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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by bepe

  1. I wonder what changes if any will be done to shade's gym. I could see him not wanting anyone messing with it.
  2. I hope you're right because that would be pretty fun, but I'd be surprised to see us get 3 regions in one generation.
  3. Oh wow two shiny megas in that poster!
  4. Could be that magiana was built for the purpose you described 500 years ago, and devon corp just discovered magiana recently.
  5. Luckily for her she was still next to the fresh water from the cascade!
  6. Interesting theory! But if devon corp created magiana, wouldn't it be less than 500 years old?
  7. Fairy/fire maybe? so that the secondary types all beat each other rock/scissor/paper style
  8. I just hope it's good and causes some shakeups in the competitive battling scene.
  9. Well she did say she was really hungry...
  10. But mega pokemon still keep their names, so it's gotta be a new pokemon.
  11. I thought I'd tag it as spoiler just in case. It kind of looks like diancie if she were a steel type.
  12. I'm sure julia will be very happy with her gym's new paint job.
  13. I agree that another gen 6 game is most likely. I don't see them putting out a gen 7 before volcanion and full form zygarde are available.
  14. Serebii just tweeted out a picture from corocoro of a new pokemon named Magiana: https://twitter.com/SerebiiNet/status/697409382057959426
  15. I wonder how you get to the pool in the lower left block? There's a door from the top building but I don't see a way to get into that building from the street.
  16. Stealth rock won't help with multiscale since it's always active on this field. Also, I'd be surprised if we faced back to back mega altarias.
  17. That park looks nice, reminds me of a smaller version of the park outside goldenrod city.
  18. Another good physical option is medicham, which has access to fire punch (along with the other elemental punches) and hits very hard.
  19. I was thinking more along the lines of an attack by team meteor leading to damage on the wall, maybe while they escape.
  20. Is anyone else wondering what happened to the wall to cause the scaffolding? Maybe related to the episode 16 teaser?
  21. If they have altariaite they must've hacked it in.
  22. Don't you only need to give him 1 blue moon ice cream, then any candy for the second stone? At least that's how I remember it.
  23. 4 mega stones can be found in game, but they can't be used yet since we don't have the mega bracelet.
  24. I wonder what we'll get at that market? Maybe some new move tutors.
  25. So I guess this fits with the idea that we won't be going to the desert for at least one more episode. Peridot looks great, what a difference Adrienn has made!
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