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Wolfox last won the day on November 27 2024

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2136 Crowned Noble

About Wolfox

  • Birthday 05/16/1998

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    Living in a Crazy Noisy Bizzare Town
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    Music, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Singing, Castlevania, English(I just love the language), Anime, pointing out bugs and errors in Insurgence

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  1. So here's a little rant that starts with a question~


    Did the rivals in Pokémon become worse and worse per generation after gen 2? many people believe Silver and Blue to be the pinacle of what rivals should be. However, I disagree! From what I notice about those oppinions it's that those two are liked because their dicks to the player. However, That's literally all Blue has. Silver has a reason for it, but I wouldn't say it justifies it.

     Ever since Gen 3 the rivals have had their own goals during their journey:

    May/Brendan wants to have a fun adventure and help his/her dad with the Pokédex.

    Barry wants to topple his father and proof that he can stand equal to him, but he's not to arogant to constantly be a dick to you. He will help you and ask you for help when needed.

    Cheren and Bianca both have their own truths and ideals. Bianca wants to proof t both her father and herself that she can be a good Pokémon trainer while Cheren wants to become the strongest trainer of Unova and find out how that will help him.

    Hugh wants revenge against Team Plasma and to reunite the Purloin that his late grandpa gave to his sister with his sister. Somehow he's seen as one of the worst because he "claims the story", yet you literally embark because he asked you to help him with this.

    Selena/Calem is similar to Barry and May/Brendan, in that she/he wants to have an adventure with her friends and have a friendly competition.

    Shauna, again, wants to have a fun adventure and make memories. Tierno wants to find Pokémon he can dance and have fun with.

    Trevor wants to complete the Pokédex and potentially get over his shyness.

    Hau wants to proof to himself, Hala and all of Mele Mele Island that he can be equal to and even better than Hala in a Pokémon battle.

    Gladion wants to help Null see that not everyone in the world is as bad as Lusamin and protect his sister.


    Now, compare those goals to Blue's:

    Just pusing it in your face that he's better than you.

    And then Silver, who hates weakness because he sees his father as a weakling and wants nothing to do with his father.


    I won't say Silver is not a good rival here, but from what I notice people saying about the rivals in Pokémon, they always focus on "are they a dick to us? if not it's instantly worse that Blue and Silver." I've rarely seen or heard anyone talk about the goals the characters have, unless it's Silver and his father.


    I would, personally, say that Blue is by far the worst rival. He's just a cocky show off that has about as much character development as Yugioh GX has characters that didn't have their development shoehorned in in season 4. He's just a cocky dick when you start and a cocky dick at the end. Literally no change. Silver at least learns the error in his ways, but Blue? he didn't learn a fucking thing.


    Disclaimer: All the things I said about their goals is how I felt playing the games, I never looked any of it up.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dreamy


      I'd say just from personal experience, that a good rival is one you enjoy competing with.  


      Blue is... ok, because while he's a just a dick with very little progression within the game, this smug attitude makes him fun to beat down a notch. 


      Silver is a bit of a wildcard by the normal standards, but comes out alright because you feel like you're actively helping him become a better person.


      May's not the best as a rival because she's so friendly to you, and the obvious power gap means you kinda just feel bad for beating her, but she's good as a friend character   


      I really like Barry as a rival, because he feels like just that, a mate who you enjoy butting heads and competing with to see who comes out on top, but when things get serious, he's got your back. 


      Bianca feels very similar to May


      N is decent if you count him because you've got that clash of ideals, but you tend to get annoyed with him because he's so misguided (thanks ghetsis) 


      Cheren, Hugh and Serena all feel a bit like silver, but more annoying, because instead of someone who was basically raised to be bad, they're just sort of moody, broody friends who get kind of depressed when they lose/ arent strong enough. 


      Hau feels a bit like a less competitive Barry, but I haven't played SuMo, just watched.

    3. Wolfox


      Hau is indeed a lot like Barry, just a little less competitive. granted, they have similar end goals as well (beating a family member that they've looked up to for their whole lives), only main difference is that for Barry it's his dad and for Hau its his Grandpa.

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