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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. 1. I move around my items because it feels more comfortable using 2 and 5 for DFG and such. Works with my fingers better. 2. Karma is full of it, she's my friend irl and found each other on opposite teams on team builder lol. She mains Mid. 3. I thought for the love of God that I was the only one who absolutely loves the new Ahri splash. Ahri has been my favourite Champion since day 1 (with Yasuo) and I'm so glad to see her cast in a light of elegance, beauty, and mystery over a light of sexual allure. I mean, I get her Lore, but I think mystery and beauty kinda matches the character better... So, THANK you, Annie Leonhardt.
  2. I think I got a bro-fist from Jesus where I used Noiven Super Fang and Air Slash flinch. Solaris got rekt by Feather Dance Pidgeot.
  3. Decibel reminds me of Ringabel from Bravely Default .-.
  4. PC League of Legends Combat Arms Aura Kingdom Dragon Nest (Nexon) Left 4 Dead 2 (Steam) Minecraft SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online 3DS All Pokemon games Fire Emblem - Awakening Bravely Default Super Smash Bros. IV PlayStation III Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Call of Duty - Black Ops I (Like... Nothing that I want for PS3 that has online exists).
  5. the Night Angel Trilogy written by Brent Weeks. The first book is Into The Shadows. The second book is Shadow's Edge. The third book is Beyond The Shadows. A book series that completely reversed my entire outlook on life and existence, shaped me from a person I used to be-- A douche bag jock, slightly illiterate and fully ignorant with the priorities of money, popularity, and appearance, into what I consider myself now. I guess... The exact opposite? The series itself, I cannot truly explain and do it justice. In the end, it simply inspired a passion within me which lead from one thing to another. Hopefully, if anyone decides to flip through its pages, maybe it will do the same for you.
  6. I know grabbing Liandry's isn't exactly smart but at that point, Zhonya's wasn't needed with the amount Drain gave me.
  7. I would absolutely love to join the Violet echelon, that is, if you'll have me. I have moderate experience within the competitive scene but I'm constantly reaching for more and more experience. I promise you, you'll find nothing but loyalty and slight, overly passionate strides in the direction of glory and strength. In all forms! I will see it so the stories of Violet are engraved into the minds of every trainer who might walk the path we do now. If you'll have me, I offer my sword unto you.
  8. I don't even know what kind of music I like anymore. I was eleven listening to Green Day and now I'm nineteen listening to Japanese alternative...
  9. I'm not sure if it's really required, as I'm not too familiar with this RP community, but a few rules that seem to have an efficient placing are not crashing topics, be they OOC or IC, meaning a couple things. First, posting in the OOC threads with random unnecessary questions or concerns that are misplaced in that topic, and within IC topics, changing the scene to focus on a certain point you desire when the PoV was currently on something else. Grabbing attention away from something that still requires attention, basically. Another aspect of this is "trolling", posting random BS in a topic. It's happened before when a harsh, intense and emotional scene is taking place and another member posts their nasty rash in unmentionable places. It generally comes around full circle. Don't butcher topics. Second, this one is rather difficult to abide by, as well as enforce. Following your own created reality. Such as, when a character has been created and approved by the host for use, that character should be understood by the user and followed through. A character's personality and antics cannot suddenly change simply because they suit your current IRL mood or situation, unless it's emotionally realistic for that character to feel as such. If your character absolutely hates somebody named Vyraea, and you yourself suddenly love Vyraea because your new girlfriend acts just like Vyraea, your character can't suddenly love Vyraea when absolutely nothing to change their hatred IC has happened. Maybe it's just me since I like to consider my characters their own people, but the gist would be don't bend your character in half just because you changed your mind about them 100 posts into a topic. Both of these suggestions are based purely on the rules I abide by in other RP communities, and I'm unsure if these rules are already fully acknowledged/not necessary. Just wanted to pipe up, I guess. Live free and RP hard.
