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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Lil J had a little issue

    1. seki108


      I still love that Jack knew the whole time and kept Geoff from saying anything for a while.........and that it was Geoff that actually pointed it out----the one who barely remembers Minecraft mechanics most of the time.




      Speaking of Minecraft, have you been seeing any of the 1.13 snapshot changes?

    2. Wolfox


      I don;t thin I have, no

    3. seki108


      They definitely made the oceans look better, and they aren't even finished with the snapshots.  I'm disappointed with how they handled the new mob though........nerfed it into the ground so soon after it was introduced, though I guess I haven't played enough to know if they are truly challenging.

  2. the end of the Hanoi arc and Season 1. It's been a good first season and I hope s2 can keep up

  3. How bad is it when I expected the story to end with Geoff hitting the elephant

    1. seki108


      If it was 'still-drunk' Geoff, maybe, or at least older drunk Geoff

    2. Wolfox


      had it been in Austin he would have managed to hit the elephant

  4. Tonight tennis starts again :D

  5. If 4K Media ever decides to Dub Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's in dutch, someone send them my picture. Because you KNOW there is only one man who can give the King a dutch voice

  6. There's only one King. And that's me!


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wolfox


      I mean... it doesn't matter how many GUn Dragon of 3k attack you have when Scarlight can just nuke them all in one go. or how many Links when you have Hot Red Dragon Archfiend. and you can't really destroy Scar-Red Nova Dragon with effects... and Tyrant can just field nuke... So yeah, I'd say he can beat Gun Dragons

    3. FairFamily


      You need to be less callous of the gun dragons. Scarlight is countered by borrelload (that 500 drop) and borrelguard can't be destroyed by card effects. Scar-red is easily bypassed by borreload and snatch and attack lowering effects or is completely countered by borrelsword. Also borrelguard can't be destroyed by card effects. ...

    4. Wolfox


      point taken.

  7. image.png.73c713d274a9f422874524ee25f7001c.png

    If nothing else this bot is honest about what it's doing, scamming

  8. Most people: Jar-Jar Binks is annoying as hell.

    Me: He's pretty fucking funny.

    1. Magus


      He is actually a sith lord.

    2. Shamitako


      I think he's funny too

  9. When there's one burrito left over from diner and you manage to snag it as part of your lunch

    1. GenEric


      the last thing you want in your burrito is someone’s liquid SHET instead of beans

    2. Wolfox


      I mad them myself, so I know what's in them ;)

  10. image.png.7c62fce138e471f81f243b885c8b31dd.png


    1. Wolfox


      also, I found this:


      A Catbug Burnie plush. Me needs

  11. So... you know those things you really wanna do despite being as ass for doing them? Yeah, I got one of those I wanna do now. When I own a car, I will go from garage to garage asking them for Headlight Fluid. I'll see if I can get anyone to fall for it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      Oh I will, but the headlight Fluid is the main goal. and if I find that they actually have it... I will take a picture of it

    3. Ojama Yellow
    4. GenEric


      they will probably spray you with battery juice

  12. No matter how old they get, some people never grow out of playing with cars. Anakin Skywalker had something like that, just swap cars with droids

  13. So... remember when Kaiba's 3 blue eyes on the field was a big thing? Well Revolver managed to 1 up him greatly

    1. FairFamily


      Zarc was way ahead of Revolver.

    2. Wolfox


      true, true. But Zarc wasn't a rival :)

  14. image.png.0d4470ac62c79122b99bb8b3e061fb40.png

    Take a wild one who voices this guy


    1. seki108


      Still surprises me.  Only Geoff with no voice role in Achievement Hunter, post Ray's leave   though I can't remember for sure if Jerremy has one

    2. Wolfox


      perhaps they're saving Geoff and Lil J?

    3. seki108


      Maybe.  This was a good bit before Geoff's sabbatical, so he might be relegated to minor character if he does appear.  Not sure about J.   There are these in the meantime, though







  15. he was 24 years old. he saw a hole in his desk and decided to stick his finger in it... Gavin is... Gavin

    1. seki108


      Ryan's prank is still just as funny years later.  I guess Gavin's ringtone was an attempt on being just as annoying.........or maybe the other way around.

  16. scrabled egg with some small onions, curry and cheese delivered on two slices of bread. if I may toot my own horn: I can cook pretty well

  17. yeah, the nintendo console one is unlikely. though I believe he does wish to stay away from characters that did not originate from gaming (only saying this because the smash ballet said only characters who originate from gaming)
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