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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Personthing

  1. It's surreal to see Reborn in a complete state after having discovered the game nearly a decade ago, but it feels really good to have it here. From what I've played thus far (I restarted from the beginning, haven't played since e18)- the game just feels complete, the early game changes have felt really nice to play and I can't imagine going back to their pre e19 versions. Major kudos to the team for getting it out, and no matter how much we're enjoying it, I am certain the dev team feel better than anyone else to have e19 out there. It's been a wild ride.
  2. I first played back in the days of e12, back in... 2014 I think? It's a bit surreal to see e19 making its way to a community release now. Good work guys.
  3. For Bibs sake: Electric/Bug/Ground
  4. Updating thread for recency, plus accuracy. The team: Our types are Water/Grass/Ice. Let's show everybody what we've got an take this!
  5. Well it's that time of year again, here we go. It's gonna sound pretty repetitive cause I'm bad at this stuff.
  6. @frarpeto.chr Since for some reason it's not allowing me to quote I'll just ping you. 90 participants would be ideal, though we'll make do with less if need be and happily accept more. Speaking of that, the team assignment will either begin in a week from now, or if we hit 90 participants before then. Late joiners will be assigned to a nation at random.
  7. Just in case committee members need to do this: Forum name: Personthing Showdown alt(s): Joshy is competing, Personthing 2.0 Discord: A guy#5481 Availability: Usually around 4pm-2am CST on weekdays where I don't have plans, and 12pm-2am on Weekends where I don't have plans. Favourite type(s): Bug, Water, Fire Least favourite type(s): Ice
  8. I have finals coming up, so I'll begin once I'm fully free from those.
  9. After many years I shall finally reveal myself!
  10. Can you not boot back up the follower mod and talk to the NPC in the Pokemon centers?
  11. All I have to say at this point is if it's dead: That's a shame, but what we got was a lot of fun, thanks Caz. If it's alive: Take all the time you need man!
  12. Just boot back up the follower mod and disable them, it should be fine?
  13. Jan you're a bit early on this what the hell man.
  14. What.

    1. 5hift


      *Chinese spamming intensifies*

    2. seki108


      I'm always surprised they just keep it to one board though (the General topics).  I guess even spambots are considerate.

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      seki108: once there was a spambot who typed so coherently it took us a few days to determine whether it was a spambot or someone who joined a Pokemon forum to ask for cooking advice. The topics were posted in General Discussion too, which is the right place to talk about cooking.

  15. Isn’t he the same guy who was having that land feud with Vetus in the past? An NPC mentions that his name is Mr. Blakeory.
  16. I kinda getcha here but at the same time, Valarie, Adam, and Saki (especially Valarie since most of the people are from Akuwa town, and she's charged with their safety) want to save every single person trapped on the island, so missing Aelita is a big problem to them.
  17. It'll take a while, I wait for a few bug fix patches to be released to avoid having to restart development + just the best experience. Speaking of V10, for everyone who has cleared V9 with this mod or are currently playing through the game: Remember to talk to this NPC before changing versions please! They are found in every single Pokemon Center/a few other areas like the Xen Brigade!
  18. Might be, might not be, delays do happen, but if the game is dead that's that. Whether or not this continues, just wanna say thanks to Caz for all the effort he's put into Desolation.
  19. It'll come when it comes friend, don't worry about it and just relax. Beta testing takes a long while since you gotta try and break everything.
  20. Everyone, download this map file, and place it into the "data" folder, that will fix the issue. Map181.rxdata
  21. How'd you save mid cutscene? Do you have any back ups from right before you went in the orphanage, would make it a tad easier to work with.
  22. Shoot, I'll get on this ASAP. Can you guys send me saves so that I can recreate this?
  23. If we're saying how we beat Rosetta, Assault Vest Aggron made for a decent bootleg Mega Aggron haha.
  24. Heal Mega Pinsir, hurt Mega Venusaur. Mega Venusaur: 20 Mega Charizard X: 19 Mega Charizard Y: 22 Mega Blastoise: 14 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 21 Mega Kangaskhan: 20 Mega Pinsir: 19 Mega Gyarados: 12 Mega Aerodactyl: 22 Mega Mewtwo X: 14 Mega Mewtwo Y: 20 Mega Ampharos: 19 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 20 Mega Houndoom: 22 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Blaziken: 10 Mega Gardevoir: 22 Mega Mawile: 21 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Medicham: 20 Mega Manectric: 22 Mega Banette: 20 Mega Absol: 16 Mega Garchomp: 18 Mega Lucario: 18 Mega Abomasnow: 18
  25. The second one was intentional, it's the updated menu sprites from the 3ds games onwards. For the first one, I changed it for personal use since I preferred the old forest background and I guess I forgot to restore it. Thanks for reporting the message typo!
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