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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by alaneapen

  1. Does anyone have a spare loudred I can take. I need one for the emga z ring quest.
  2. So I am stuck at this pomt i the hideout im route 4. What have I mised. Game.rxdata
  3. Keep on moving and pressing z. You might hear some dialogue.
  4. I need to know how to do the Dimension Rift one. Already did the Kimono girls.
  5. Does anyone know the quests to get stamps for the department store in Rejuvenation.
  6. I have beaten the puppet master but the Aelita train thing is bugged. Anything else I can do?
  7. How do aelita and I battle the puppet master, I am in the tent.
  8. Where do I go after talking to Cassandra in the judicial district?
  9. What do I do after I talk to Cassandra in he Judicial District and the cutscene plays with Madelis.
  10. anyone want to have an online battle: username alan10


  11. Online username: alan10 Timezone: eastern/ UTC-05:00 Availability: random
  12. trading some common Pokemon on wonder trade and got a goomy and pkrs nincadas.

  13. Will there ever be an online feature for rejuvenation?
  14. Is there a guide of all available credits in the game like helping someone or completing a rangers guild quest. I think I completed everything pre-Blackview.
  15. I forgot where the move relearner is. Where is he?
  16. Where can I find helioptile besides being a starter? Electric types besides mareep are hard to come by
  17. Does anyone know where I can find shroomish or a decent fighting type Pokemon. I feel this game is dark type heavy and i need a solid check.
  18. Sheer force gatr is broken af. I bred mine to have dragon dance and with a life orb, ohkoes everything at +1.

  19. Is there a discord server for reborn evo

  20. As soon as I download Epson 16, I will go online and challenge for random match up. Gte ready for a rampage.

    1. DemICE


      no one on random battles :(

    2. alaneapen


      i got screwed by hax in a battle but  I amready for a challenge now.

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