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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by bepe

  1. I'm not sure why that's happening, but that formula is how the game calculates stats. Maybe it's rounding or something?
  2. I'd want an espeon, it's been my favorite since I accidentally got one in my first playthrough of gold version. Other than that, arcanine would be pretty cool, who doesn't love a big fluffy dog?
  3. Stats are determined by the following formula: ((basestat x 2 +IV + (EV/4)) x level/100 +5) x nature[either .9, 1, or 1.1 depending on the nature] Common candies don't effect anything in that other than level so any stats you lose from leveling down should be regained once you level back up again.
  4. How is burst evolution functionally different from mega evolution? If they both make the pokemon stronger when holding an item, wouldn't it be the same effect in battle?
  5. It's in the peridot ward all the way to the left, where you first battled fern.
  6. There is a town map in your pokegear. Coral ward is in the south east of the city, it's where cain got his oshawatt earlier in the game.
  7. You have to go to it as part of the story, it's an island that is kind of swampy looking and the stone is in an item ball so just explore around a bit and you should be able to find it.
  8. Have you had any issues with double hit missing? It does do a bit more than return but I'd be a little nervous about missing and loosing out on some nice damage.
  9. You can find a shiny stone on azurine island. Goomy is not available yet. For future reference you can find the location of availabe items in the In-game items thread pinned at the top of the "On the Hunt" section, and all available pokemon by clicking on "Obtainable Pokemon" on the side bat of the website.
  10. I was originally wondering why you'd use audino over camerupt on a trick room team, but healing wish has done a lot of work in all these replays.
  11. bepe

    So...dat item

    I think it was a rare candy, but I could be wrong.
  12. At that point it's not really 1 game anymore, it's 6 games on 1 cartridge.
  13. Wil-o-wisp. Double wisping and burning 2 pokemon is so much fun.
  14. It's definitely worth it just to hang out for a couple seconds while it loads, it really doesn't take too long.
  15. I still have nightmares about corey's crobat on my mono grass run. I only got by it by catching a jolly hoppip and maxing out its speed ev's so I could put it to sleep and kill it acrobatics.
  16. Eh, as long as we can use it on showdown I'll be happy. I just want something to mix up the meta game a bit.
  17. It's got to be a steel type since the official announcement said it has a metal body. I don't think they would be that specific if it wasn't going to be a steel type.
  18. I think the reason many people are expecting kalos to be involved is that volcanion is a kalos pokemon that hasn't been released yet. Also, it would make sense for the zygarde forms to be released in something relating to kalos.
  19. Mega ditto would be kind of useless since the only stat it uses is hp and mega won't change that.
  20. Beryl ward, it's quiet and easy access to nature.
  21. It would be pretty cool to see the mechanical pokemon and the steam pokemon make some kind of steam engine.
  22. With the return of that door to the apartment complex in coral ward I wouldn't be surprised to get the togepi egg event back again.
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