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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Flynn

  1. Hmm.. What would you say are the most popular and least popular Monotypes?

    1. BIGJRA


      ice and dragon are unpopular because unless you save edit you can only get 4 and 2 before Aya, respectively

    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      I see a lot of Dark mono runs. And Ghost would be very hard, since there are none available for a while.

  2. Look! The East is burning red!

    1. Maelstrom


      The school of the undefeated of the East!

  3. Ekko tho.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      They say it aobut every champ when they come out... the last few have been pretty weak if I recall thoug... msotly since Riot is trying to make some absolutely bonkers champs right now...

    3. Tacos


      Rek'sai and Kalista were and still are strong champions in my opinion.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      oh yea... but thy certainly aren't Overpowered imo. That was more what I meant.

  4. Latios @ Latiosite Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Draco Meteor - Psyshock - Hidden Power Fire - Energy Ball Jirachi @ Expert Belt EVs: 132 Atk / 160 SpA / 216 Spe Mild Nature - Iron Head - Icy Wind - Hidden Power Ground - Thunderbolt I know both of them get butchered by Bisharp, but I'd love to see these two work efficiently on a team. They're awesome! I'm very open to seeing changes in move set and/or EVs but if anything, it'd be awesome to fit them into a balanced team not too stocked on either offense or defense.
  5. Ha! Take THAT Rejuventation Mewtwo.

  6. All hail the Magic Conch!

    1. Maelstrom


      If you put it up to your ear, you will drown in the ocean.

  7. After finishing episode 14, like many of you, I decided to train more members for the dream team. I caught a Petilil and raided it all the way to a Lv. 74 Liligant and was exceptionally happy with the Quiver Dance + Petal Dance + Own Tempo. But sadly, Liligant's movepool consists of Grass, Grass, and perhaps by the off chance more Grass. So I decided to teach her Hidden Power... But you want to guess what type Liligant's HP is?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flynn


      Yeah Q~Q

      It sucks. Liligant is one of my favourite Pokemon...

    3. Yash


      I breed mine to have HP Dark.. It is amazing.. If you want I can get you one..

    4. Etesian


      Hey, could be worse. I have a Drought Ninetales with HP Water. It's useless.

  8. 1. Gaius. He's awesome, super useful, almost all of his support convos are hilarious, voiced by Gideon Emery (fangirl swoon), has a unique outlook and personality, kicks majour ass in game (especially if paired with Lissa or Olivia who make up for his sheety Luck. Add Sol and it's gg), and he has awesome epilogue stories (again, especially with Olivia and Lissa; both endings are adorable, whereas pairing him with Cordelia is entertainingly awkward in the end). 2. Also Robin for the many reasons listed prior to my post. Awesome character personality-wise and a kick ass Dread Fighter (heh). 3. Morgan (F). She's just funny lol. Unique and air headed yet keen and interesting. Has the personality of someone I'd love to just chat with sometime. She's also a horrendously broken monster of terrifying proportions that sweeps end game maps with a tree branch.
  9. Koffing will carry you. Poison tying to resist grass. Levitate for Ground. Sludge + Self Destruct (mainly Sludge) will take out everything spare Ferroseed.
  10. Getting ideas for sequels to stories you haven't even written yet...

  11. Persona Q, or Xenoverse... Persona Q.... Or Xenoverse....

  12. Welp. Beat Dying Light. ...Now what. *Browses PS store*.

  13. On my way back from classes and got pulled over for "going the speed limit too fast"...

    1. Flynn


      Just for reference, it was because I accelerated to the speed limit too fast I guess.

    2. Commander


      If I were in your shoes, I probably would've been a bit of a dick to the guy and got a ticket for harassing a Police Officer.

  14. Perhaps a team with Mega Gardevoir and Weavile? That'd be amazing.
  15. After many long, arduous months of playing in between college classes, I've finally caught back up to ep. 14 after losing my save file...

  16. That Debonair Galio splash tho...

  17. Mario Strikers for Wii U pleeeaaase Nintendo!

    1. Jacobliterator


      Yes! This guy! He knows what we need!

    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Yes Volvo ples \o/ I mean nintendo \o/

    3. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      He knows quality games.