  10. It's so hard to number them by what I like more than the other... So... These ten are all equal in my mind! No Pokemon in this list is above another! 1. Greninja - A ninja, a bad ass ninja. This unit is a flippin' ninja. My favourite Water type with an amazing Hidden. One of my SSB4 Mains. Got me through the first four Gyms in an interactive author-controlled Pokemon fanfic. Nicknamed Corren. 2. Lucario - The bandwagon never stops rolling. But mainly because of Riley, and the Lucario movie where Lucario had the exact personality I imagined a character of mine to have named Xixas. Nicknamed Xixas, or Six if that's too much of a mouthful. 3. Noivern - My favourite Dragon that has a nice niche above those of Flygon and below those of Garchomp. Also, really helped me on my first play through of Reborn with Super Fang. Screw you, El. Male is Vasure. Female is Vasyre. 4. Weavile - I've loved Sneasle since Harrison caught one in the anime. It's had a special place in my heart with its unique typing and personality. When Gen 4 gave it an Evo, I instantly fell in love. Nicknamed Sysira. 5. Garchomp - Again, the bandwagon seems like it has a hold on me. However, I started off disliking Garchomp mainly DUE to the amount of hype and Cynthia love. However, along with Greninja, Absol, and Gardevoir, I became a huge fan once I was a part of a Pokemon interactive RP/Fanfic (I RP a lot) and Garchomp saved my Absol's life when I was convinced my character was going to be killed off. Nicknamed Orlahm, but it's Orlahm-san to you. 6. Absol - Have loved since the second I saw it in Sapphire in some lucky chance where I wasted all of my Pokeballs because it looked so amazing. Absol was also my first Shiny. Nicknamed Zyxeir. 7. Blaziken - I loved Blaziken before it was cool. When I was but a wee lad, I had tried multiple, I literally mean multiple files on Sapphire of trying Mudkip and Treeko starters and every time, I would get raped by Glacia. Every. Time. I never chose Torchic because I thought it looked lame. I eventually did, and because of it, Pokemon Sapphire was the first video game I had ever beaten. Nicknamed Rysel. 8. Gardevoir - An artist on Deviantart drew a rendition of Rysel and a Gardevoir as a duo for me. I was "meh" towards Gardy because of Wally making her seem bad and because I only used Pokemon I thought were "epic". Boy, did I learn. Gardevoir is now, in my story, a couple with Blaziken (like so many others, but I've seen way more Lucarios/Gallades). She is now one of my absolute favourites. It all changed with a co-written fanfic... 9. Gallade - Actually a Pokemon owned by two of my canon characters, one good, the other evil. Gallade was instantly one of my favourites with the reverse blades and awesome movepool. Also made the PERFECT antagonist/partner for my team which included a Gardevoir. Also, Mega Gallade just looks to regal and bad ass. 10. Infernape - The main Pokemon of my most black-heart character ever. The eternal rival of my Blaziken too. Infernape was epic since Gen 4 as a Fire/Fighting and it just looked so beast in the anime. Infernape is still amazing and has a permanent spot on my favourites just because of the stories crafted around it.
  11. Went to the midnight release and as I was standing in line, the employee announced they only had ten copies left! I got the second to last one! 1590 - 5139 - 8268
  12. I can't figure out how to quote you from my phone, (On my computer now) but I DID have a trinket. The Hunt Was On began during that game and I had killed Kha'Zix, which replaced my trinket. I'm not sure why it's not showing up as the Head of Kha'Zix. Might be a random bug like how Vi's Q completely stops working late game.
  13. I always habitually read the players listed in these games to see if I was in any of them... Second or third game as Rengar. Trying to get pro at Jung after getting used to Support and Top for so long. I know, I know. Boots of Mobility isn't the best option, but it feels like my Jung staple item, chu no? Works so well.
  14. The two Hoenn Megas I'd LOVE to see are Mega Mightyena and Mega Delcatty. I mean, it kind of works with the whole two sides of the coin deal. One for OR, other for AS, like if we got Mega Lunatone and Mega Solrock Mightyena is so underwhelming, and I would love to see some of the Pokemon that can't come close to the meta get some spotlight. Skitty and Delcatty are two not-so-secret loves of mine when I finally beat Explorers of Darkness as a Skitty, after my Torchic/Mudkip combo had failed in three different files, so there might be a little bias. Would still be cool, though. The non-Hoenn Megas I want to see, even more than any other Pokemon, are Mega Weavile and Mega Luxray. I mean, no logic is needed, the sheer amount of bad ass would be enough. Make it happen.
  15. My Pokemon all kind of have the same consideration of me. Whenever I play a Pokemon game, or join/write a fanfic or roleplay, my team and I are reset to square one, but we all completely remember each other and just await to find each other. Almost like traveling into another universe through every different instance, and being reset. However, my Blaziken (starting off a Torchic in every new "universe"), always starts with me. Unless he can't, and in that case, it's like the whole case with Cardfight! Vanguard and Aichi's cards in season 2... If anyone knows what that means. We've all been through so so so many different adventures, starting from square one every time. My Blaziken would be my bro, we'd pull a lot of stupid antics and end up hurting ourselves or someone else. My Gardevoir and I would engage in a lot of intelligent conversations and debates, since I've always imagined all Psychic Pokemon could speak in the mind since I was little (and G.Gardy just kind of enforced that in my mind even more). My Weavile... She would screw with everyone, myself included while always causing problems for the rest of us by pissing off other Pokemon and trainers. My Absol wouldn't really be a part of the group much, only tolerating certain conversations and only really engaging during battle, when he's pretty scary. Lastly, my Garchomp would be kind of the leader when I'm off being an idiot with Rysel.
  16. I know the second Gym is sometimes kind of a challenge, but getting a Koffing near cripples anything they can through at you spare two Pokemon (not sure what their updated team is since I played from Ep. 9&11). Also, it helps how common they are, being found in the alleyways. Koffing with Self-Destruct is also super useful against the third Gym.
