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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by robin1

  1. wonder guard troll is the way to beat mewtwo without taking damage (unless someone change mewtwo moveset)
  2. unown is too random for me, tauros is consistent but a bit harder to beat, time machine in grand hall is a way too.
  3. You can also use confuse ray for troll, blizzard for power or draining kiss for hp instead of weather ball. Or you can chain breed switcheroo to remove pokemon items.
  4. Excaldrill has x scissor. I lead with espeon one hit nidoking then switch to air balloon clawitzer when she send out excal. Easily one shot it with surf I go back to espeon and use psychic on RAWRCHOMP doing about 30% hp, survive with focus band, switch to shedinja (mewtwo killer), heal espeon, use archeops finish RAWRCHOMP with flying gem acrobatic. Espeon sweep the rest of the game.
  5. I beat mewtwo without taking any damage: shedinja. Metal claw + bug bite. For Terra beat RAWRCHOMP and the rest is history. Acrobatic flying gem archeops so op
  6. Why don't you use a pokemon with magnet pull to find durant faster?
  7. Darmanitan is also a good idea, go to ep 12 breed camerupt - darmanitan for rock slide then sweep,I thik you can get rid of the sun by using altaria cloud nine so your earthquaker can kill
  8. Hint: is a duck. Not psyduck.
  9. I think Sapphira gym will be double battle because: - The only move that super effective dragon and hit both pokemon is blizzard (I dont think that hyper voice and dazzling gleam will be available at that point); - You can stall by healing items in single but in double when two dragons targeting you, you are dead. - Double battle gym leader usually hard.
  10. talk to the officer and pay 40K for fixing the road, you have to wait for ep 14 to continue and hm dive is in a puzzle in agate circus.
  11. In the academy (the island one), there are 4 students will tell you about zen, meditate and some thing like that, talk to all 4 of them then talk to a girl and you will have meditate. I dont know if you need a slot in the party or not, so be prepare and just talk to everybody in the academy just to be sure.
  12. you have two fire and two electric type in one team. If you have money and heart scales, I think you should train the noibat to noivern, common candy it down (lv cap is 45 right?), and relearn hurricane, boombrust, d-pulse to help you, also you could get a meditate at the academy with pure power, evolve it into medicham, relearn zenheadbutt to help you with the battle.
  13. I beat the fire gym and do a road trip across Reborn for level, stickers, hidden items and I found TM 96: Nature power lying in the ground (can't remember where). When I play Reborn past gym 2 (ep 6 or 7) florina gave me TM 86 so now I have both TM. Is this a bug or what? Proof:
  14. Nidoking if I remember right you use smeargle to breed. I prefer sludge wave because with sheer force 30% poison is zero and sludge wave have more damage
  15. 3 hit kill Charolett : Get a archepos, train it max speed and if speed boosting nature. Max attack if you can. Get something with strong earthquake. Step 1 archeops out speed both pokemon use rock slide plus rock gem/rock plate/life orb ohko both lead, the other use earthquake plus gem/plate/life orb ohko the next two. Step 2 archeops use rock slide and GG.
  16. Sturdy bulldoze then hit it with everything you got aka strong fighting type.
  17. After some try, I found out that the problem that in the main game, if a parent learn a move in day care and erase the egg move you want, the child still receive the egg move until the parent is taken out of the day care, but in here if a parent erase the egg move, the child wont receive the move.
  18. I breed megahorn to my absol and using it with linoone to get play rough but the absol only have play rough.
  19. What I hate about breeding now: 1) don't have good iv ditto. 2) can not transfer TM move anymore 3) gen 6 breeding mechanic: passing egg move from the mother isn't here yet. So my dream of having megahorn-play rough-sucker punch absol go to waste.
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