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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by robin1

  1. I sent already, maybe I should resend
  2. Nah I already has my Weavile. that is the event Sneasel I think
  3. @RodrigoMobyou still there? I still need the Litten, I'm not used to trading so I press quit accidentally
  4. Okay my trade name is Robin you need anything? I can't breed IV @RodrigoMob
  5. I need those two for the my save file is from way back so I got Charmander instead of Litten and I think I ko the Tepig longs ago
  6. RNG is a necessary aspect but some part of it need to be toned down. Rely on Serene Grace + Air Slash or using Hypnosis: fair game, you can disable many pokemons with it but one miss and you go down. Focus Blast has horrible accuracy: fair game, it provide every Psychic an out to Dark and insanely powerful so it should be inaccurate otherwise Psychic will be so OP. Draco Meteor or Leaf Storm has only 90% accuracy is not fair game, it doesn't provide more coverage, come with huge draw back is essentially a trump card to do a desperate move or catching opponent off guard so why should it miss during important time.
  7. What if the person who said it was Lin. A popular theory is that a younger version of Lin is/was in the orphanage and is the kid who was tormenting people. What if in the timeline where the player doesn't exist Lin wasn't in the orphanage but in the Onyx Academy and the event that made Flobot non emotional happen to Lin instead and Lin become a crazy lunatic.
  8. Don't know if it is only a coincidence or not but after I check the mirage and got a "whoos" sound the Mirage Tower appear
  9. If we do normal battle then just ram the strongest pokemon in smogon tier, but since we are dealing with field effect, I think utility is more important. Male Meowstic: change field effect, set up screen. Peliper: weather + tailwind + knock off. Hazard moves can be useful too.
  10. a. like the post above said, find the sunny day tm and use it. b. in the case you can't find it here are my pointers + fire isn't the only weakness + bug is afraid of bird + if you hit a bug with a rock it stop moving
  11. a high level pick up team get you a lot, I have 12 of those now. You could also run across the map again with itemfinder or ask for trade
  12. I have some question for you Ame. How will you handle the change in gen 7. I'm not talking about new pokemon, just throw it late/post game but the change in stats, moveset and ability. Certain pokemon like Talonflame isn't in the broken tier like in gen 6 anymore so maybe it can appear sooner. Also can you implement the option of adding newly catch direct to your party? It'll be easier to solve certain puzzle.
  13. camerupt have EQ and lava plume with change half of the field
  14. Don't worry man, I do exactly like you and my game is normal, I even got a lucky egg and a leftovers using pickup. I'm pretty sure that nothing bad will happen (unless getting that azuril egg is the punishment)
  15. My gengar zenzo solo the water center (minus the Pswalot) and then beat up the orders in maison battle before being overleveled and disobey me. After that darmanitan decimate anything that still alive (one shot t-tar with superpower and 2 shot garchomp with flare blitz). In gym battle first time I use gyarados: solo after 1 dragon dance ohko everyone, so I reset use gengar instead, still solo with t-bolt and hidden power ice
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