From moves that are intended as a joke or to be useless on the first place, I'm obviously going to say splash, celebrate and hold hands. I mean, c'mon, if these moves do virtually nothing, you can't expect them to ever be good or bad. Being good or bad would be a privilege for these moves.
From attacking moves, I'd say pretty much all moves of less than 35 base power. Not only are they weak, but for some reason they also got 85% accuracty to boot, I mean why? why would you make a move like fury swipes have 85acc? are you afraid that with 100%acc it would be OP? well sadly, not even then it would be anything more than a weak move. The list includes: double slap, constrict, fury swipes, take down, bind, fury attack, leech life, wrap, poison sting, comet punch, abosrb, bubble, rage, mud-slap, and to some extent, twin needle, pin missile, and all those with 25 base power but that at least have more than one it.
From status moves, I'd say quash, imprison, me first (you never get lucky with it), sing (wouldn't be here if it wasn't for horrible 55% accuracy), hypnosis (was it too much to let it have 75-85% accuracy?), kinesis (same thing for the accuracy), spite (have you ever used it, honestly?), memento (I mean, you could have it be like curse and cut your HP to half, but having you to actually die for it? if you're gonna die this move could at least lower the opponent's stats three stages or four...), snatch (never, ever got lucky predicting with this one), bestow, grass whistle (that accuracy dammit), and I'm sure I'm forgetting some..