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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Flynn

  1. Hels offered an apologetic smile. "Despite the rather melancholy company, the house is fine. I've already cleaned and organized the majority of it". Hels gestured towards the kitchen. "You can set your things in here, you'll find it much cleaner. Also, the pancakes are in the refrigerator if you still want some. It was nice to see another soul employed to God. After being stuck in a household with one he so yearned to "purify" and another he felt conflicted about bleeding dry, it was a breath of fresh air to see father Aaron. "I did not expect to see you in these parts, father. Are you on business?".
  2. Thinking of getting into a new fandom... Stuck between Persona and Homestuck.

  3. Gods, just seeing "melon bread" made me think of Shakugan no Shana.
  4. Just a btw, I'll be busy all today and tomorrow until 6:00 P.M Pacific. Hope that doesn't hinder anything planned.
  5. IGN - Rysel Ulrich Rank - Silver III Hard main - Jung, Supp Very solid - Top, Mid Decent - ADC I make sure to have at least four Champs for every role I practice regularly.
  6. On Nazi Zombies when Black Ops 1 was still a thing, I was the last one alive with nothing but a ballistic knife and a Wunderwaffe with one shot on round 38 Der Reise. Instead of holding up in a corner and praying, I got Quick Revive and ran through the map trying to group the horde and revive my noob friends. Bought every gun off every wall I could see.
  7. "Father, it's wonderful to see you". Hels stepped into the presence of the visitor, his hands together in his robe sleeves. He bowed slightly and smiled. "I had made breakfast some thirty minutes ago but your offer is highly appreciated. Is their anything I can do for you while you're here? We have extra pancakes in the refrigerator". ((Hels being a priest himself I figured the two would know each other but I didn't want to assume a name and further in case you already have something in mind)).
  8. Kid Icarus - Uprising is among the higher quality 3DS games. It follows the previous story of the older Kid Icarus game but you don't need to have played the original to understand Uprising. They explain all of the references anyways. The game itself ranges from aerial combat and land based. The aerial combat is easy to control, a lot of fun, and you'll never be bored with it. It keeps you moving, thinking, but still being easy to adjust to. You move Pit with the circle pad and use the R button to shoot with a weapon varying from an array of different types. Claws, swords, clubs, bows, orbitars (actually called orbitars, not orbiters). Each weapon is unique in its own right. Land based combat takes a while to get used to. You move the screen with the stylus in a fully 3D environment coupled with the use of special divine powers that help in fights such as giant lasers or bombs, or powers that assist in secret areas such as a high jump. All weapons have both ranged shots and melee for up close. Your fighting will automatically swap between melee and ranged one you're in range. Of course, some weapons are better in one area over another. In each level, you also decide the difficulty before entering the field in a way of putting up gold to increase difficulty. Of course, the more you put up, the more you'll win/lose. The aesthetics are amazing and filled with visual eye-candy. The artwork for the characters is great for both conversation portraits and in game. This is paired by absolutely hilarious dialogue involving references to common media, often breaking the 4th wall, and merry banter between Pit and Palutena, as well as the enemy or ally you happen to be with at the time. Oh, and the PvP is fun if not broken. Everybody kind of massacres each other instantly but there are virtually no limits. You can use any weapon you've made as well as your divine powers. Ten mega lasers shooting across the map at once coupled with everyone being invisible? It's crazy. Oh, and. Most of all. The music is awesome.
  9. Celtchar tending to a farm with his sheep dog, Doelchu. Or from his actual story, Celtchar killing Doelchu and weeping.
  10. I missed a lot lately since I got a new computer and it took a while to get running. Can I get a rundown of what's going on/suggested take of action or is it something I can get just by reading through?
  11. Hels had awoken some three hours earlier for his morning duties. He washed all of his clothing, cleaned and managed his rooming, dusted and organized the majority of this rickety old home spare the private spaces of his fellow Masters. He had attempted to gain Lancer's assistance in cleaning the kitchen but it ended with Lancer breaking one of the dining chairs and fracturing a large section of the counter. He had started breakfast some twenty minutes ago and the smell of pancakes wafted through the kitchen. Lack of focus and deep speculation coupled with a monotonous pattern of pouring mix and tending it caused Hels to unintentionally make far more pancakes than he had intended. He offered them to Lancer took one by hand and left the room, leaving Hels to place the platter, populated by pancakes on the dining room table. He took his own serving and began to eat, opening a small hand bible and scribbling within the pages during pauses between pancake. "Archer has two Noble Phantasms it seems... Both of them placing a considerable threat on Lancer's fighting style who requires time to reach what he told me to be transcendent power. Unfortunately, it would be best to assume the worst in that of Archer having more in his bag of tricks, which means Lancer will not be able to combat Archer alone. Despite the fact Lancer had not been using nearly the extent of his power, Lancer had claimed that Archer wasn't either in our earlier conversation. Testing the waters with currents far more powerful than I had expected... It would be nice to know the details of Saber and Assassin's capabilities, but I highly doubt they would tell me at this point"
  12. Kha'Zix can play all three of those. He has CC, poke, dash (jump) that also works as an escape, low CD Ult. Yasuo can Top/Mid, Galio can Top/Mid/Support. Virtually every Melee Mid can Top. I have more suggestions but I'm at work atm and will get back to you.
  13. On this replay of Reborn, I just realized Kiki and I share the same last name, wow that's epic.

