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Everything posted by zimvader42

  1. He probably does. Maybe. Juuzou can you please confirm this?
  2. Indeed, Synchronize has an effect ouside of battle, like some other abilities. When the pokemon with synchronize is the 1st in your party (AKA lead), there's a 50% chance that all pokémon found in the wild will have the same nature as the lead possessing synchronize. For example if your Lunarpilla is jolly, 50-50 wild mons you find will be so as well. Is a nice effect that people use for breeding purposes.
  3. Curious, my walking dead day is on mondays. Which reminds me, new season starts tonight at spanish FOX!!! YAAAAY!! Ehem....going back on topic....there will be a new fakemon announced very soon. This time from the hand of our friend Huk, who hasn't really made that many announcements now that I think about it, since he's the most busy of the whole crew, with having his duties as mod and everything. So well the point is, stay tunned for a new mon and, if you're in spain, stay tunned for the walking dead!
  4. Something about this song's official video strikes me as unsettling:

    1. leocain


      Anything in particular or just the whole thing?

  5. Nope. I don't know who to predict, I don't know who's here usually anymore xD. I'm guessing...micky33000000 maybe?
  6. Finding an annoying opponent that speaks your language in Showdown is truly a delicious experience. You get to study how the mechanics of swears work in your own language, and what your mother tongue comrades are capable of. It seems my spanish fellows are fond of the spanish word for b**** more than any other.

  7. Didn't we announce Harlequid 3 days ago? or has it been longer?
  8. I have a question: I want to post in a thread from the pokemon fanclub, but it says I've been issued with a warning. However when I go to my profile, it says 0 warning points. What do I do?

  9. Oh, I thought it said 1- , as in, 50% less in each stat. Lol, well now is a bit OP, imagine you open the battle using that move and then go to a mega rayquaza or something, with 1+ on everything xD
  10. I have a question about this one: it seems it does the same as lunar dance, but why does it lower all stats of the pokemon that switches in? is that based on some phoenix lore?
  11. 25 Good nights moon, good nights cow that jumped the moon, good nights reborn.
  12. Oh no, this will not do. CALL THE SCHOOLMASTER!!

  13. ^ This... is kinda my case too. It seems southern european countries are quite the same when it comes to these kind of thing, huh? Anyways, the spanish equivalents of son of a bitch, motherfucker, dick.... are kinda used nonchanantly to reffer to close friends and close in general, as a part of the numerous peculiarities of this language when it comes to the colloquial world. My mother calls me the spanish equivalent of bitch and stupid whenever I prank her, and I do the same vice versa. Is like.... just another way of communication, people don't really mind insults, because you learn to use them giving them the effect the situation requires. To put it another way, you don't call "son of a bitch" the same way a person that is a friend and a person you're actually mad at. Leaving my tongue aside, if you really need insults, motherfucker in english seems to have (kinda) the R you're lucking for, and is quite common I believe. Anyways, some guy once told me that language is the best weapon if used right; insulting with swears is mundane, insulting without them is a delicacy. The point is, you should be able to find ways to make your comebacks effective even when no swear words are included. English is quite a rich language, building phrases that insult with no F words is possible and adds quite a lot to discussions: sarcasm, pointing out ironies or loopholes in the "enemy's" point of view, resorting to the reductio ad absurdum... lots of ways to be creative. Anyhow, I'm not one to tell what you do with your language, so motherfucker is still my answer to the question in this case. On a final note, body part + fashion item is quite a creative one. Scarf has a strong R sound, maybe go that direction.
  14. I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care. Now, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zimvader42


      I see. Scanning. Diagnosis: excess of water-boarding. Suggestion: reduce water-boarding. Or develope gills.

    3. Sparky
    4. zimvader42


      I see. Scanning. Diagnosis: hunger. Suggestion: eat something.

  15. Ok, dilemma: I have this cool water/fire scylla fakemon, and I'm now aiming for a charybdis one. But, what typing? pure water? water/something?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. zimvader42


      No guard plus huge special attack stat? or maybe adaptability, to make whirlpool a base 70 move? dunno, will have to think this better :/

    3. Marcello


      I just assumed Charybdis chomped you up when you got in the whirlpool, hence the strong jaw thing. Or you could go Water/Flying and make it focus on Hurricane which is sorta the same thing :S

    4. zimvader42


      yeah, but then that super weakness to thunderbolt... nah your original water/dark seems appropiated enough, but I'll just give it huge attack for crunch and special attack for whirlpool. 1st turn, whirlpool trap; 2nd turn, crunch to the face. Repeat.

  16. 242 Rep? at last, the number I always wished for, the almighty 242!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Unless your me if you put that up they instantly ruin it. If you're me because no one likes me it takes like... 3 days.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I also gave you fair warning

    4. zimvader42


      @Micky: I spare you then, of my unspeakable wrath.

      @Huk: not sure, it probably is more that people truly didn't want to ruin your rep if you liked the number you had got to. I mean, no one likes you? seriously huk? stop that, is not good for you and is not true.

  17. Quiver Dance, Coil, Rest, Moonblast, Magic Bounce Cresselia. I think I might have created the single most annoying staller in balanced hackmons. Arceus forgive my sins

    1. zimvader42
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ah... the legend of the QuiverCoil continues.

  18. A regular Beedrill just KO'ed a Mega-Aerodactyl, ladies and gentlemen. It felt good, even if it was luck.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zimvader42


      @Deadpool: no, had a focus sash and endeavor. Switched it in safely, rock slide to the face, endeavor to put M-Aero at 1HP, then luckily it failed aqua tail, and then knock off to the face. Gone.

    3. NickCrash


      Did you seriously go for that 1/10 chance?

    4. zimvader42


      Yep. It was the only thing I could do against a M-Aero, given that my team was made of ice and flying types.

  19. If we went to tell you about Harlequid now it would be a problem, cuz that mon is not to be expected until the mid-late game, so we should keep this to mons of the first episode only. Still, not like you'll get any more 'til the actual game lol.
  20. So turns out I somehow missed one ep of Gravity Falls that aired long ago, and had never heard of it until now. Well then, time to watch it I guess

    1. Azeria


      Gravity Falls \o/

    2. zimvader42


      Turns out unicorns' corns can play dubstep music. It's all I needed to know.

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      That is all anyone needs to know about them.

  21. Nope. Actually, I think this is the second times this is asked xD
  22. Some memes just want to watch the world dank

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