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Everything posted by bepe

  1. Or maybe suicune comes to help clean the water. Suicune would be totally fair for us to have, right?
  2. The leader line up page gives a little bit of info on the leaders: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/league/leaders.html
  3. Noel's gym is the orphanage, which is why the screen where ame tells you about his field is located in the orphanage.
  4. The field could also be in Charous pass/mountain. It would fit with that big dragon carved into the mountain on the map.
  5. I think it was pretty fitting with Titania's personality, especially when she was really angry, to kill the grunts so I didn't really mind it at all.
  6. That could work, but I would love to try and beat ZardX on this field though. If it were to get a DD up it would ohko everything with the field boosts.
  7. Hoothoot/Noctowl are also pretty good early game pokemon with tinted lens and uproar. Their special attacks are the best but getting a base 90 stab attack at level 13 is really good for the early game, especially when tinted lens means nothing resists it.
  8. I agree, and Adrienn seems unlikely to use this field since the coral ward gym should be fixed up. That would be a more likely place for the gym battle to occur.
  9. The way I always do it is start at the blocked door and just run along the the track changing the switches as I go until I get to the train.
  10. I choose aqua since their headquarters is much more convenient to get to since it's right in the middle of lapis ward.
  11. I wonder if mold breaker still ignores multiscale on this field? Dragonite will be hard to beat. Given the boost to fire type attacks Zard X seems like a good choice for Saphira.
  12. I could see 7th street becoming a more legitimate market place under the leadership of our gang now that the opposing gang has been defeated.
  13. It is Fenniken for everyone, eventually all the starters will be available.
  14. Fly also works for me, but only to a couple locations.
  15. bepe


    Here's a link to the guide: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407
  16. Hopefully tonight we get to see it tonight!
  17. Especially when Amaria is mad at her. I don't think anyone would want to be near Titania then.
  18. Shell Smash Cloyster + Skill Link + King's Rock = GG
  19. Well they serve martinis, so beer probably isn't out of the question.
  20. That would be a pretty cool way to make a puzzle.
  21. What moves do you use on dunsparce?
  22. Episode 12 is available here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10935
  23. Yea I'm pretty sure you need to beat Corey first, then talk to the two guys in the far right of the police station.
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