  14. Got a Wii-U and SSB4. Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam!

  15. Eeeeyyyy good taste with Gallade! Funny how both new guys take the same Pokemon!
  16. Weirdest thing happened... Long story short, was at a shopping center behind a group of people completely out of view, girl and her friends walk up to me after I get out of the group and she asks "Can you hold this?", gives ms a torn, folded napkin and leaves. Confused, I open it with a phone number saying "Call me maybe?". I feel like I'm getting pranked since it was so out of the blue... No way she saw me, meaning she had it prepared beforehand... I feel as though this i...

    1. Flynn


      Is a trick*, word limit .-.

    2. HolyKnight


      If i were on your place, I would play the biggest damn prank ever.

    3. Dei


      Call through *67 (anonymous number) just in case.

  17. Dragon Nest problems... Can't decide whether to use Eggs on my Moon Lord or Assassin, I finally decide and get absolutely nothing but potions =_=

  18. "Hm..." Hels was stuck in thought. A Master like how Saber described could be dangerous. Obviously, they are working with Caster's master in some way shape or form. Hels decided it was best to assume it was a mutual relationship for now and work with that. "She is most likely going to pose both a threat both physically with her Servant and mentally with her intelligence, which I can only assume to be of high standard. From this, Berserker's Master most likely stands above Caster's in terms of efficiency". Lancer stepped forward to Saber, offering his thoughts. "We were both faced with harsh trials tonight, Saber. As warriors, It's best to celebrate our success of survival tonight and look forward to tomorrow's victories. After all, the battle has only just begun".
  19. Hels nodded, his mind beginning to speculate. Unfortunately, Berserker's Master was either smart enough or lucky enough to have held off Saber with only the most basic concepts endowed in any Berserker class Servant. A simple Claymore didn't offer much ground. "That doesn't give us much to go off of. What were their Masters like? Anything special about them?". As a tactician, Hels needed the finer details to work against another human being. Assuming the other Masters were competent, Hels needed to devise something about them.
  20. Data battles are where you can challenge the Organization in battles far more difficult than those in the story line. They each possess new abilities and more aggressive fighting styles. They're crazy hectic and crazy fun. There's more to it than that, but the rest comes as a surprise! But yeah, if you DO end up wanting to attend, on Tuesday at exactly 1:00 P.M PST, find the Kingdom Hearts Facebook page and they'll give a link offering 50 tickets (this is the last chance) to the event. Make sure to grab only one! Grabbing multiple will disqualify your ticket. The event is on December 1st. I'll be there, so let's chill and eat overpriced Disney food
  21. That feeling when your 3DS starts flashing red during a Legendary encounter, you rush to plug it in and your charger is broken...

  22. I'm excited for the Data battles in KH II FM. I have an obsession with good boss battles or hard fights that severely challenge you, and just watching YouTube videos of Data Axel, Data Saix, Data Larxene, DATA ROXAS, and the rest, it just... I think about it and it gets me hyped. BBS definitely has the absolute best music and my favourite story line. Luckily, I live in California so I'm going to try to go to the early release event at Downtown Disney, Disneyland.
  23. 2.5 HYPE YES I cannot begin to explain how excited I am!!! Anyways, you seem like a fun person (with exceptional taste too) and I look forward to talking with you. Welcome welcome!
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