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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Flynn

  1. Current biggest challenge in life: Playing Rivals of Aether with tablet keyboard.

  2. Whenever I see a volcano in any game ever.

    1. DashingStorm



    2. Flynn




    3. Ringabel



  4. Would any of you fine folk who are confident in your YGO skills be willing to help me out with making a BLS deck? I've hit a wall.

    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Sure. PM me the list and what you have in mind when you're making the deck. I've been delving into making weird decks as of late.

  5. Kingdom Hearts is definitely my favourite series no contest. I got my first game when I around 11 and fell in love instantly. How I found it: My first game was Chain of Memories since at the time we couldn't afford a full PS2 game. I knew I wanted a KH game because I saw one of my friends playing it and the mystery of it all was entrancing, especially since I was so into fantasy when I was little. It was a lot of fun but I was utterly confused as to what was going on but I think the promise of a story to experience in both the future and past just made me that much more into it. Favourite game: BBS. So facking good. Stories, fights, music, characters, everything. Aqua is the best Keyblader imo easy. However, I also can't say I love it over 358/2 days. That game was just an emotional rollercoaster. It still hurts my heart to hear Vector to the Heavens and Xion's theme. Favourite character: Massive tie between Axel and Roxas. I can't decide. However, I am keenly against Akuroku. Roxas x Xion OTP. Favourite fight: Sweet lord on a biscuit I can't even begin to decide. All of the KH2FM Data battles are godlike and I have so much fun playing them. Hnnnrrgg... If I had to choose, I'd say the Roxas Data battle and if not, Lingering Will v.s Terranort. Just.. When Lingering Will stands up and Rage Awakened begins to play, I can't even begin to describe the feeling it brings me.
  6. I'm not sure if this is a known issue but in Rejuvenation, Magma Drift is listed as a TM but cannot be deleted..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azeria


      Route 3 iirc, next to Sheridan.

    3. Cepheus


      Move Deleter should be on Route 3 (between Sheridan and Goldenleaf)

      there is a lone house on the right path were the trainers are

    4. Flynn


      Saved my life. Thanks so much!

  7. Don't let your memes be dreams.

    1. Shing
    2. BIGJRA


      Don't let dank memes melt steel beams


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ScuzBrains


      How many breads have you eaten in your life?

    3. Flynn




    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea... I'mma just do an Iggy and get the hell out of here.

  9. All in all, I prefer Subs as conventionally they don't sound as awkward on emotional speeches or sudden exclamations, so on and so on. I'm not sure if this is because JP VAs find it easier to embrace a character and in turn feel less awkward with these lines that match their culture and expectations more comfortably or if I'm just so used to how an English voice is supposed to sound and I know when it sounds off. I started anime with dubbed Bleach/One Piece and thought it was amazing. Went to Sub and hated it, grew used to it and now I love it and I hate nearly all Dub except a spare few like Fate/ Zero and Gundam 00.
  10. Does anybody play Brave Frontier? I recently picked it up and have become completely obsessed..

    1. Solarance


      I do, I play GL, JP, and occasionally EU.

    2. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Man I used to. 8 monthes later it tired me out.

  11. Let's see how far we've come.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flynn



    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ...Pretty sure you're supposed to be toast right now DIO....

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Unless you came back... Agaaaaaain.

  12. Tfw you join an RP war and nobody wants to put up the challenge and all join your side.. 3-1 odds..

  13. I don't copy "x" pro simply to copy them in hopes of emulating their success. Pros do generally have a higher understanding of what works and this is the mold many players base themselves off of to improve themselves but many of them do not fully understand why they make these changes specifically. It's okay to copy the pros but only if you know -why- you're doing it. Anyways, I've decided that Warrior/Hextech into tank is going to be what I consider the more consistent build considering Runeglaive doesn't burst AOE on champions anymore however it does definitely increase clear speed. Warrior/Hextech just seems to increase dueling potential overall.
  14. Lately I've been playing a lot of Evelynn and I saw Rush use her during the split but he went for a Runeglaive full AP into tank and he had solid success. However, I've been playing a Warrior into Hextech into tank build with a 8/10 win ratio. So I'd like some advice as to what might be the -most- optimal Evelynn build as I do understand she can build across the spectrum depending on team composition. But what would you say has the most potential overall?
  15. So I've finished the up to draw Reborn and Rejuvenation. Are there any other fan games one might suggest for me to play?

    1. Flynn


      Awesome, thanks.

  16. Dat Superman v.s Goku II tho.

    1. Sonikku


      it's finished?


    2. Omega_Ra1der


      nope not close qa

  17. Was playing a game with my ranked team and our Galio got a Pentakill under their tower. It was probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen before.

  18. My ranked team and I (LoL) are hoping to find a high elo professional player to coach us if just for a little bit to improve our play style and coordination. If you're confident in your abilities in LoL and have some time, hit me up.

  19. As a Jungler main, I would say I hate Nunu. ..But I play Shaco sometimes so I can't really complain. I'm loving the Shyv VU but most of all with this new patch, the Aatrox Sated Devourer. His W procs every two hits instead of three and it's so so powerful. Aatrox Jungle is definitely my favourite role atm.
  20. Battle Bunny Urgot. Popstar Urgot. But how do you think the Sated Devourer will aftect the Jungle? I expect to see a healthy buff to Aatrox since it's confirmed it procs his W every two attacks instead of three (Aatrox main here) and Riot is already talking up Jungle Kayle.
  21. The Percy Jackson movies were utterly terrible. *Insert completely biased rant about books > movie*
  22. Before, you could toss out your Q when getting ganked, fight and die and on the Q return end up with a double kill. It's comically broken but so much fun to watch happen. The Q return has increased damage so the AP ratio decrease is definitely needed.
  23. Ekko is still extremely solid. The most notable nerfs lie in the mana increase/AP ratio decrease to his Q and that his R now costs 100 Mana. Even so, he's still a consistent ban and is in my opinion, a top tier Champ.
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