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About Flynn

  • Birthday 04/24/1995

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    Role play, writing/reading fiction, League, driving at night

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. Looking for a good MMORPG to get into that doesn't need to be purchased. Any suggestions?

    1. lifesapity


      Guild Wars 2 is pretty great.

    2. doombotmecha


      I was just about to say that! GW2 is a very, as the kids say, "aesthetic" game. it's very pretty, it has unique classes, races, and roles, and story is incredible.


      TERA online has pretty much the coolest combat system ever, but the story past the intro level is awful and all the female armors are skimpy and have heels.

  3. The prophecy is true.

  4. "If Gen VII doesn't have a Poison type Legendary, I will riot". I really hope Gen VII delivers.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      considering a lot of poison types are man-made from garbage, it's hard to give legendary status to one of those. What would a legendary poison pokemon be based off of?

    3. Alistair


      Huge, legendary poisonous tree/flower?

    4. Godot


      Zakum, arabic tree of death. or Samael, Dragon Snake thing that is known as "the poison of god"

  5. So ready for Sun/Moon to release. I really wanna try any new Poison types more than anything..

  6. I definitely agree in regards to Talon. I know a lot of people were worried about his kit forcing him into a bruiser position via Ekko syndrome (performs better tanky because of passive and outperforms the intended role), but his Sin playstyle is absolutely fantastic. It's a little busted as it is, but I can't see the balancing team managing to curb his current power without gutting him. Perhaps some cooldown tweaking. My first Sin after the patch was Kha'Zix as I've been wanting to see my favourite bug have a spotlight of his own. I have to say, I am impressed with his new kit. To be frank, I think it's fair to say he needs a nerf. The isolated Q damage is absolutely ridiculous with the reduced cooldown and increased ratios, capable of winning post6 trades he normally lost before the update (namely Lee). I've played about 12 games with the new Kha and I've been testing the optimal evolution order for an average game. Evolving Q first has provided the most success. The biggest choice is between evolving E or new R at 11. Normally, you'd take E at 11 because of the increased range and resets, but taking R at 11 has actually made the middle game rather interesting. Kha's R uses Invisibility, not Stealth. This means that during his invis, he is not able to be seen by wards and control wards. Alongside Sweeper, control wards of your own, and Duskblade's new passive, the vision control he has is pretty insane. You can stalk through all four jungle quadrants much safer than even Evelynn I'd say and gain the ability to lock down Drag/Baron vision sometimes totally unchallenged (Not to mention evo Q shreds Baron and Drag like a Rengar on Twitch). In addition to this, the dueling is pretty damn nice. When Kha is not visible to the enemy team, he gains a damage buff through Unseen Threat. Using both procs of R, alongside a brush through the.. brush, you can reset your passive give or take three times (and also proc Greenfather's Gift w/ Fresh Blood) for additional damage. Invading the opposing Jungle mid game when they are at a buff has normally given me a free kill, vision control, and a handy Red buff. I'd also like to point out that the channel time for Edge Of Night is 1.5 seconds. Kha's Invis lasts 1.5 seconds. Getting the drop on somebody while already having EoN up is pretty handy as 80% of the time, they panic CC (Tibbers) or just flash. Overall, I have had the most success with Q > R > E evolution despite evolving E asap (normally after Q) appearing to be the most practical choice. Evo R sort of loses its offensive power later in the game so taking it at 16 is just as much a trade off middle game as losing E resets. This all being said, I am in no way a Kha main or largely knowledgeable on him. These are just my impressions for the most part. The elo I play in is high Gold low Plat, so take everything said with a grain of salt. -Oh, and yeah. Courage of the Colossus is straight up broken. Nautilus is a monster.
  7. To any Dark Souls 3 players, if you have a fun yet obscure build, shoot me a pm with the idea. Looking to try some new builds in the arena.

    1. Tartar


      Do a level 1 run ^_^

      ... Bare handed.

  8. Inb4 TWD spoilers

  9. So hyped for Ashes of Ariendel. Looking forward to the OST too.

    1. Alistair


      Same, I just hope the DLC won't be too short

    2. Combat


      Same, but only on a lore level.

  10. Mizu is a wonderful monster. The gear you get from crafting its parts both looks amazing and has a fantastically unique skill. When normally fighting Mizu, if hit by the bubbles, you get a bonus in movement speed as well as Evade +1, but getting hit a second time basically buts you in a vulnerable status where you cannot attack and movements become slippery and you're basically doomed. The armour gives you the first part (faster movement speed and Evade +1) and procs during dodge rolls. It's really great for Blademasters!
  11. Compared to MH4U, MHX's level of difficulty is largely varied and dependent. MH4U can be considered stagnant in difficulty (for the most part), consisting of a very leveled out playthrough, with moderate spikes at Urgents which raise the cap of difficulty. MHX, however, really changes depending on your weapon + Style. From personal experience, some forms of play can make the game really easy, really hard, or just manageable. I'm not sure if you know about the Hunter Styles, but it goes like this. Aerial: Jump off of monsters, bombs, other players, or even cats to get launched into the air for an attack. This shit is straight busted on some weaps like GS. You'll easily get around 4 mounts per hunt. For most weapons, Aerial makes the game trivial in the hunting aspect. I personally main SA and have found Aerial SA to be godlike. Aerial LBG and gunners in general seem to find this a little harder to master. Bushido (localized as Adept): Time a dodge roll perfectly to get an extended dodge plus full I-frames + enter a sprint which leads into an attack. This one is hit and miss, but really good with gunners as it auto-reloads/charges with a higher power shot. I've heard it conditions (more than other styles) you to rely on its power as a dodge and switching will sometimes make you whiff a roll. Bushido SA is sorta eh while CB is fantastic. Hit and miss. Guild: Basically normal MH weapon with two Hunter Arts. Not much to say but certain players prefer this. Other Styles cost you the ability to use some normal X or A moves, but Guild keeps them all. Guild SA, for example, is busted (but SA is the master race weapon so this is understandable). Striker: Have 3 Arts and they all charge faster. Really amazing on weapons like Lance and SA and LS who are blessed with absolutely incredible Arts. Some cats even have horns that will charge your Arts even faster. It gets pretty insane. Some weaps like GL and Bow don't have more than one or two useful Arts so Striker is kind of sub par here. So basically the tl;dr is that MHX varies in difficulty depending on your Weapon and what Style you pair it with because certain combos make life easy or a challenge.
  12. Hoooly crap found a Dratini at Whiting regional park.

  13. At work for the first time since Pokemon Go released and I arrived to see my boss's office is a Gym.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea that's why I'm not interested at all honestly.

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      thats a feature they need to add

    4. Maelstrom


      no trading yet either.

  14. Instinct, Valor, or Mystic?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flynn


      @Hukuna: The three teams you can join in Pokemon Go!

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh I don't have a phone sooooooo... care I do not.

    4. Maelstrom


      For Valor. For strength. For BL Lilith knockoff waifu.

  15. Growlithe, Eevee, and a Muk ton of Zubat where I live. Can't complain but evolving might take a while.

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