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Everything posted by zimvader42

  1. So many transparent avatars, cool

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I dunno how to do that really but I guess I should lol. ((I actually really like that one so I'd like to use it again lol.))

    3. Flux


      Yeah, just pm it to me or something if you want, and I can fix it up. Unless you'd rather do it yourself.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I don't know how the shit to do that otherwise... I would've XD>

  2. You know, now that I think about it, I didn't explain my choices in the OP. And seeing so many people do it....I must join: Normal trope: I love Furret simply and solely because how cute I think it is. I don't like Sentret all that much tho. Furret can do SOME stuff in doubles with support such as helping hand, me first and the likes, but it is not a mon I consider particularly strong, only cute as god damn hell. Zigzagoon and Linoone tho, are my favs on pair with Furret. I've used belly drum + extreme speed linoone in a few games before, and I loved it, it is quite fun. I also somewhat enjoy Diggersby because of his unique normal/ground and the combo of huge power + return + EQ, that thing is strong. Like, diggersby tho?! Bird trope: Swellow is my fav mainly because in pokémon glazed (fangame) I used to have one in all of my replays, for the purpose of fly assistant and overall strongest non-legendary flying type of choice in that game. So fast and with good STABS, and since the AI is dumb even fly is a good move to use in battle. Double team, STAB facade if the opponent happened to burn was MURDER. Staraptor is definitely my fav if I have to judge by strength. Reckless, intimidate, brave bird, return, close combat.... this thing is powerful. I can't wait for my pidove to evolve! I also said I liked Noctowl, and is true. But mostly because of looks (is an owl, I mean... bro), not because I find it particularly helpful in battle. Unfezant is pretty sweet looking too and can do quite the damage with...whatever unfezant runs. I kinda sometimes like Talonflame, but I can't help but relate it to OU :/ Cocoon trope: except for burmy, mothim and wormadam (which I don't like solely because of how ugly I consider them to be, not because of their gimmick which I think is pretty awesome), I like all cocoon pokemon, and all common regional bugs for that matter (this is the category venomoth, ledian, ariados, etc. would be in). I particularly like Beedrill (fav 1st gen bug, despite being weak as shit outside of mega), leavanny (fav gen 5 bug type, so cute) and scolipede (a pretty good one even in competitive). Pika trope: if Azumarill is an option, then that. I like this fatty cute bunny thing with the strength to lift trucks. Out of the actual electric type ones, emolga in particular I always found the cutest one, and pachirisu is somewhat cute as well. Dedenne I don't find all that similar to Raichu as people say. Bad, maybe, but is cute nonetheless. Pikachu too and is the original, so I guess I can only say... am I the only one that has a liking for Plusle and Minum, even if small? Pseudo trope: I like them all, but as I said in the OP, dragonair for fav (sorry dragonite), then goodra, hydreigon, tyranitar, metagross, and sharing the last spot, salamence and garchomp. This, pretty much.
  3. You can't sadly. Only ace members and mods can delete posts. If you want to delete the double post, use the "report" button to notify an admin, and they'll delete the duplicate for you. Also, if dragons are not an option, nidoking isn't either, have you considered scizor? hits like a truck? yes. Can survive a non SE hit? yes. If anything, its greater downsides is that it has a slightly smaller coverage than other options here (basicaly bug, steel, flying, fighting, dark, normal and poison), and is not that fast, but bullet punch makes up for it. Other options like the already suggested Eelektross are good as well. Suck it up and level it up!
  4. ... that's actually true, sorry I had forgotten (we have so many convos that I have to delete them over time and I don't always remember what is in each one of them Dx). Well I did not make any octopus (that I know of at least), but I did make a scylla-like mon that has mouths for hands, in a similar fashion to Hydreigon, so is that acceptable? It is also a hula dancer, you can, like, put one in your car and it will dance. Is kinda cute ANYWAYS, going on-topic again, I'll let Tomas handle the Ceph proposal/situation. Is not something I have much to say that Nick and Tomas hadn't said already two posts above :/
  5. What did you pick in the end? Nidoking?
  6. I missed Ame, Elf and Shing, what is this madness?!? TotallyRadHumanSuperhero ?
  7. Any pseudo legend fits what you're looking for, but... Bibarel has a diverse movepool (rock, fighting, water, normal, ice, electric, ground, ghost, grass, steel), can survive a shadow ball, hits like a truck (after several curses) and has decent speed (before several curses, or holding iron ball in trick room). It also has a unique typing in normal/water, which is yet another reason to use it.
  8. No TRHS, sorry SHIA (what's up with all these acronyms?) Hmm....the Honchkrow guy?
  9. Hukuna going back to normal reminded me that it was time to go back to this old guy. Ahh, nothing like the classics.

