 Magnezone- magnet pull - discharge' -flash cannon -charge beam -hp fighting in box: lv 65 gardevoir, lv 70 defensive cofagrigus
  22. ZakNik, just download episode 14 from the forum.
  23. Would Azumarill be useless in this battle, going to have to use my ludicolo instead.
  24. Would I have to get out of Glitch city before reverting. I have episode 13.2 but will I have to find Terra to return to agate circus.
  25. Oh snap, I just saw those stairs. Nvm.
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