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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. alaneapen


    I want to get a smeargle as a good set up pokemon with coil and calm mind, spore and baton pass. Coil is needed for the accuracy boost so head smash, icicle crash or hjk won't miss costing me a sweep. Where would I find smeargle?
  2. Mamoswine murders her entire team, when ev trained in atk and speed, outspeeds everything besides gengar.
  3. If its a double rather than single battle with the field effect, I can see it as a hard battle. Facing herone on one makes it much easier, like my strategy of setting up with a smeargle and baton passing to a powerhouse.
  4. I am itching to face Sapphira and her dragon type. Having trained a mamoswine, azumarill and a dd tyrantrum, I really want to see how hard Ame will make her. She has a dragonite so she has to have some level of difficulty (inb4 icicle crash and shard).
  5. I have beaten Charlotte and I am aware I need hm dive and waterfall. Where do I get hm dive? Can I catch a wailmer and train it to learn dive? From where do I proceed because a certain path has damage on it south of calcennon city.
  6. i used a rain dancer( prankster liepard) to get rid of sun. Then houndoom, azumaril ( took out typhlosion and volcarona in rain withy aqua jet) and blaziken cleaned up.
  7. alaneapen

    Jaw fossil

    Thanks guys. Much appreciated.
  8. alaneapen

    Jaw fossil

    How do I specifically get a jaw fossil. Do I have to do the helix cult thing in 7th street. I know I get dragon dance for tyrunt from altaria but what about head smash and eq..
  9. alaneapen

    Yuyeru Key

    Can someone post a screenshot. I think I turned the tubes from tanzan-byblosion pink. Is that the wrong place because I checked the other entrance and there is nothing there besides an upgrade.
  10. alaneapen

    Yuyeru Key

    Does anyone know where the key is? I turned the tubes pink and found a secret entrance.
  11. I finished episode 13.2 and I just love my in game team at the moment. Would just downloading the latest release and then copying and pasting my save file be good enough to start off where I left.
  12. I just remembered that I have a helix and dome fossil that I can use to create a pseudo rain team but training 68+ levels is a pain. Any audino like Pokemon out there that give massive exp.
  13. My team is severely under leveled, the only two pokemon that stand a chance is houndoom and manoswine. 1. lvl 62 houndoom @ flash fire -nasty plot -flamethrower - dark pulse -crunch lvl 66 azumarill @ huge power (pseuudo choice band set) except equipped with mystic water -aqua tail -aqua jet -play rough -superpwer lvl 24 panpour ( need to train) -surf -scald -bite -taunt lvl 36 golduck ( need to train) @ swift swim -surf - aqua jet - zen headbutt -screech ( possible could be rain dance) lvl 64 mamoswine @ thick fat -icicle crash -earthquake -ice shard lvl 65 honckrow @moxie -sucker punch -brave bird - night slash - roost leaving in box: lvl 66 blaziken, lvl 67 cofagrigus, lvl 65 magneton. Is there a good place to train the lower leveled Pokemon and how do i disable the super heated field.
  14. Do Route 2 puzzles reset after leaving or do they stay the same? I would hate to do all that work again. I know I get surf from Amaria and Titania and go to the cave to get to Ametrine but are there any Team Meteors I have to fight. My team is under leveled with the top being lv 63.
  15. I think I am stuck on this sticker. I see the glasses but I can't get around to it. Can anyone point out what places I haven't visited yet, (webs, logs) and post screenshots if able. I am not asking you to do my work for me but pointing me to places I have misses is appreciated. I also hope this isn't against the rules.
  16. So I am deciding to leave my blaziken, azumarill and possibly mamoswine in the box while I am training my honckrow, defensive cofagrigus, magneton and box pokemon: houndoom, escavalier and drapion. Am I overprearing or is radomus hard if I don't. Am I on the right track? 1) lv 58 Honckrow 252 atk 252 speed @Moxie - sucker punch -night slash - brave bird -roost Standard murderkrow 2. lv 50 Escavlier 252 atk, currently training hp -megahorn -x scissor -reversal - iron head 3. lv 57 cofagrigus - hex - wil o wisp shadow ball - destiny bond 4.lv 54 houndoom 252 sp atk 183 speed -foul play - flamethrower -shadow ball - training for nasty plot 5. lv 58 magneton@analytic 252 sp atk 155 speed -charge beam -discharge -flash cannon 6. lv 51 drapion @ sniper -poison fang - crunch -hone claws - toxic spikes
  17. If I put honey on trees, like stand in front of a tree and go to bag, use honey, how long do I wait? Do I go outside the forest and wait by the entrance or just wait in front of the tree with the game on. Suppose I am training my pokemon and go to the nature center, does it reset and I have to put honey again? Its taking so long and all I want is these logs, webs to be cleared..
  18. Thanks. Where do I get the honey?
  19. I beat Serra and Noel but not sure it was a clear day (looked like it) but the Chrysolia event hasn't triggered. No lady teleported away and I beat PULSE abra. Is it too late to do the event? Where in the South Adventurine Forest is the scientists glasses fpr the 8th sticker?
  20. How would I pass both moves on a budew. Since one of these moves is a tm, can it be passed down?
  21. mamoswine is a monster in this gym. my ev trained mamo swept her except for gengar. get a swinub and train to lv 37 for earthquake, heart scale ancient power as piloswine and level up.
  22. I have a lv 43 mammoswine with earthquake that could singlehandedly obliterate her team, ev trained: 252 attack 252 speed 6 hp and should out speed most of her team besides gengar. Should I take the chance and sweep her risking him going over the level cap. I also have a magneton, azumarill, blaziken, butterfree ( sleep powder spam), houndoom, cofagrigus in my team as well.
  23. Thanks for the feedback. I am trying to tediously ev train my in game team and with just two power items, I am almost finished with swinub in atk/speed and am ev training hp for azumarill and cofagrigus. I know ev training isn't necessary but its frustrating to miss kos on gym leader pokemon. I also checked damage calc on mamoswine and it is supposed to ohko shade and aya's pokemon except for gengar. Surprised ame put it in so early.
  24. Being late to the game, I recently restarted pokemon reborn and have come up with a new team and possible team mates. I am training before battling Shade. Can I get any feedback. 1. Blaziken- Adamant @ Speed boost lvl 39 - Blaze Kick ( will heart scale Flare Blitz) - Double Kick ( will heart scale HJK) -Bulk Up -Peck 2. Azumarill- Jolly@ Huge power lvl 37 -Aqua tail - Aqua jet(bred) - Double Edge - Rollout 3. Swinub - Jolly @ Thick fat lvl 30 -Icicle Crash - Ice shard - Mud Bomb - Rock smash 4. Magneton- Rash @ Analytic lv 36 - Charge beam - Electro Ball - Metal Sound - Mirror Shot 5. Cofagrigus -Bashful @ Mummy lv 34 - Hex - Wil- O- Wisp - Curse - Ominous wind 6. Last team member is Honckrow which I will breed Brave bird. Already have a naïve murkow in the box.
  25. If it's by Tanzan Cove then it would be a higher level and easier to train for brave bird. My last team member is honchkrow and it would be amazing with if I bred one with brave bird and moxie.
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