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Wolfox last won the day on November 27 2024

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2136 Crowned Noble

About Wolfox

  • Birthday 05/16/1998

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    Living in a Crazy Noisy Bizzare Town
  • Interests
    Music, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Singing, Castlevania, English(I just love the language), Anime, pointing out bugs and errors in Insurgence

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    Rieuwert de Vegt
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  1. what is the biggest "FUCK THIS LEVEL" level in any game for you?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      yeah, granted I usually send Gilliam and Garcia there (with Ross to pick off a kill or 2) and then when all seems to be save a Mage just runs up and kills Ross

    3. seki108


      I did a write up in a status update last year (https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/profile/69875-seki108/&status=116255&type=status), which is what caused me to take a break from the game...........and ultimately never got back to it because I've been waiting for the translation patch to be finished for the last leg of the game.



      This stage, appropriately called Nightmare Gensokyo, is a glorified boss rush stage where you essentially are surrounded by about 25 full powered final and mid boss characters with annoying field effects/gimmicks (usually the hardest one from their boss fight), with their strongest attacks by default,  along with buffed up elite mooks that complement their bosses effects.  It doesn't help that the stage starts with a long interactive cutscene (which is good as long as you aren't redoing it.......again), so restarting to change your unit loadout was a chore.  I shudder to imagine what it was like it was like on Hard (experienced level) and Lunatic difficulties, where they would all be free to the spirit commands that usually only the player can use.



      Also, the background got a bit tiring to look at after a while, though it still is a thematic twist since the stage is all about nightmares.





      At least the stage theme that played most of the time was great and reading the actual translation let me appreciate the story side of it at least.




    4. The darn 4th chaos emerald

      The darn 4th chaos emerald

      I'm trying to do the post game Salvatore map from Disgaea 3 and I'm about ready to just give up and move on to Dark hero Days. 😞

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