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Everything posted by bepe

  1. If it's in 2 gyms, why wouldn't it be for 2 leaders?
  2. Archeops is also a good option for flying types, it hits really hard and gets some good moves like rock slide, head smash, acrobatics, dragon claw, and earthquake through breeding.
  3. Try posting in this thread, I bet someone will edit one in for you: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18256
  4. He's on a mac, so he doesn't have a saved game folder. The way taciturnphoenix described it is the way to do it on mac.
  5. Also, flare blitz is a much better fire move for arcanine
  6. It's possible he may get the dragon field since ame said 2 leaders would be using it and he's the one who benefits the most from that field after saphira.
  7. If you really want one now, you can ask for one in the trading thread: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11523
  8. Unfortunately, cloyster isn't available yet, maybe a mamoswine or a weavile are better options.
  9. Hardy has both solrock and lunatone as his aces so I'd bet he uses both of them in the battle.
  10. I could see us getting some of the missing water types from the cleaned up lake. As for vullaby, the desert make more sense for its location.
  11. I'll recommend are going with modest instead of calm on venomoth. Since your using it as a set up sweeper, you want was much power as you can get, the boost to sp. def is less useful. For your krookodile change foul play to crunch. Foul play uses your targets attack not your own, so unless your battling a very strong physical type attacker, it will do less than crunch.
  12. Mine was a whismur from victory road in ruby. I delayed my challenge of the elite 4 until I could train it up and use it. Too bad boomburst didn't exist back then.
  13. I'd be really surprised if we got articuno, especially with the dragon gym still coming up.
  14. Carbink is pretty bad, the only really useable set would be giving it light clay and setting up reflect and light screen, then going for explosion or maybe trick room. It does have enough bulk that you can probably get your screens up against non-steel types, but that's really all it's good for.
  15. Fire does leave you pretty open to water types, maybe flying would be better since the only common weakness is ice and that's a pretty rare type.
  16. I'm sure we will, I doubt it will be given out exclusively based on that one decision with blake.
  17. I'm sure we'll find her quickly once we return to the city, maybe at apophyl academy? I wonder if it got redone during the building process too?
  18. bepe


    Enjoy sludge waving fern to death in that monorun!
  19. If you do go water, make sure you have a good way to take on fern though.
  20. I'm really interested to see what happens to the forest and jungle up there, I feel like it would be hard to control them too much.
  21. Just looking at that cluster of buildings doesn't really tell the whole story, the ward definitely looks different now.
  22. For a mono type you would just have ground. If you want to use a second type use something that covers grounds weaknesses.
  23. Definitely get a flame body pokemon if you don't already have one. It'll really speed up the process.
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