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Everything posted by zimvader42

  1. Your avatar right now, for example. It is a drawing composed of math and geometry, rather than pencils and colors. A vector is a drawing that can be made as big or as small as one wants without ever getting pixelated, as the size of everything that composes it gets calculated so that proportions are kept no matter what. Very useful to draw stock-able mons.
  2. So....what u sayin' is....that if I make the vector for that mon right now... I can upload it right away, no announcements, no preparations, just the vector so everyone can see....alright, alright, gotcha But can't draw it right now, so yeah.... it is coming tho, next week to this one, if we feelin' pumped about jericho's mon, you're gonna get it. But this week's mon was already decided some days ago, so can't change that :/
  3. 200 atk and 140 speed + this ability means this thing can get in, stall on a base of substitute/protect/substitute/protect, reach turn 5, and basically kill anything with a combination of crush grip (is a 121 base power attack when the foe has its full HP, plus it receives STAB, and is regis' signature move) and knock off. It is so fast that the few things faster than it cannot really touch it all that much. Plus, normal type only has a weakness to fighting: remove all the potential fighting sweepers from the other team and you're almost guaranteed a regigigas sweep. I think this mega Regigigas would go to anything goes, together with mega rayquaza. It is an awesome idea but too powerful IMO. EDIT: oh good lord I had forgotten Regigigas does not get protect, well that's a good thing. However it does have confuse ray, thunder wave, and substitute. Using any of those and, well, the fact it has 200 base attack even before its ability activating, it can make time until his 5th turn by just substituting and attacking.
  4. Pokémon se7en ---> Windows 7 Although I really do use windows 7 in my computer and works like a charm. The only next best thing would be XP, but vista, 8, 10....all shitty in comparison, imo. But on-topic again, thanks! I think it is a cute mon, too : D
  5. You know, since we'll be announcing something today, plus the announcement of Platymous of the last week that is still on this same page (110), you'll have two mons to read about without having to scroll down and up much. Cool amirite? Well as you know (probably) I'm zim, and today we're having a mon with a backstory. So sit down and listen. No, there's no other way. Don't scroll down, either. Some of you who played the black 2 and white 2 games from gen V might remember a little something called Pokéstar Studios. I don't, mainly because I've never played the canon games. The thing is, something that always interested me about this Pokéstar Studios thing is that it uses these super cool movie-related props that are pretty much pokémon on their own right: they have types, cries, stats, abilities, all the good stuff. Some of them even had type combinations that were unique at the time: dark/psychic, psychic/electric, dark/ghost with wonder guard and.... normal/steel. This last typing is specially interesting on its own because of two reasons: the 1st, that is part normal, something that is more rare than it might seem at first. Pure normal types are quite abundant but normal/something other than normal/flying are very rare until later generations, where we get things like sawsbuck, pyroar, diggersby and heliolisk. If you don't believe me just go to bulbapedia and check how many of these canon mons are normal/flying. There's like a million of them my god... The 2nd reason, is that the Pokéstar Studios enemy that had this unique normal/steel type was a robot-like creature, named F-00, shown here: Unlike most of the other enemies, who are WAY too human or WAY to weird to be pokemon, F-00 seemed to be different: if someone came and told me Gamefreak had made that into an actual pokémon, I'd be like "well, alright". I mean just look at it. But F-00 never became a pokémon. Kinda sad if you ask me. So what we doin'? we makin' it a pokeymanz. For a long time I had this idea of making a tribute to F-00 in the form of a robot pokémon (which we don't have yet, technically, if you don't count golurk). Naturally I can't just make the actual F-00 into a se7en pokémon because, originality and stuff, so here it is, Robyte, also called "F-00 justice!": Robyte-01, the machine pokémon, is a very, VERY rare NORMAL/STEEL type artificial pokémon, man-made if you preffer, just like Porygon and the recent Magearna. Its origins in Graterras are connected to a still undisclosed, high-ranking scientist of the Cook Corporation. Other than the unique typing, Robyte-01 sadly doesn't get the same stats as its inspiration F-00 (F-00 literally has the same stats as mew, so yeah...), but it does get some neat abilities: Frisk and Motor Drive. The 1st checks what item the foe has; this might seem a shitty ability but in Graterras you sometimes go against things that can run so many sets you'll be thankful to know what item they have. The 2nd makes it immune to electric type attacks, and when hit by one, raises its speed by 1 stage. So with motor drive, Robyte actually has 3 immunities (electric, ghost, poison). Not bad I'd say. Among its non-battle related atributes, Robyte has 700 GB of hardrive memory, 4GB of RAM memory, LED screen, digital clock, a rechargeable lithium battery with ~8 hours of autonomy, an IntelCore CPU, USB port, windows 7 and linux compatibility, internet connection and of course, wi-fi signal reception. So yeah, that was it! Resident robot pokémon, reminding everyone of the existance of F-00 and being an amazing pokémon as well, whose only drawback is basically that mach punch exists. Try to guess what boosting move this thing gets lol.
  6. I vote for either pure steel, steel/electric, steel/psychic or steel/fairy (the later being the most likely IMO). Gamefreak doesn't give two shits about how used a type is already, or how unfitting, or how fans would type things on their place. This is gamefreak, not logic. I'm a sucker for cute so I like magearna despite how overcomplicated or weird it might seem to other people, but the fact it uses the same gear and maid elements as one of my fakemon makes me uneasy around it sometimes.
  7. I haven't agreed more with any post in these forums in my whole time here.
  8. Um, hi, Zim here. Just wanted to say that this particular mon (and specially its evo, and specially specially the female variant) is one of those mons that I consider as a spiritual child of mine. This is a category that only mons not thought by me but drawn by me and that I have a special love for can enter. Andetle's evo and a few other mons are there. So yeah just wanted to say that. Also dunno what the max damage this thing can do is, but I can assure you it is VERY.DAMN.POWERFUL. After using the move that is not dragon dance that is. It wrecks. So many. Things. But don't worry these other mons balance it and stuff. Also, if Jericho is reading, your mon has not been forgotten. In fact you might hear from it very very SOONTM
  9. Eating macaroni at 5AM? eating macaroni at 5AM

    1. Garnet.


      IM AN ADULT!

