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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. J Stars Victory VS+ came out today. Huh.

    1. Flynn


      Dibs on Tsuna.

  2. Yeah it was.. Weird. Ironically, our bot lane got rocked over and over until team fight phase. Luckily, I was fed by then.
  3. Occurances like these are what drive servers to contemplate a white list.
  4. Which do you like better? Crash Bandicoot or Spyro?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hypa


      omg the feels

      1.Jak and daxter on ps2 omg such a good game

      2.Rachet and Clank 49% of my childhood

      dificulty as a kid Spyro>Crash

      StoryLine Crash>Spyro

  5. Tfw you meet the new guy at work and he actually likes Kingdom Hearts too

  6. I'm loving Runeglaive. Has made one of my absolute favourite Champs shoot up in viability.
  7. Has anyone seen Inside Out? It was a fun movie.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zimvader42


      It was indeed fun.

    3. Flynn


      Murdoc, I saw that post too and I just knew someone would comment that.

    4. Fumble


      Loved Sadness~

  8. That feeling when the people you taught how to Play League since Lv. 1 manage to win their lane all by themselves.. Q~Q so proud

  9. Tahm Kench the River King has been revealed. Those abilities are amazing lol.

  10. I can't log into the server atm (at work) but two assured requests to join Ice and a potential third. Assured: Rysel and Sumaru Potential: ZechsR (he's just checking his schedule).
  11. By that time in the game, I believe you have access to Rain Dance and quite a few Dark types can learn it which can force the field to change into a Rainbow Field given it hasn't been Superheated yet iirc. Also, your topic title is a huge Gundam reference so kudos on that. *Edit: Ninja'd lol
  12. So Half Life 3 confirmed. Guess we can't use that joke anymore..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flynn


      Lol it was fun while it lasted.

    3. Kiryuu


      By mentioning Half-Life 3 you have delayed it by 1 Month. Half-Life 3 is now estimated for release in April 2590

    4. Flynn


      God dammit. This is worse than being told I lost the game after four years of going strong.

  13. If Riot made a League of Legends novel or anime, I could see Ekko being the main protagonist.

    1. Shanco


      Watch it be Teemo.

    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      It'd be Teemo. Garen and Annie would need to be in there as important characters somewhere.

      Also hoping for romantic interest between Teemo and Tristana.

    3. Neo


      Leblanc is definitely the best candidate for protagonist of the novel.

  14. They nerfed the hell out of Lucas. Just wow. http://www.ssbwiki.com/Lucas_(SSB4)

  15. Lucas is a little on the weaker side, Roy is very solid but Ryu is broken af.

    1. Maelstrom


      Ryu seems like he's really techy and broken if you can master him but... let me show you my lucas.

    2. TRHStatement


      Not before Wolf enters the fray

    3. Flynn


      No need Maelstrom. Lucas has been my main since the beginning of Brawl. I know how much ass he kicks.

  16. Commencing: Lucas hype

  17. Welp, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna play PMD: GtI

    1. Guzam


      Best of luck friend. May God have mercy on your soul.

    2. Felicity



    3. Omega_Ra1der


      Just leroy jenkins through it.

  18. Step parents gave me a legal name change for my birthday after winning custody when I was like 11 or 12. What every kid wants, amirite? Looking back I'm glad I didn't try to name myself something weird like Fang or Maximum or Captain Terror.
  19. Ekko is so shattered. Cannot wait until he gets balanced. I just went 17-10-10 Ekko Support (Tried to go top but an angry Shaco instalocked).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      I still want Yasuo nerfed.

    3. Shamitako


      ...Yasuo s really bad right now, if anything he needs buffed

    4. RubyHeart


      Yasuo is only op when he's fed...

  20. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches always taste better when they're made by somebody else...

  21. Wow. Dat new Maximum Ride book tho.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flynn


      Flux, somebody had to.

      Tacos, another one came out TODAY.

    3. Tacos


      I guess I can be a little less distraught over how poorly James ended Never More.

    4. Flynn


      Yeah. I was pretty pissed. But I just finished this new one. And uh. Not gonna spoil but it was kinda harsh. It takes place post-apocalyptic.

  22. Pidgeot ( C ): Pidgeot is a high quality support Pokemon throughout all levels of the game even up through Episode 14. Pidgeot has access to two core moves and a third of high use that places it in a position to benefit every team. Tailwind is obvious as to how it helps. A massive speed boost to your team for a short amount of time that enables your heavy hitters to outspeed the opponent whereas they normally couldn't. Feather Dance is, in my opinion, one of the greatest moves in the game. It allows Pidgeot to utterly cripple physical threats and allow even your glassiest sweepers to set up with their Quiver Dances or Bulk Ups and smash through the remainder of the enemy's team. With Pidgeot above average speed, it makes life so much easier. Unfortunately, Pidgeot's offensive standard is horrendous past Shelly, but with these two moves coupled with Roost for further resilience, Pidgeot can definitely be the Pokemon you need on your team. - Lanturn ( B ): (Chinchou/Lanturn is still available via wild encounter, right?) Now, Lanturn will not be sweeping teams any time soon outside of some hilarious status hacks scandal, but Lanturn is one of the most useful supportive Pokemon in the game from personal experience. With a massive HP stat coupled with a moderate Sp. Defensive stat, Lanturn fits exceptionally well as a special tank. In addition, Lanturn sports two abilities that put it in a great defensive position. Water Absorb and Volt Absorb, grabbing either is a smart decision (I suggest Volt Absorb). Alongside this, Lanturn has access to some game changing status moves being Thunder Wave and Confuse Ray and Eerie Impulse to perform the same role Pidgeot performs with Feather Dance to cripple special sweepers and allow your own to set up. Not to mention that Lanturn has access to Stockpile to increase tank that much further. With access to Discharge and Surf, both strong moves that are also STAB in the hands... Flippers.. Of Lanturn, it's easy to see how Lanturn can find a spot on almost any team. - Meowstic Male( C/B depending on the team. Sorry for repeating something you've already stated Zareason, but I feel as though this could use some further explanation ): Meowstic is a very solid Pokemon in its role. As much as I love both of them, female Meowstic unfortunately lacks the ability and move pool that makes male Meowstic so useful. Meowstic serves two separate roles throughout the game. One up to Aya, and past that, another one entirely. Before Aya, Meowstic serves as a solid sweeper with its modestly useful special attack stat and Psyshock. It'll definitely be of help throughout the early stages of the game. Once Meowstic's offensive power falls off, Meowstic transitions from sweeper into support. With Prankster Light Screen and Reflect and whatever status moves we find that he can learn, examples being Sunny Day or Rain Dance in case your team prospers from weather support or you want to cripple Charlotte's field. Prankster Light Screen/Reflect, however, is what really gives Meowstic its place. Halving damage on both spectrum and easing the burden your team has to take.
  23. Get. A Koffing. I cannot even begin to stress how useful that thing is especially through Corey. Keep Self-Destruct. Levitate completely shuts down Florina's field use and sweeps everything spare Ferroseed (she still has that, right?) with Sludge and works wonders as a physical tank. Destiny Bond and Memento really help late game.
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