  18. ((To Monika)) Sidus turned in his seat to face Monika, linking his fingers together, and then separating them again; a nervous habit he was barely conscious of. "I'm from the back country past the city over, it's kind of a long story but..". Sidus felt warmth in his cheeks, he was speaking a little fast, feeling embarrassed by how difficult it was to talk casually to a stranger. After years of talking only to his mother and father-- and his older sister on the rare occasion, it was unnerving to peek outside the shell of social seclusion. He put his hand up to his mouth as if to clear his throat but realized he was avoiding Monika's gaze, and turned back to her. "It's a boring story I mean. But um-" Sidus made a show of looking at his watch. "I think we're about done with lunch and I need to settle kind of a pressing errand. We should talk later!". Without waiting for a reply, Sidus snatched his backpack and slung it over one shoulder, quickly maneuvering through the mess of desks and out of the classroom. He felt bad for rushing away from Monika so anxiously, but he couldn't stand stumbling over his words like a fool for much longer.. ..Also, there WAS a seriously pressing matter to attend to. Lunch was nearing its end, and Sidus had yet to eat! A travesty beyond comparison, as missing a meal could stand comparable to losing your ace monster right before a duel. Sidus hurried to his locker where lunch awaited.
  19. Stuck in a heated debate with my friends... Akatsuki, Gotei 13 Captains, or Organization XIII?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flynn


      Zerron, that logic is a little out of place lol. But I can respect your thoughts on it.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Honestly in a death battle? It's the Gotei 13 unquestionably.

    4. NickCrash


      Make it more challenging and ban Kenpachi.

  20. I'm unsure as to the level of ignorance I'm about to display as I know exceptionally little about the theme tours but... I'm also unsure if anything like this has already been done before but... I was playing some friends in 4 person chess and the majourity of the time, the Queen was the centerpiece of everyone's play and we all generally adapted our movements to our Queen's. So I had an idea on what might make an entertaining theme tour... One Pokemon from each tier, PU (Yes, I consider it a tier and so does Showdown, but can easily be adopted as a second NU), NU, RU, UU, OU, and one Uber. The Uber representing the "Queen" in this instance. Building a team across the several tiers to accommodate your Uber. If you have the Great Wall of Giratina or hyper offensive Rayquaza... And go off of that! Of course, this is just the skeleton and can be shaped to fit any mold.
  21. (To Monika/Open to anyone) Sidus accepted his cards back with silent appreciation, managing a slight nod in response. -Similar...?- Sidus took the card Constellar Stellarknight Diamond from the top of his deck and stared at it, feeling a wave of sickening nostalgia wash over him. He set it back down and exhaled. After a few moments contemplation, he turned towards the girl that had helped him put his cards together with intent on striking up a conversation. That was, after all, a huge reason he was here so far away from home. Meeting new people! This was a new city, a new way to live life. Despite the caution, aside from the fear of the unknown, Sidus felt the nervous pit in his stomach bubbling over with joy. However, the words were stuck in his throat, his mind blanking before they could take shape. The little blonde boy turned back to his desk, smiling to himself. "Similar? You must have really good taste, miss" Sidus spoke out loud without thinking to the girl, whose name he believed to be... Monika?
  22. PS4 + Dying Light = Get

  23. ((Specifically open to Monika/open to anyone else)) "Two. Three.. ..Would that work? I'll have to check the ruling..". Sidus rummaged through the mess of cards in front of him, each in their protective white sleeves, sprawled over the table in front of him. As lunch began and the class began to filter out, Sidus remained in his seat beside the back end window, immersed in his cards. It served as a good distraction, he had told himself, to avoid confronting the reality that his favourite teacher had died. Sidus knew evidently well to keep his mind occupied or risk becoming embarrasingly somber. None of the other students seemed to be as affected as he was by this situation and how it had come about, but that didn't bother Sidus. He knew everyone dealt with sadness their own way. Feeling his phone vibrate inside of his backpack which leaned against his leg, he slid his arm over to grab it from its protective pocket. In doing so, his arm pushed half of his mess of cards over the side and they took a tumble off the desk, littering the tiled floor. After a panicked gasp, Sidus stumbled out of his desk and began collecting his cards with all due haste. "Oh drat... I had just finished organizing" Sidus mumbled, hoping to himself that nobody was looking in his general direction when he so carelessly forgot about his deck and sent half of them over the side! He shook his pale blonde head, cheeks red with embarrassment. "Surely not".
  24. I'mma post as soon as I get off work (ten hour shift hooray). Cyaloom, if you're still game for having Monika and Sidus be friends, would you mind being the one to strike up a conversation? Due to his initially shy reserved personality, Sidus is more inclined to sit at a table and go through his cards like a loner.
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