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Everything posted by zimvader42

  1. I came just back in time to say: Mimikyu's ability is goddamn amazing. All new mons announced today look cool one way or the other. Also more meta-breaking abilities lol. Off again, see ya.

    1. Red_Chaos


      NO, i wanna say hi :(

  2. Persian has a tiny ass red orb on its head. Persian can learn power gem. Diancie is a literal living diamond stone with gems all over. Diancie can't learn power gem.

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    2. Cepheus


      it doesn't need Power Gem... it has DIAMOND STORM

    3. zimvader42


      @NC: and I lack a decent special rock STAB on one of my fav megas to use.

      @Ceph: it needs it if I plan to run moonblast on it, since it doesn't get play rough and going mixed just for the sake of diamond storm is not really good imo.

      Plus on the matter, carbink does get power gem. Diancie's case is probably a mistake that I hope they fix in S&M.

    4. Azeria


      tbh diamond storm is amazing as it gives a 50% chance of a def buff. Coming from a nice 160 base attack, even with a lack of investment, with stab, it'll still be doing a shit ton of damage.

  3. If Gamefreak expects me to believe that a ghost type stole fabric, painted it after pikachu and goes around cosplaying like that then they are doing a great job because I'm totally buying it.

    1. SilverJakler


      oh my god that thing is creepy

    2. Red_Chaos
  4. The ghost one is the real deal. Togedemaru was a decoy the whole time. On a side note, I find it interesting that out of 21 pokemon of gen 7 currently known, now 12 have new abilities. That's roughly 60% of the mons having new abilities. I bet that the starters' HAs are going to be new abilities too most likely, so I'm fascinated as to how many new abilities (and moves) this gen is going to introduce.
  5. The [REDACTED] type is pretty much a reverse wobbuffet of sorts. I love that. The other one is based off an animal fans have long waited for... altough I cannot say I'm 100% pleased with how it looks. I hope it evolves.
  6. When you have to keep a friend's dog after you haven't had to take care of a dog of your own in like, 12 years. These are goibg to be some rather interesting 10 days..

    1. Red_Chaos


      go get some treats for it :D

    2. Cepheus


      doggy-cuddles!!!! :D

  7. You people and your AMAs

  8. Is more about the wrestling theme coming out of nowhere and the design of the fake leak itself more than the bipedal-ity itself, tbh. Although you're right tho, all fire starters end up bipedal lol.
  9. The popplio and rowlet [pressumed] fake leaked final forms I absolutely love, but I despise litten's, in many ways. Not only because wrestling (eeeew, imo...), but implicit fire/fighting, no justification for humanoid-ness in the line's progression whatsoever and horrid wrestling-esque belt of fire thing. If litten really does end like that it will be the first and most likely only disappointment reaction I'll have towards the pokemon franchise for this gen. However, I don't really believe these, as cool as that siren popplio thing looks to me. I had seen these same supposed leaks in know your meme (in the pokemon image gallery) last month and the pics are still there, were never taken down and I suspect they won't. Plus, I have a hard time believing there are no gyms. I find it too risky a move, and GF are generally cowards in innovation within their storytelling. So yeah, for once, I hope at least 80% of these are actual fakes.
  10. Oh my fucking arceus the new pokemon man. I kinda like its desing, but its GODDAMN ABILITY? have you seen that shit? spoiler for those who haven't: EDIT: tfw you putting a spoiler is automatically made pointless by the guy above you xD
  11. That feel when your father asks you to give him some music in spanish, and you only got 6 songs. Out of 680. I really should get back on track with my language's music.

