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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. Is frillsh event only. I picked up gastly prior to episode 13 after fight ghost Kiki so where can I get misdreavus. I am also trying to find spiritomb. Do I need an odd keystone.
  2. Do you know where I can find mimikyu, dhelmise, golett and honedge.
  3. I get that 10 year old.kids become champions and have powerful pokemon but where did Heather manage to raise a salamence considering she is super immature and stronger than her own father.
  4. I completed the sjdequest until I beat the goons at the slums. I checked the guide and it says I must talk to Team aqua in 7th Street. But I already completed a quest that gave them jobs. What do I do.
  5. I downloaded sandbox mode but cannot get the IV guy to work even after extracting all of the files and putting them in my data folder. Please help me!!

  6. I would like to trade for these pokemon tomorrow at 11 am est. I can trade any starter
  7. I downloaded both SWIM and Sandbox mode mods for use in Reborn. However, I cannot access the other mods besides change wweather. I want to take advantage of the IV changer guy in Grand hall. What can I do ? I followed the instrictions for copying the mods folder to Reborn.
  8. How do I use the other mods besides change weather.
  9. How is it.possible to have two save files. Do I just put two game. rxdata in the save files folder and select a save file to play.
  10. Can pokemon who have had their IVs edited with a modpack be allowed to battle online in this game.
  11. I do not think I see it. Can someone pck it for me.
  12. What do you think D' Archlight's Ace trainer building will be like, I suspect we will gain access after the pokemon league.
  13. I have not downloaded the mod.yet but I have a few questions. How do I transfer pokemon between save files when.only one is loaded and how does it work?
  14. Ok can someone pick it up for me or tell me where it is. Thank you.
  15. I returned to the Glass Workstation because I thought I had the reborn ball but I do not have it n my bag. Did I forget to p ick ut up or it got l lost ?? Game.rxdata
  16. How can I complete the sidequest to find Magikarp. I began it in a previous episode and I stopped when I fought the goons in the abandoned place.
  17. How can I activate the shared mod in Reborn. Do I need to replace a file in the reborn folder. Also how can so trade with myself between two saves in reborn.
  18. Is it possible to create a new game on another computer and trade with yourself between two computers over the same wifi network.
  19. Ampharosite (at the top table inside the interrogation +Aggronite (end of the area after defeating the Aron-line multi battles, undertaking the Railnet Sidequest from the Grand Aerodactylite (area up from the Agate Circus entrance, Rock Climb needed) Lopunnite (inside the secret room from the Director's Office B1F - Gible Nest Area+Medichamite (down the middle basin)
  20. First where is the medichamite? Is it in the room with the arceus statute or the gible. Where do I find.the rest of these megastones.
  21. I think you have to use the application on the aqua members and on Archer.
  22. I used the lostelle video.
  23. its very difficukt t follow bt i will try one more time.if not, i will reply here.
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