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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. I know Ithis seems very lazy but can someone solve the GIM puzzle for me and stop right before I interact with the computer to get goomy. I cannot solve the puzzle by myself. Thank you. Game.rxdata
  2. How do I remove or change my signature picture.i Pput one in a long time ago but I cannot edit or acess it.

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      in the top right under your name there's an option for account setting, go there then click signiture

      if your talking about the profile pics the smaller one in the bottom left has an image icon and the background one has cover photo in the top right to change it

    2. Kunisada


      Thank you so much, i was also looking for this.

  3. Which Reborn mod pack do I use to change IVs of any pokemom if already cught. Could someone offer me assistance on how to do this like a tutorial or video.
  4. Thank you. Which one should I use or should.i use the general reborn modpack.
  5. I know I have already received a ditto before but I did not save before and got a diito with sucky IVs. Is it possible to edit it's IVs, trade me a new ditto or catch one more.
  6. Where is sugiine cave in relation to the scrapyard and the Oasis. I am confused and would like some basic directions.
  7. I cannot acess the dar basement within Agate city in order to acess the Chariizardte puzzle, t is locked. And I cannot seem to do the puzzle without it. Game.rxdata
  8. I cannot access the basement, my game may be bugged
  9. I still have troub;e even with the guide. I would appreciate it if someone completed the puzzle for me.
  10. Can someone complete the puzzle fr me r guide me through what to do. This puzzle is impossibly if there ane no notifications on where to go.]. Game.rxdata
  11. I am on right now but let us find a another way if you cannot login.
  12. I can't be on now so can I organize one later
  13. Can you be on at Wednesday at 10:30 am EST NYC time. Will have a decent IV bagon by then if you want
  14. Perfect, which pokemon do you want
  15. I am looking to trade for a snivy. I have all the other starter Pokemon o trade for it or any Pokemon that you may desire.
  16. Can anyone post a picture or screenshot of the puzzle results. How can I actually input the puzzle in Charlotte's gym?
  17. How can I access the dark basement in Agate city to get the pattern and then how can I access the back of Charlotte;s gym. Youtube really doesn't help explain this.
  18. Yes I have. However I have the expert belt after I had used ookesnax on his pokemon. Will this be a problem since his Pokemon don't respond.
  19. I am tryig to obtain the sceeptilite and have fed every pokemon of the Hiker some pokensax. Why wont golwm create a rc climb at this spot. Game.rxdata
  20. After defeating Team meteor, facing Lin, beating Hardy and obtaining the Manectite, I went back to Reborn city. When I returned to Agate city, I found that I could not enter any of the houses or the gym. Is this a glitch or is here something I need to do to fix this problem. Please help. Game.rxdata
  21. Why are all the doors in agate city locked. Did I forget to do something.

  22. I completed the lin storyline and bea hardy but agate cuty is lokcked for me. What m I doing wrong or whatdo I need to do? Game.rxdata
  23. alaneapen

    litten trade

    Certain parts/houses im Agate City are locked. How can I I access the house and trade if the house is locked. What do I do?I
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