  12. Indeed, Ralts is a thing too. In fact it is one of my fav mons to get early game, because with trace, you can scout every other wild pokemon and thus you'll know beforehand what abilities you're gonna get. Very useful. Also, its whole line on itself is very neat, and gardevoir is a surprisingly useful pokemon in game, a key special attacker that only got better after getting a fairy subtyping. The only reason I didn't really consider it for a possible starter was that it branches out with gallade if you get a male kirlia and a dawn stone, which is unseen for starter pokemon, as far as I remember. Maybe they might do something like that for gen 7's, dunno. Would be cool tho.
  13. We have home appliances and key rings as pokemon, and they've managed to make me like both to some extent. So if that's possible, then nothing can surprise me anymore. I don't think the important part about a pokemon is its concept, but rather how well the concept is executed. So basically anything could be a pokemon imo, as long as enough work and heart goes into its design and lore to justify everything being a pokemon in the first place. If you make a keyring or ice cream because you believe in a keyring or ice cream pokemon and do it well, I'll like it. If you make a keyring or ice cream because you're running out of ideas and need 1 more for your dex, it will show and I probably won't care for it. I don't think there's more to it. Some people will probably say that there are things gamefreak would never turn into actual pokemon for one reason or another, and they're probably right, but as far as creating pokemon goes, be them canon or fakemon, I think all can be done well and end up as a likeable design. Although, I think I could agree with ICSW here, that a literal human pokemon could be rather....unsettling, to have. Mr Mime is one thing but a pokemon whose species is "human" would be just weird. The weirdest and most uncanny pokemon I've seen is a fakemon from pokemon vega called otakun, which is a poison type otaku wearing a cape. It is basically a bald white humanoid with the ability stench. You tell me if that isn't unsettling to some extent.
  14. Well to be honest, I failed to consider that birds could work just fine for flying starters. I guess I was too focused on making the line's prime type a priority, and thus failed to see all other flyings except Noivern. Staraptor is a pretty solid 3-stage, with attack and speed backed up by close combat, brave bird, and good abilities on reckless and intimidate. So that could definitely work. I never understood why is it that there haven't been any line with flying as their first type prior to gen 6, and any pure flying prior to gen 5. Is not like type order affects anything, so things like Staraptor could perfectly be flying/normal instead of the other way around. I guess there could be a "bird starter" category lol. When you think about it, all normal/flying early game birds are more or less built as lesser starters.
  15. I've seen Shinx get used for starter pokemon in some fangames, and I can tell you right now, it works just fine for that role. It even evolves twice, once at level 15 and another at level 30, both of which are close to the range of 14-18 and 32-36 that canon starters evolve at. Personally, I would choose with this criteria: 3 Stage lines only. Their primary type has to be the type in question, and must be kept that way throughout the whole line. The members should evolve all by level and as close as possible to 15-36. The final form should ideally have a BST of 500 or higher, but not 600 (no pseudos in this list). If the BST is at ~490 that's close enough for me. So that would leave me with: Normal // Lillipup-Herdier-Stoutland --- they evolve at lvls 16 and 32, close enough. Good abilities on intimidate, scrappy and sand rush, all 3 of which can be useful in one situation or another. The final form, stoutland, is surprisingly good too: it has good coverage, good physical attack, and decent enough speed, even boosted by sand rush if need to be. A dog is familiar enough that it could be a starter line, and tbh, stoutland is one of the most normal-looking pokemon I ever saw. It is.... just a dog. A big fluffy dog. Is a great form of embodiment for the normal type. Electric // Shinx-Luxio-Luxray --- the afore mentioned electric cats evolve at lvls 15 and 30, good enough for me. Luxray is slow for an electric type, but at least it got just one weakness and a quite good physical attack, paired with good abilities on intimidate and guts. Even rivalry is good sometimes. It doesn't have the greatest coverage options ever but at least it got some staples like crunch and superpower. Being a cat/lynx thing, I think it is familiar enough to be a starter kind of line. Fighting // Machop-Machoke-Machamp --- I had to betray my requisites a bit here. As currently of gen 7, there aren't any known 3-stage lines that have fighting as their primary type and evolve all by level. Regardless of Machoke evolving by trade, the