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Wolfox last won the day on November 27 2024

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2136 Crowned Noble

About Wolfox

  • Birthday 05/16/1998

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    Living in a Crazy Noisy Bizzare Town
  • Interests
    Music, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Singing, Castlevania, English(I just love the language), Anime, pointing out bugs and errors in Insurgence

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    Rieuwert de Vegt
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  1. Little rant incoming~


    Okay, so we all know Fire Emblem Fates right? The game that bit of more than it could chew story wise but is still pretty damn good? Well I'm asking a question that everyone else asked way before: Why the heck is Soleil not one of the Gay Marriage Options in the game? For those who don't know, FE Fates has same gender marriage options, a whole 2 of them! Issue is, they're limited to Niles and Rhajat. Not saying They don't make sense, but why for the love of Naga did they not give both paths a Male and Female gay option? The main reason I'm asking this is because in Conquest you get a child unit that is better at hitting on girls than her Father, this being Soleil (Laslow/Inigo's daughter). She is openly Bi but favors girls, and she's no same gender mariage option... why again? Like I actually don't get it, why create an openly Bi character that wouldn;t know the words shy or shame if you tought them to her day and night for a few weeks, and not make them a possible gat option? Like, if you're gonna push the support boundries and allow the player character to be gay, then at least add the right characters to the options.


    SO yeah, that's my little rant about one of the flaws I see in FE fates that's not related to the story (Which is easely fixable by giving Corin an actual character instead of a bland face with a moral compas straight north)

    1. seki108


      Seems like wasted potential right there

    2. Wolfox
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