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Everything posted by zimvader42

  1. I think this next week's announcement is a gym leader, but I don't know for sure lol.
  2. While watching my room's wall, I had a thought: if you could make a new priority move in the lines of ice shard, fake out, etc., what type/power would you make it and why?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cepheus


      well a priority move with mor than the usual 40 would kinda be game breaking... granted we have Extremespeed, but there are only 6 Pokemon who learn it via level up and only Dratini through breeding (HG/SS), and a few event-Pokemon... and it only has 5 PP (base)

      I'd say type-wise a type that doesn't have a priority move yet, like Bug, Flying, Psychic maybe even Rock (most of them are slow and could need a stab priority move)

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Or you know, Dragonize Quick Attack...

    4. zimvader42


      A rock fake out (or a rock quick attack, specially this one) would be pretty interesting indeed, always that it doesn't get the nasty low accuracy that most poor rock moves usually get.

      I mean it would help a lot against things like talonflame and charizard Y if given to pokemon with STAB and high enough attack. Pretty interesting, indeed.

  3. Now watching: the wall

    1. Shing


      But how are you writing this status when you watching the wall?

  4. I just went to bulbapedia to read about the move Quash, that I didn't even know. After reading what it does, I am confused: what exactly is the purpose of this move?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Prankster is the optimal use, speed control is by far the most important aspect in doubles and triples, it's hard to explain if you have never played those...

    3. zimvader42


      I have played doubles, but I had never seen quash in action. There are better ways to control speed in doubles I guess.

    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      After You is generaly preferred. EVer tried the After Punch strategy?

  5. Started upvoting stuff. Learned that there's an "upvote quota". Huh.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Vinny


      only upvote 30. What I did, was upvote lots of different people, so it looked liek a lot~

      Anyway, this reminds me that I have to get Jericho to Bicycle Tires, so I'll go upvote him \o/

    3. zimvader42


      Wow that was actually pretty informative. It really is weavile christmas already :D

  6. Because is a hell fly. Let me repeat this slowly and in all caps: HELL.FLY. Maybe tiny, maybe cute, but is a fly that comes straight from hell to steal yo money. That's where the hype comes from.
  7. Glad to see such enthusiasm. I promise you that weedl....er, I mean, Lucifly, will not disappoint as a beedrill-bro.
  8. A level 100 Shuckle can potentially deal the most damage in one single attack through the use of numerous stat boosters; by receiving the effects of Helping Hand from two allies in a triple battle, holding a Metronome, Power Trick, a Skill Swap to Pure Power, a conversion to Ice, and 6 stages of positive Attack stat changes. Also, both of Shuckle's partners must have the Ability Flower Gift and the weather must be sunny. On the 5th turn of using a Defense Curl-boosted Ice Ball (learned vi...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well most of it was already known, it was jsut the Roll Out on things with 4x ROck Weakness before.

    3. zimvader42


      Yeah I know with rollout it would be kinda the same thing, but I happened to read this one first. Is fucking awesome still XD

    4. Nagalfar


      I knew the rollout thing, but that...

      Thanks for that, that kind of stuff is always cool to learn!

