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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by bepe

  1. New today is jangmo-o and larvitar
  2. Axew and deino are now available.
  3. I believe dratini is in the lowest level of ametrine mountain and larvitar is in the cave you can surf to in tanzan cove
  4. New today is Lickilicky, Huntail, and Gorebyss available in the wild.
  5. Exeggutor and snubbull/granbull are now available in the wild, lotad is now breeding only.
  6. Slums gives you stat boosting berries, goomy, and if you joined team magma a choice band for completing the job quest Island gives you bulbasaur, chimchar, pinsir, heracross, and a rocky helmet Railnet gives you an assault vest, weakness policy, the guy who makes shell bells, togepi, and a steelixite
  7. Today's new additions are aromatisse in the wild and wishiwashi.
  8. I wonder if sandygast will be available at apophyll beach? It would be really helpful vs Kiki if it is
  9. Unless the events have been changed we should get Dragonite, Tyranitar, and Hydreigon at the same time when we get rock climb.
  10. He said it's faster because you can get back to ametrine cave without going through the caves below the destroyed bridge. If you don't repair the staircase you have to go all the way around making your trip back to the circus slower.
  11. bepe

    [Spoiler] Deino

    I think he was referring to Ame post in the E16 development thread that said some people would be able to get deino this episode even though it isn't meant to be available.
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