  10. Magcargo doesn't get withdraw? huh, that's new

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      You do know that if it was actually that hot it would like... melt the entire world right? So... that shell definitely wouldn't survive.

    3. zimvader42


      Not actually the whole world Huk, but close enough. Assuming Magcargo's size as that of a dog, with double the T of the surface of the Sun, everything in at least 100-200 (if not up to 500) metres around it would vaporize. The soil/surface Magcargo walked in would be liquid around it and go to pure gas on contact. The gases of the atmosphere around it would be plasma, and magcargo itself would be a miniature sphere of boiling plasma/gas.

      Still, Flannery can pet them.

    4. TimTim


      in other words, GF skewed logic still stands XD

  11. I'm not sure myself, but I think you had to put youtube video URL [/video*] for it to appear as a video playable in your post, if that's what you mean you want to do. If you want a text to be put in a spoiler (the text will be unreadable until the person reading opens the spoiler, which might save you a lot of space in the OP) you use
  12. Y U NO LIEK GOSTZ? Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, Hanukkah... we don't have that many mons Red. But I'll try to make one for christmas. Try. Also you never asked me to draw anything before o.o
  13. Well, all I say, I say it from my own opinion: even if the game ends up divided among the fans, that means 50% will love it, which sounds good to me (and I assure you, these proportions are never 50% dislike -50% like, they're usually more like 20% dislike-80% like). I like games with heavy story, and I've been through VERY long cutscenes, so that shouldn't be a problem. Also it seems you have very good friends, helping you with this game. Congratulations to you all for the progress you've made together!
  14. >I am not that awesome >Does a lot of the programming, mapping, and writes entire story You see the contradiction here right? xD Needless to say, good luck on finishing this which will probably be a masterpiece fangame, cuz god damn it looks awesome right now. Now I need to know how to manage my time in order to play all these fangames. Hmm..
  15. Oooh, this one looks neeeeeeato as fuck. Will be looking forward to downloading it when the time comes. The sketches and art are amazing. Did you draw those sketches of the villains yourself? Did I mention this one looks neato? Like, really neato?
  16. Well, do you know how kids go trick-or-treating with an adult? this is totally not that. Run for your souls! IKR? Damn, we got myth busted o-o
  17. Did you know...that right now...there's a skeleton inside you? Whatever you do, don't freak out: move your hands slowly, and dance in order to shake it off you

    1. Combat


      We fear skeletons, because we know the monster lives inside of us.

  18. The spooping has arrived!

  19. I love to see all these mons that are almost never mentioned in favorite lists get some love! Well the pseudos usually make it to those lists but anyways. Yes, how could I forget! Thanks for the reminder, this and other line I was reminded of earlier have been added to the OP. @Jericho: yes, I added the stoutland and venipede line upon being reminded of them. Stoutland is not a rodent, but neither are zigzagoon and sentret, so stoutland is fine as well as a choice for the normal type trope. Venipede is indeed a cocoon line, and so unlike Venonat, it has been added to the list of choices as well.
  20. Well, this is my 666th post, and it is also Halloween.... do you know what that means? why nothing of course, there's no relation between those two things. Still, the Se7en team wants to wish you all a happy Halloween; whether you're spending it at home, with friends, raising the dead... what matters is to have fun, and eat lots of candy. And have some scary experience to later share. And well, since 666th post is a special milestone and whatnot, have this drawing featuring some kids going trick or treating: They're disguissed as Pokémon! And their costumes are so good that they even manage to levitate and everything! ....wait....
  21. Thanks to Flux for reminding us about the true spirit of halloween: status updates! HAPPY HALLOWEEN Y'ALL!