  9. Well, you discovered Lucifly's secret. It is the lovechild of a bumblebee and a fly.
  10. Someone said beeeeeees? But jokes aside, LuciFLY is based on a fly lol.
  11. That cain nipple tho, I think I'm in love again <3
  12. C'mon now Huk, don't play dumb XD. Did you really think the phrase "Everybody loves Hukuna" that Elliot and I often use was meaningless?
  13. Okay it is time for me to jump in. Thanks to: Tomas Elliot AKA Tomas for being a cool guy who knows a lot of competitive (should ask him to teach me NU some day XD), having fan-game-related dreams that I can contribute to, and for being awesome in general and having his head full of cool concepts for pretty much anything. Hukuna Fulmine AKA Lupo di Fulmine AKA Lord Graterras AKA Huk AKA FreeHukunaHugs for being sort of my doppelganger as we are so similar in so many things, for being such an wesome writer and for having so many cool ideas. Azery AKA Azeria AKA Duck for showing me that there are people lazier than me in this world being so funny and knowing so much about coding. Nova AKA Mini-Shade for making the work in the se7en project so much easier for everyone. I mean seriously dude you do the work of ten men in a night XD that's crazy Dark AKA DarkSpite AKA vsx AKA Vijay for putting Azery to work being a great member of the se7en project. Shing AKA ShingSt, Chubb AKA Chubbthepig, Ashes AKA Eterna AKA Synn AKA Oxyde AKA Cyan for how awesome they did my onyx arcade period in the forums, and I wish I could have another onyx arcade period soon, that shit was pretty fun. Shing for being a good friend in deviantart as well as in here, and Ashes for having so many name conflicts unresolved that are just hilarious every time XD And since I don't want to write much, pretty much every single person or animal in these forums, since you're all awesome. I mean there's Vinny, the elf, there's also jericho, and poptart, and poptart's girlfriend, the goomy fanboy, bfrog (who hasn't been online for a time now ;-; ), the sims girl AKA ioshay, lagless the pencil sharpener, and cepheus the wizard, and sleppu and hakutaku the artists, and pineapple, and Deadpool that apparently is also Nickcrash which is fucking cool to know, and Jan, Zumi and the reju team, and well anyone who I didn't mention receives a thanks as well.
  14. Lol well I'm bored so might as well: Name: Nicolás García García (yeah I know my surnames are so original...) Age: 18 Birthday: december 24th Location: Spain, the land of good food and spanish guitars Height: in inches, who knows; in metres, 1.85 Hair Color: black Eye Color: brown I think? I mean they can be either black or brown depending of light Live With: muh people Pets?: used to have a great dog called Black and a great fish called Fish-nº1 (I'm not kidding). Both survived quite lots of things, like a fucking electric storm the dog, and the fish jumped out of its bowl and survived in my room's air for a couple minutes until I realised it and SOMEHOW I didn't step on it (poor thing dammit). Both now death, sadly. Things don't last forever. Relationships?: well, I have friends, and I love them all. But if this question meant love relationships, then no lol. Crushes lately?: lately, hmmm....no, I don't recall any. Over time I have learned that I preffer to have friends than to worry to be liked by the person I like, plus being in love is a pain. Dream Job: cartoonist, maybe working designing characters for videogames, comics, or pokémon lol. A more down-to-earth option is biologist, but not the ones in laboratories, the ones in the jungle discovering new species or doing research. Currently Playing: nothing cuz I have exams dammit (yet I'm here doing this lol) Favourite Food: from healthy food, rice with zucchini and hand-made meatballs, and overall, any kind of pasta, rice or potato-based food that is NOT boiled, specially in the case of potato. From junk food, oreos and pizza. And ice cream. And pretty much anything with sugar. Favourite Drink: from healthy drinks, water. From junk drinks, coke and sangria <<is like wine but with sugar :3 Favourite Color: green, black, white and red. And orange. And yellow and blue sometimes. Favourite kind of Music: doesn't matter lol. If I like it, I listen to it. Favourite Band: if I guess by amount of music I have from them, WEEN, The Shins, Gorillaz, MIKA, Queen and Tally Hall. Favourite Album: WEEN's Quebec and The Mollusk have to be the two most amazing albums ever recorded. Favourite Game: Devil May Cry and Portal 2 (have never played Portal 2 tho) Favourite Genre of Game: hack and slash. I don't like RPGs except for pokémon. Favourite Hobbies: drawing, sleeping, slacking off, thinking about things in a state of utterly distraction from what's going on around me, listening to music, eating, reading short stories/books, doing weird noises, helping people, scaring people, pranking people, confusing people, making people laugh, watching groups of people fight and argue over insignificant things (i.e. deciding where to go for a highschool graduation trip, where to go to dinner to celebrate the end of finals, who has the right to the TV tonight, and so on...), and ultimately, thinking about the human condition and what it means to be alive, mainly at sleepless nights, in the shower or in long roadtrips. Favourite Movies: Forrest Gump, Gran Torino, Harry Potter 1 to 4, The Cabin in the Woods, J.Carpenter's The Thing, IT, Beetlejuice, Nightmare before Chistmas, and lots of others that I don't remember right now Favourite Shows: Invader Zim, Ed Edd + Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, The Walking Dead, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, My little pony friendship is magic, Fullmetal Alchemist, Over the garden Wall (so short tho ;-; ), and lots of others that I don't remember right now PS: sorry if this is reviving an old thread, I mean, the last person who posted (Ashes AKA Eterna AKA Oxyde AKA Cyan AKA Synn) did it almost a month ago.
  15. A blaziken? lol dunno if from Reborn I'd say Cal maybe. ???@ sea incense ability: run away -Waterfall -Amnesia - -
  16. In this day, mankind has reached one of its darkest points. The things done here have crossed the line that no man should ever cross.
  17. Absurd, or maybe......too complex for the average huma mind? Nova has trascended the spectrum of regular trolling and has thus reached ultimate trolling. Or something. Dunno I'm listening at music that makes me feel like I'm high lol.
  18. The beta will come out at some point in the far future (we're busy with stuff lol).
  19. Maybe he would be better than Ash in every single aspect imaginable, but at the end of the day, watching a show about a kid who always makes the same mistakes and wins battles with impossible logic (i.e. thunderbolt a rhydon) is as boring as watching a show about a kid who always wins, always is the best at everything and brags about it. IMO. But anyways: -Gary would probably catch all pseudos and legendaries. Cuz he's Gary. -He would complete the pokedex. Cuz he's Gary. -He would become the champion of the region he's in. Cuz he's Gary. -He would defeat Team Rocket once and for all. Cuz, you guessed it, he's Gary MOTHERFUCKIN' Oak.
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