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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by bepe

  1. Mega butterfree and slowking. If beedrill and slowbro got megas, they deserve megas too.
  2. Magearna confirmed as a bakugan?
  3. Sheer force nidoking with earth power can do a ton of damage to her team.
  4. Hawaii would be a cool setting. I'd love to see all the scenery in 3d, I'm sure it'll be very visually pleasing.
  5. Surge and sabrina were always the hardest for me. I was so happy when I got one of those guide books for rby since it had the solution for sabrina's gym in it. Saved me a ton of time when I replayed the games.
  6. I never understood why jynx didn't get a third stage. It got a baby pokemon at the same time as magmar and electabuzz, and they're listed back to back to back in the pokedex, but jynx got left out of the evolution club in diamond and pearl.
  7. I'd love to see farfetch'd get an evolution, its been needing something to help it out since gen 1.
  8. That is an incredible nickname for shiny arbok!
  9. Nope, to get dive you need to play one of the puzzle games at the circus. Talk to the person under the green tent by the high striker and complete the puzzle to get dive. Then teach it to a pokemon and dive in ametrine mountain to get around the iceberg. You need to go to the peak and complete the story in ametrine city first before you fight Terra.
  10. I'd be really surprised to see that, it would make a lot more sense to have them get there normal abilities rather than have non at all. When you transferred from rby to gsc, special stat split and steel types gained steel typing and I bet it will work that way for abilities too.
  11. Do you mean that these pokemon will just be left without an ability at all after they are transferred? Like gengar with no levitate just blank?
  12. I'd go with taka, he's not too far off from what I have now.
  13. Weather doesn't work on Kiki anymore. When you try and set up weather you get a message saying "the mysterious wind blows anyway" or something like that.
  14. That's what you should find. This post is pretty old, so trick room was probably available in the cave back then.
  15. A fire snake would be pretty cool, we could always use more good coil users.
  16. That'd be a pretty funny easter egg.
  17. If you're really having trouble, catch a trubbish in an alley, and have it set up toxic spikes to wear down her team.
  18. Along with what ever was being produced in those abandoned factories...
  19. I really hope ice gets a buff, its basically the worst defensive typing you can have.
  20. It depends on your team really, if you have something good for them they can be easy. But most people have had trouble dealing with these two leaders, especially before they were nerfed.
  21. Announcing it as a new region and new pokemon pretty much confirms it as gen 7.
  22. That would be cool. Maybe the sibling of cain's?
  23. I've had a lot of success with gardevoir in the past. If you don't want another fairy, something like porygon-z or yanmega can be really good too.
  24. You need to flush all the polluted water out of the center. Go through every single room and raise and lower the water level (so that there is blue water in every room) then go back to titania.
  25. I'm really curious to finally see what's in that light house off of the northmost dock.
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