whole line serves the purpose pretty well otherwise. Machamp is a very strong pokemon in-game, with great abilities on guts and no guard, great attack and some rather awesome and powerful moves to chose from. Hope I won't have to make more exceptions for the other types. Flying // Noibat-Noivern --- aaaand I'm betraying my own requeriments just as I finished saying that. There aren't any non-legendary mons with flying as their primary type other than these two. Noibat is super weak, even for starter standards, and it evolves super late, at level 48. Meaning, if you choose this as your starter, you'll really need a team built to support you until you reach evolution levels. But once there, you get yourself a nice, strong and fast Noivern, which is pretty cool looking too. Dunno what else to say here. Ground // Sandile-Krokorok-Krookodile --- I was going to choose the flygon line originally, but it evolves quite late and is a bit weirder as by starter standards. Sandile on the other hand is just a sand crocodile, which is normal-ish enough, and pretty cool tbh. This line evolves at lvls 29 and 40, a bit missplaced but still good enough I'd say. They have a nice dark sub-typing and Krookodile has sweet stats, sweet abilities and a sweet enough movepool. Poison // Zubat-Golbat-Crobat --- in a bit of a predicament again here. So, there aren't any lines with poison as 1st type that evolve solely by level and are 3 stage. While the nidos are a nice choice, I think zubats get closer to what I like for a poison starter. Fast, good attack and with rather solid options in moves like super fang, taunt, toxic, etc. With a nice flying subtyping, and thus able to carry AND use the HM fly in-game. They evolve at level 22 and then by friendship. Psychic // Solosis-Duosion-Reuniclus --- for 3-stage lines with primary psychic typing, my only other options are gothitelle and alakazam. The first being a bit too human for a starter imo, and the later being a bit too overpowered by starter standards bar greninja, maybe. So, Reuniclus it is. One of my fav psychic types, I think it embodies most of the good things about this typing: great special attack, good abilities in regenerator, magic guard and overcoat, and some freaky yet awesome inspiration on real-life cells and such. They evolve a bit late, at lvls 32 and 41, and Reuniclus' BST is 490, it doesn't reach 500, but with 125 special attack? I think that's good enough. Solosis is not completely useless until it evolves, unlike Abra. Bug // Venipede-Whirlipede-Scolipede --- a rather straight-forward pick. A cool line, evolving at lvls 22 and 30, so close enough. Good poison subtyping for defensive purposes, and we all know scolipede rules! good attack, good speed and a great ability on speed boost. Poison point and swarm are...okay. Regardless, I chose this and not, say, leavanny, because it has less weaknesses going on in-game, despite its BST doesn't reach 500 unlike leavanny's (it should imo). Ice // Spheal-Sealeo-Walrein --- it was a very close call between the only 2 3-stage ice lines that aren't the vanilluxe one: walrein's and mamoswine's. I went with walrein because at least those evolve all by level, at 32 and 44, a bit late but oh well. Water is a nice subtyping, and walrein is quite bulky, with 3 good abilities and useable attack and special attack. Rock // Geodude-Graveler-Golem --- these 3 have some problems to be the pick here, but there aren't many more options other than gigalith and tyranitar, tbh. Golem is a nice mon with almost 500 BST, good attack and defense, sturdy making up for its important weaknesses and a good combo of STAB earthquake and stone edge. With explosion! Ghost // Gastly-Haunter-Gengar --- like, is there even a question here? even if there is, is not like there are many other 3-stage ghost lines. There's dusknoir and chandelure, both of which are pretty cool lines, but gengar outshadows them as the perfect embodiment of the ghost type, for starter purposes. It is scary, it is mischievous, it is silly but creepy, it is a shadow, what else? all the members of this line are good pokemon on their own regard, so I think if anything they could be a bit more powerful as starters than most other picks on this list, but between that, chandelure's 145 special attack and dusknoir's never ending bulk, I choose gengar. Dragon // Axew-Fraxure-Haxorus --- this line is literally the only dragon type 3 stage line that is not a pseudo or flygon. Literally. And thus, I went with them. Haxorus honestly has some rather sick-looking design, impressive attack, access to dragon dance and some rather cool moves at its disposal. If anything, the only con is that they evolve relatively late, at lvls 38 and 48. Steel // Aron-Lairon-Aggron --- This line definitely. The only other 2 that could fight for the spot are klinklang (a gear would be a rather weird choice for a starter, and they have some lackluster movepools) and aegislash (more ghost than steel to me, that and the fact it is a bit too powerful for a starter, with