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Everything posted by bepe

  1. Also, 2 of its weaknesses, ground and electric, most well made teams have good immunities to both due to the prevalence in the game.
  2. Nidoqueen is good for bulkier teams, but with the more offensive pokemon you have like charizard, noivern, and gardevoir i thing nidoking is a better fit.
  3. Those toxic spikes really helped you out, prevented clef from being paralyzed by body slam.
  4. Volcanion does have the advantage of water absorb though, so there will be some mind games for the people like to spam scald.
  5. I've used an archeops pretty extensively in one of my runs and defeatist really isn't that big of a deal. Archeop's speed means it doesn't take many hits, and with good ev and ivs it picks up a ton of ohkos. And if you do drop below 50% its pretty easy to heal back up with potions. It also gets earthquake via breeding with corsola to deal with steel types which gives it an advantage over aerodactyl. I do agree on that arcanine set though, I use the same set and it's been really effective for me.
  6. If you want a poison type, go with nidoking. It's faster and stronger than nidoqueen, and it's special set with sheer force is very good. It learns earth power at level 43 and sludge wave by tm for good stab coverage, and you can also teach it something like shadow ball. If you hold off evolving your nidorino until level 35 you can get toxic spikes as well for good utility. Get it a timid nature with 252 sp. attack and 252 speed.
  7. Trick room is a good thought. If you do go with it keep aggron and malamar in the back since they are the 2 who can take the most advantage of it.
  8. There's a move relearner at the circus.
  9. Alternatively, you could also catch heatproof bronzong on route 3 and use the move relearner to teach it rain dance to really weaken her fire type attacks.
  10. The best way I can describe it is for you to enter from the coral ward side. Make your way through the rooms until you get to one shaped like a U (I think it's the third room) go up the stair and enter the door and the top of the next room. There should be a fence and gate which you can unlock with the dull key.
  11. If you had just ice beamed on the switch you could saved yourself 60 turns haha. Nice job against a tough match up!
  12. I'm excited to finally be able to walk through obsidia without dodging the cracks!
  13. Archeops is a really strong flying type with some good moves in head smash/rock slide. acrobatics, earthquake (via breeding), dragon claw, and endeavor.
  14. It's not that great of a pokemon. If you can get your hands on a black sludge from a trubbish in one of the alleys you could try a poison gas minimize set it you have the patience to play stall style like that. Other than that I can't think of any great options for it.
  15. That could be a couple things. Have you gone below the grand stair case yet? If you have try the orphanage.
  16. Fingers crossed! I'd be impressed if xyr clean up process had made it that far out of the city.
  17. I enjoy this meta, but I think it would be a lot more fun without extreme speed. That move basically dominates the game.
  18. Cool set, do you find its speed to be an issue at all? I feel like everything in this meta is either insanely slow or insanely fast.
  19. And interestingly enough, AZ used a golurk. I wonder if that has any significance.
  20. Unlikely that we get any legendaries until the post game.
  21. You need to evolve it to porygon2 with an upgrade first, then give it the dubious disk.
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