I just realized most of my Pokémon are useless here thanks to the field effect undoing the phys/special split and my hidden abilities being changed. Should I purposely black out so I can respawn in Agate circus, revert to episode 13 to get ability capsules or train special attackers.
1. lv 71 Azumarill ( was Huge power, now Thick Fat- Thanks episode 14)
-Aqua tail
-Play Rough
-Aqua jet
2. lv 68 Ludicolo
-hydro pump
-nature power-metronome
-energy ball
3. lv 73 Blaziken- episode changed it to blaze
-Flare blitz
-buk up
- brave bird
4. lv 72 Mammoswine- thick fat was changed to useless snow cloak
-icicle crash
-ice shard
5. lv 71 Honchkrow-Moxie
-brave bird
- sucker punch
- night slash
6.lv 71 Magnezone- magnet pull
- discharge'
-flash cannon
-charge beam
-hp fighting
in box: lv 65 gardevoir, lv 70 defensive cofagrigus