king's shield, stance change and all). Aggron is a good balance of powerful steel type that could be your first companion. Good attack, insane defense, but a couple very glaring weaknesses. The rock subtyping really helps its cause in the offensive tho, with STAB stone edge. It has a good movepool with dragon and ground options, so treat it well and wreck shit with it. Dark // Scraggy-Scrafty --- a bit of a cheat again, but there are no dark type 3-stage lines other than hydreigon that have dark as their primary type. A shame krookodile isn't an option. But anyways, I always loved scrafty. It has neat abilities, neat design, it can sweep if you let it dragon dance up, and it is a rare defensive fighting type, so cheerish it. Scraggy evolves a bit late, but it suffices the role of starter, I think. Fairy // Togepi-Togetic-Togekiss --- my only options here were clefable, florges and togekiss. As much as I love all 3 of them, clefable didn't had the BST, evolves by everything but level and is quite amorphous for a starter, imo. Florges is the de-facto fairy, but I think with that 550+ BST and its capability to sponge hits, it was a bit too powerful. Then there's togekiss. Originally normal/flying, togekiss is liked by some and hated by some other. Mainly because serene grace air slash is a thing. BUT, to all practical effects, togepi is a tiny egg, perfect to carry around and take care off, which is a nice embodiment of a fairy starter, I would say. The line needs friendship and later a shiny stone to evolve, but the sheer power and bulk of the final form is compensation enough. Those are my 2 cents on the matter. Also re-reading this it came out as a super long post. Well shit.
  16. Oh ok I get it now. It is like a permanent snatch for the substitute, just that it also prevents the use of sub again until the snatched one is destroyed. Cool. Is it speed based tho? as in, you know how encore fails if you move before your target? was wondering if it is something like that.
  17. I don't quite get what this one does. You prevent the target from using moves behind a substitute? you only prevent it from setting more subs?
  18. If you go to the en-us site of pokemon S&M, the 7 new mons leaked yesterday are officially there now, so you can read their descriptions (some are very cool, imo), the abilities they have, and their species name and such. Also, nekkoala and iwanko are there now as well, with their official western names. All the new abilities' effects and official western names have also been uploaded. All I'll say is, if charjabug ends up as a decent eviolite user, with THAT ability, it might be interesting in doubles. Like, REALLY interesting. So much in fact that Vikavolt's description directly hints at this possibility in battle. PS: Also, by now, we know 18 pokémon of gen 7. Out of these, 9 have what currently are signature abilities, which I'd say surpases what is normal in terms of giving signature abilities from previous gens. I mean gen 6 had flabebe, aegislash, aromatisse, slurpuff, but they're really going overboard in gen 7. Basically half of everything known thus far has a new ability, which is crazy. I like them all tho, they are pretty creative abilities and some of them have been long-awaited by fans, but I wonder how many signature abilities and moves we'll end up with when this gen is fully released. EDIT: further thoughts and other info I just read in the spoiler. The masquerain person, that iirc was disappointed if you could not play as zygarde dog alone without being a form change into perfect zygarde, you'd maybe like to read this. Spoiler for Komala (Nekkoala): Spoiler for Charjabug: And finally, for Drampa:
  19. Upon seeing charjabug I happened to think of a piñata pony pokemon. Named it ponyo. 2 minutes later I realise.

  20. Whenever someone's thread forces me to post this picture again, it becomes my avatar for the rest of the week. Thank you for that.
  21. After today's morning I'm sure of it: bureaucratic paperwork is the 2nd worst thing in the world. The first being, amoonguss/tornadus regenerator core.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Red_Chaos
    3. zimvader42


      @Viri: yeah, but at least you don't see it in OU.

      @Red: Hi red :)

    4. Cobalt996


      No, the worst thing is dealing with both of them.

  22. Mega flygon, mega solrock/lunatone, mega ninetales, mega slowking (don't make it as stupid or annoying as slowbro's pls) and mega meganium. That's all I'd seriously like from this gen. In fact, that's all I seriously think we need; give everythibg else an evolution instead of a mega, pls.
  23. >When you don't come to this website in ages if it's not to talk in a "favorite something" thread. I'm using the website Pineapple suggested to do this, so this order might not be the same as I've used in other favorite pokemon threads in the past, as I'm using just what the website told me were my fav 10 in the order it told me based on my picks.
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