  10. AXOLOTL my time to burn has come, I invoke the ancient power that I may return

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Zim... what are you doing?

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Inb4 your next excuse for slacking off is demonic possession.

    4. Fumble



  11. Well that was Gravity Falls ending alright. Pretty damn good way to close this show.

    1. Azeria


      RIP Bill, get duped tho lmao!

  12. The chandelier of the house I'm staying in looks like a chandelure pls send help

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Exalted


      becarefull and close the door to your room you dont want your soul to be burned at night

    3. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Code: PIRULUK, Eclipse would like to have a word with you. OH WAIT...

    4. Isa-Chu


      gotta catch'em all.

  13. I would run a team consisting only of ghost and steel types. Why? well, steel mons are immunes to poisoning, so a zombie's bite wouldn't do shit to them. Plus they're sturdy and steel is extremely durable, so they would last long. Ghost types "are already dead", so zombies can't really hurt them. I'll think of a definite ream later.
  14. You know, magiana's maid-like hear detail made out of a gear is the same I used for my maid-based steel/ghost iron maiden mon. I never thought about it, but gen VII mons could make my fakemon become obsolete.

  15. Magiana, fairy/steel? mega klinklang? hmmmmmmmmmm...

  16. Out of all the cartoons I watch, I go to Wander over yonder for the slapstick and the simple plot and child-oriented jokes. It brings back memories. But today's ep about bot 13 ended in such a sad note man, such a sad note. Is almost like every cartoon nowadays makes you cry at some point, no matter how silly or well-hearted it is.

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      I guess the same could be said for Rejuvenation.

  17. Dunsparce, Furret and Gengar are the creepier ones to me. You'd assume furret is big enough to fit in your backpack, or hang in your shoulder. But if you put it there it will give you back pains. Gengar I'd imagine is around my waist in size, but nope: it is as tall as me, and as wide as 3 people. And dunsparce is a lot more fearsome when you learn how big it gets. The anime gets sizes a lot closer to what a common person imagines, while the games constantly destroy our hopes and dreams to ride a charizard.
  18. I do not understand your question :/ Se7en uses fully fan-made fakemon in a region called Graterras. It is harder than the main games. Other than that, you should specify your question a bit more.
  19. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-327341081 I might have won, yes, but I just want to say air slash is absolutely disgusting. Emolga doesn't even have serene grace, and yet it flinched a primal groudon to death. That's cool, but disgusting. I've lost to this thing in a similar way sometimes. How comes air slash flinches so much in random battles? is it just bad luck?
    1. FraRPetO


      For me, Air Slash just keeps missing...

    2. Red_Chaos


      mhm bad luck indeed

  20. If I'm not mistaken you validated your account today? if that's the case, welcome to the forums! And thanks a lot for the support
  21. All my cartoons are on hiatus what is this madness

  22. Is about to put knife into knife cupboard. Mom tries to grab it because WHY NOT and I instinctively draw my hand with the knife away from her. She almost cut herself when trying to grab it. Her first words? "don't move your hand when I'm trying to grab the knife". Right, because you SHOULD try to take a knife (by the blade) from someone holding a knife, RIGHT?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      It WAS stupid of her. I was in scouts as a kid, and am a general blade enthusiast... and you definitely DON'T fucking try to take a knife from someone by the blade...

    3. Shamitako


      One of the families I used to visit a lot when I was younger insisted that you should always carry the knife by the blade so you wouldn't hurt anyone.

      My family insist you should always carry it at arm's length and pointing towards the floor

      I usually hold it in such a way that the blade is concealed by my arm

      In each of these scenarios, reaching to grab a knife from someone without saying anything will end badly

    4. Shamitako


      *my family insisted

      We no longer have "knife rules" for whatever reason

  23. I'd say team flare are nazis, in a way? they want to destroy everything that is not beautiful in the world according to their ideals. They also want money and power. So yeah nazis in a way, but very fashionable ones at that. Anyways, Cepheus logic will come thru in the end, I'm sure of it. Right now, Ceph is assembling a team of mini cephs to analyse the whole announcement, looking for clues, secret codes, and probably the illuminati too. Just wait and you'll see.
  24. Thb, I learned who looker was through this game. No joke. I have never played canon games so before se7en to me looker was just a guy that appeared in the (unova, was it?) anime sometimes. But yeah, codename "handsome" and the possible father of the canon protagonists according to a theory thread in the pokemon fanclub subforum, Looker's back!!! what mons will he be using tho, considering croagunk is not in the region? hmmm....
  25. Wow wait I didn't know this. Well now what Nova said makes sense lol Tomas they're talking about Az's only mon.
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