  22. Hmm, it seems you people call these tropes "normal, bird, pikachu and pseudo". I think I'm gonna edit the title to make it shorter xD
  23. Hmm, true, good idea there Chubb. I would add fossils as well but we already have (two) topics for fav fossil mon, would be kinda redundant.
  24. With all these "favorite X?" threads, I thought this one would be interesting too. You know how every generation you get certain tropes that are almost a tradition on GF's part at this point? You got rattata, pidgey and caterpie in gen 1, and from then on, you've been getting the equivalent of rattata, pidgey and caterpie in pretty much every gen ever since. There's also the special case of Pikachu and its clones, that is a trope generally hated by most people, but worth noting anyways. Just to refresh your memory, these are the normal tropes of each gen: Gen 1: Rattata - Raticate Gen 2: Sentret - Furret Gen 3: Zigzagoon - Linoone Gen 4: Bidoof - Bibarel Gen 5: Patrat - Watchog // Lillipup - Herdier - Stoutland (kinda?) Gen 6: Bunnelby - Diggersby These are the bird tropes: Gen 1: Pidgey - Pidgeotto - Pidgeot // Spearow - Fearow Gen 2: Hoothoot - Noctowl Gen 3: Taillow - Swellow Gen 4: Starly - Staravia - Staraptor Gen 5: Pidove - Tranquill - Unfezant Gen 6: Fletchling - Fletchinder - Talonflame These are the cocoon tropes of each gen. Note that this trope includes all worm-->cocoon-->bug lines, not only butterflies: Gen 1: Caterpie - Metapod - Butterfree // Weedle - Kakuna - Beedrill Gen 2: - (the closest thing would be Ledyba - Ledian // Spinarak - Ariados, I suppose) Gen 3: Wurmple - Cascoon/Silcoon - Dustox/Beautifly Gen 4: Burmy - Wormadam/Mothim (it has a slight spin to the trope, but it fits regardless) Gen 5: Sewaddle - Swadloon - Leavanny // Venipede - Whirlipede - Scolipede (thanks to Monochrome for the reminder!) Gen 6: Scatterbug - Spewpa - Vivillon And finally, these are the pikachu clones of each gen: Gen 1: Pikachu lol Gen 2: Pichu (although it is Pikachu's prevo, has some merit there I guess) // Marill - Azumarill (kinda? I guess Pikablue and all...) Gen 3: Plusle and Minum Gen 4: Pachirisu Gen 5: Emolga Gen 6: Dedenne Now, which are your most/least favorite ones? I like Furret, Zigzagoon, Swellow, Staraptor, Noctowl, Beedrill, Leavanny and Emolga/Pachirisu. EDIT: Thanks to the idea of our fellow Chubb here (one post below), I'm also including pseudo legends here, since you indeed get one each gen. The pseudo legends are: Gen 1: Dratini - Dragonair - Dragonite Gen 2: Larvitar - Pupitar - Tyranitar Gen 3: Bagon - Shelgon - Salamence // Beldum - Metang- Metagross Gen 4: Gible - Gabite - Garchomp Gen 5: Deino - Zweilous - Hydreigon Gen 6: Goomy - Sliggoo - Goodra From these, I love Dragonair, Hydreigon, Goodra, Metagross and Tyranitar. Salamence and Garchomp too, but not as much.
  25. Archeops, Xerneas (battle form), Ho-Oh, vivillon.... dunno there are a lot of colorful pokemon, never thought which one might be the most colorful one o.o
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