  17. The text with Samson when he both hits the bell and during the gym battle of "over 9,000".
  18. I usually main Wu or Noct for jung, but I gave Vi a try. This was actually my second game as Vi, but shh... Don't tell those guys. Oh, and Golem is gone due to building for the situation. Was mainly a lot of team fights near that point.
  19. I feel as though I'm the only person who's hyped for Pitoo. .-. I mean, he was an awesome Vegeta charcter in Kid Icarus: Uprising with a unique personality (despite being from Pit's) and his own fighting style (with his own weapons). I know he's going to be as much of a clone to Pit as Falco is to Fox, but I just love it when sub-main characters like Dark Pit get some spotlight. Even in books, games, movies, everything, I always root for the sub characters who don't get the special treatment that the main characters get. Roxas is better than you, Sora! But, yeah. Pitto +1.
  20. All of the names I use are based off of names of characters from a book. They're all a little unorthodox, but they have some pretty cool meanings. Blaziken - Rysel / Gardevoir - Aeona / Garchomp - Orlahm / Weavile - Sysira / Absol - Zyxeir / Greninja - Corren / Lucario - Xixas / Noivern - Vasure( Or Vasyre if female) / Cofagrigus - Oourne / Pidgeot - Garick And a bunch more.
  21. I see what you did there. .
  22. Being probably one of the biggest Two Steps fans, I listen to this as I grind my Lv. 11 Riolu from Ep. 9 to 50 like the rest of my team off of Lv. 36 Grimer and Venipede...
  23. I want to begin with an apology. I'm completely new to posting on forums in general but I understand how people can get pissed or bothered by "necro posting", which is what I assume is what I'm doing. I really am sorry with that. I came across this post in a Google Search of the current problem I was facing within Pokemon Reborn...... That monstrous Kaiju of a Pokemon, Garchomp atop of the volcano in Apophyll. I was sure this battle was what my friends and I call a "Kratos fight" (in reference to Tales of Symphonia, where you battle against Archangel Kratos and are supposed to lose), but I have always had this adamant fool desire to defeat these Kratos fights. This mothafuckin Garchomp, though. I'm not sure if it's the emotions running rampant in my body after seeing that depressing, albeit really screwed up scene afterwards, but... I defeated that Garchomp after seven to thirteen-ish tries, but my strategy relied more on luck than anything. While I did have a F.E.A.R ready for whenever I needed it, I didn't want to copy the guy who made this post so I tried something else. I then became the little toaster who could and began to think I can, think I can, with this team that I trained and not anything else. My team consists of Blaziken, Gardevoir, Cofagrigus, Drifblim, Floatzel, and Pidgeot, all from Lv. 41-44 respectively. I had to restart a few times for this but... It finally worked. Garchomo's moves all had a decent chance to miss, which I abused. I had Pidgeot use Feather Dance upon his first miss, and if he didn't use anything other than Stone Edge, I could do it again, and again, and again... After Pidgeot (Merrick) valiantly fell after two Feather Dances, I had Cofagrigus. He used Curse, and then was bravely defeated. After that, I had Gardevoir and Drifblim attack and attack, but they were BOTH hit by crits, and only Drifblim got a few hits in. After, I had Blaziken out. By this time, he had already used two Full Restores, and Blaziken was all I had left, my ace. Blaziken was sent out and used Bulk Up, and was hit by a crit. Luckily, it was Fire Fang... He survived, and used Double Kick, and took it down JUST enough for the Curse to finally slay that titanic hulking beast. If it weren't for Cofagrigus' Mummy to replace Garchomp's sharp skin, Blaziken would have fallen after the first double kick, since he had 7 HP left... And then this guy, after my team and I won, all he had to say was "...". I proceeded to scream in the middle of my living room with my family all around watching Warm Bodies: YEAH, THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT, SOLARIS!!!". I was practically drowning in adrenaline, but I was so freaking hyped. But then. Of course. Something happens to completely butcher my mood and totally ruin the victory. That... That scene... With Kiki... And her Medicham... And Cal that prick... Let me pause to say I never liked Cal. He's that, you know. The fire-type trainer who's supposed to be super attractive and who all the girls adore, and has this deep, dark, brooding past as he stands on top of a volcano at night, overlooking the city. And the only girl character who I actually enjoy, VIctoria, is all swooning over this ass. Pisses me off. Safe to say, only when I defeated him was my jealousy sated. Sorry, back on topic... The scene where Kiki tried to destroy the PULSE, even after climbing up the volcano with a sickly, frail body on the verge of death. Cal betrayed her, and in the most grotesque way, killed her partner, Medicham by stopping it's last attempt to save the city, and throwing it inside of the volcano in front of her... My reaction was something akin to: He just-... Then she-... It-... Lava... But-... With my eyes wide open with the manliest of tears beginning to take shape. The feelings of immense pride and happiness clashing with the sinking anger and sorrow. I guess that's why I feel obligated to post this. Again, I'm sorry for necro posting and potentially wasting the attention. A slightly emotional yet overly immersed Pokemon lover and writer 'Flynn
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