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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. Your Forum Name: Flynn Your Server Name: Flynn Argall The Year You Joined Reborn: 2014 Your Favorite Type: Fairy/Poison Your Least Favorite Type: Dragon Did you participate in the first installment of PokeNations?: Yes, although a short while. Your Social Security Number: 174-65-6577 General Availability: Mon-Thurs 12 to 12 PST.
  2. Hi, I posted a status about this but I thought I'd post in the topic as well. Is the server still alive/active? I'm currently online and nobody seems to be on atm, so I was wondering if this is the norm or if it's just a period of down time throughout the day. If it IS still active, great! if it isn't, well damn. I'd love for this server to be active and wouldn't mind putting in time and work for it. Also, I understand there was a lot of server lag and I would also like to say I just now got rid of a rather large Apricorn farm that might have been contributing to that and I do myself feel a difference. Feels smoother to play. (It was my farm and I wasn't aware until recently they caused lag, sorry sorry!).
  3. Hmm, so is the Pixelmon server still alive?

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      I've never been on it but I saw the person currently running it post something about it last week

  4. Apparently, according to a few red post comments, the next Champion (this one, namely) will be a "traditional caster mage" type. Looking at Sol, he isn't anywhere near a "traditional caster mage" such as Annie or Veigar for example. Taken from http://www.surrenderat20.net/2016/01/red-post-collection-2016-ranked-season.html I mean, it's already been confirmed she is a mage, so this red post is very applicable to Taliyah.
  5. The Goddess protects those she loves.

  6. Suddenly remembered the days of Disney's VMK..

  7. The Kingdom Hearts X Unchained app is actually really entertaining.

  8. Winds, guard me.

  9. What are these little water drops falling from the sky..? I've never seen this before in California.. Is the world ending?

    1. dead account

      dead account

      I think you may have been teleported to a strange place where water falls from the sky, known as "Britain", without realizing it.

  10. http://www.surrenderat20.net/2016/03/aurelion-sol-star-forger-returns.html?m=1 This is amazing.
  11. Get a Koffing from the alley ways. Spam Sludge. It is completely immune to the Ground type moves due to Levitate, resists Grass, and is capable of KOing pretty much everything spare Ferroseed (assuming Florina still has Ferroseed).
  12. *Fervent inhale* Breathe in the atmosphere..
  13. Going to play KH BBS on 2.5 but I what storyline should I play through first? Ventus, Terra, or Aqua.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. krim


      I played Terra's first and I understood the story well enough. Also he's hard to go back to after using the other characters because he focuses on slow powerful attacks rather than fast ones (Ventus), or magic (Aqua).

    3. Cepheus


      'Canon Timeline' is Terra -> Ventus -> Aqua

    4. Maelstrom


      Yeah, I played Terra, Ventus, and then Aqua and would recommend that order.

  14. A friend of mine compares fighting Bayonetta to dueling an Exodia deck. Seems kind of accurate, actually..

    1. Lits


      I understand this reference

  15. If Gen VII doesn't introduce a Poison-type Legendary, I am going to riot.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drymus


      I want another non-dragon pseudo-legendary

    3. Flux


      I just want some cool Poison Pokemon in general. A legendary is overdue, but I probably won't use it unless it looks cool and isn't an Uber. But yeah, Poison is coolest type.

    4. Azeria


      Poison has cool mons in general tbh. Gengar, Crobat, Venusaur, Nidoking, Drapion? Sign me UP!

  16. I look for something new. Specifically music. I have a small track of music that fills me with emotion and I use that to promote my passion for writing. However, eventually, the feelings given by those songs become exhausted and less effective. Then, I look across various means of listening to music (99% is YouTube) until I find new music that fills me with any form of inspiration. I gather a new list of songs and use those to fuel my work. And after doing this a few times, the old music I listened to so long ago sounds new and fresh after coming back to it after so long. It's a growing cycle but I never seem to run out of new additions to my playlist.
  17. Edit: Tfw phone messes up and wrong quote. Cobalt, This is an issue that has arisen quite a few times among various players including myself. From what I've seen, closing Minecraft as well as (if you are using it) the Pixelmon launcher and restarting it seems to work effectively. Otherwise, spamming relog has worked. Somebody else said something about swapping the missing Pokemon with PC boxed mons, closing the PC, and opening it again gets them to appear as well. Hopefully this issue doesn't bother us much but it doesn't seem to happen TOO often. Otherwise, I hope you're enjoying the server! If you care to, later today (unsure specifically. Whenever people are on) we'll be working on building a town at the spawn area. Your help would be appreciated!
  18. Oh, Final Fantasy Explorers comes out tomorrow.

  19. Prepare for your finale..

  20. I got Spirited Away and one of those fancy memory foam mattresses! Amazing Christmas. Hope everybody enjoyed their day!

  21. SD Gundam Next Evolution so hype.

  22. I'm currently looking to buy a PS4 game with a riveting story. Preferably something feelsy. Any suggestions?

    1. Flux


      Last Guardian's not out yet, but that's sure to be feelsy when it does release. Otherwise, idk. Haven't played any PS4 games.


    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I don't really know much that's got strong story. Like... while stuff like Until Dawn is great it's horrible cliche horror flick of a story... likewise ntohing else really carries that strong of one... espically in that vain you're looking for to my knowledge.

  23. Tfw you sign up for the Redemption League and make a team...... Only to realize you didn't pay attention to the schedule and have work every day it's open... Yegh. Just my luck. To anybody who has yet to finalize their team, I ask you to consider giving this team a good home. They will lead you to victory! http://i68.servimg.com/u/f68/18/59/43/10/image10.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Tbh, you're going to have a hell of a time against Nick, though.

    3. Odybld


      Nick is Nick though

    4. Flynn


      I decided against running hazard coverage in favour of doubles presence. Mainly because.. Well. I didn't think the leaders would focus on them very much outside Poison/Rock. I can just -not- fight Nick and go for the other members of the bracket.

  24. Tfw you have one good game with a Champ and immediately want/buy a skin for them.
  25. Six seconds have passed..

    1. Chevaleresse



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