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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Ame remains the best Senpai tho
  2. I started watching Camp Camp. I didn't know what I expected, but I didn't expect it to be this good. RT Knows their shit.

    As for my favorite character so far... Gwen


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox
    3. GenEric


      isnt that the cartoon that seems kid friendly but is very vulgra vulgar?

    4. Wolfox


      pretty much, yeah.

  3. Regular sandslash has a single thing over exca: no weakness to fighting, fire and EQ
  4. Mega Beedrill: 40 Mega Pidgeot: 46 Mega Steelix: 3 Mega Sharpedo: 12 Mega Camerupt: 35 Mega Altaria: 6 Mega Glalie: 6 Mega Gallade: 41 Mega Diancie: 13
  5. preview of the next Death Battle

  6. *picks up list* I save twice in a row to make sure I don't forget to save. I always have a "type triangle" on my team for coverage. be it fire water grass or psychic, dark fighting (or fairy steel fighting). I always train my mons equally, With my Ace as an outsider being a bit higher. I always check every place I can for items. I only have one stab for each type, the rest is usually utility or coverage. I never use stall mons
  7. Wolfy's back with more useless questions! This time, what was your first level 100 Pokémon? For me, it was Emboar. Which is funny since my official first starter is Snivy. This happened because I owned both Black and White, and I traded myTepig from Black to my main save in White. That Tepig and my Snivy had a good race but eventually, Emboar was the one to reach level 100 faster. Sniper (my Serpirior) was the second and the third was Hydreigon.
  8. I'm not salty, I personally love both Sandslash and Ninetales in their alolan forms. Also, while Insta Hail Veil is a nice niche, only true hail teams get the full benefit due to the nice and powerfull hail damage xD
  9. then I guess I haven't had enough experience to speak about this
  10. I speak only from slight experience, but it seems to work so far. Here is my tip on trying to help someone who needs some help emotionally. You got two tools you need for this: you right ear and left ear. Or your eyes if you're talking via Texting or internet. Can you guess where I'm going with this? You're going to listen to music together! Jokes aside, the best way to help them is by listening and trying to understand. Listening to music together can help too tho, never underestimate the power of tunes~
  11. Not a person is the same, so do not act like they are.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GenEric


      just let it go dude 

      not worth it

      plus its splargle’s thread

    3. Wolfox


      What I meant was that when I get in a "share opinion on situations" mood it's hard to turn it off for a bit. not directly this situation

    4. GenEric
  12. Ame is everyone's Senpai. even for those who don't know it yet
  13. have the Yandere serve as Senpai~
  14. Never even considered this (and never disliked Celica either). good job
  15. if it's the "less appreciated" one, why did it eventually have a 22 point lead on Ninetales?
  16. Cain: 24 Aya: 16 Florinia: 24 Hardy: 24 Kiki: 9 Samson: 15 Shade: 18 Shelly: 23 Anna: 30 Cal: 20 Laura: 24 ZEL: 25
  17. Mega Beedrill: 39 Mega Pidgeot: 41 Mega Steelix: 7 Mega Sceptile: 2 Mega Sharpedo: 13 Mega Camerupt: 35 Mega Altaria: 10 Mega Glalie: 9 Mega Gallade: 41 Mega Diancie: 18
  18. Mega Gengar: 5 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Aerodactyl: 26 Mega Ampharos: 24 Mega Scizor: 27 Mega Heracross: 25 Mega Houndoom: 25 Mega Mawile: 7 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 23 Mega Abomasnow: 19
  19. "I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work." - Thomas A. Edison "Come as you are" - Kurt Cobain.
  20. I've started watching the clone wars. hopefully, it's good

    1. Zarc


      The clone wars is a masterpiece

  21. Not sure if this is your kind of thing, but considering you like NieR Automata...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      The soundtrack is feckin' amazing. l have the OST bookmarked and jsut listen to it all the time. XD

    3. Dreamy


      Yea I got introduced to it through the FFBE crossover event a while back, and since then have listened to it quite a bit

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      oh ye forgot there was crossover for that ~~l don't play FFBE lol~~ but ye that'd do it l suppose lol.

  22. I think one of my favorite RWBY v5 scenes has to be the scene where Oscar bring Qrow hom from the bar because Qrow got drunk (what else is new). what follows is some comedy gold with Ruby asking Qrow his he got drunk again. Qrow answers with "Heh. Maybeee"

  23. Skyrim character backstory/background: Lusus



    You wish to know about me? What for? Are you genuinly interested? Or do you wish to know with what kind of freak you're dealing? Regardless. My name is Lusus. Lusus Naturae to be specific. It means Freak Of Nature. accurate for me person like me. Allow me to explain. Most people are born into this world, I was summoned. See, some necromancer had found a way to bind a Daedra to a human body. He wished to use this to create an army to take over the empire. With pride I can say that I managed to stop that plan, and that while only an infant.What he did was take a dead child and a deadra heart, offer them in a fusion type ritual and manage to catch a Dremora soul from Oblivion to give it power. This went wrong, however. He instead managed to create new life, but no Dremora soldier. a man with the heart of a Daedra... You can guess what this has to do with me, right? That lifeless child turned into me. Right after the ritual he was killed. This was my luck, as he was going to kill me to try the ritual again. The person who killed him was an Orcish adventurer. He took me to his home, where he and his wife, a strong Nord warrior, accepted and raised me as their own. They asked me how I got there, and I explained what had happened. Their daughter had overheard and called me "Freaky, but in a good way". This lead to me calling myself Lusus Naturae, with Lusus serving as my first name. I lived a good life there. Mother and Father are easily some of the best people in Tamriel. But not all was well. Word of a War in Skyrim reached our home by a couple of Soldiers calling themselves "Stormcloaks" came to ask for my mothers aid in the war. My mother refused, as she had no interest in being seperated from her family just to condem Skyrim. And there was the fact that she was pregnant, as well. The soldiers didn't take that news lightly, telling Mother she was not a true daughter of Skyrim. But when they saw Father and me... all hell broke loose. They weren't exactly fond of Orc's, so you can fill in the blanks there, I think. The soldier began flinging insults at Mother and Father, which eventually led to Father literally tossing them out. This didn't sit well with them and they attacked out house. Mother, Father and me were able to hold them off long enough for guards to take them away. all of us were unharmed, untill one of the soldiers kicked Mother in the stomach. The unborn child payed the ultimate price for their rude behavior... Mother was burning with anger, almost literally. The guards took them away, where they were sentanced to death for robbing a woman of anunborn child. Mother had requested to serve as Headsman for the execution, which she was allowed. But this put a traget on our backs. Later at diner I talked about going to Skyrim to help the Empire fight off the Stormcloaks. Not only for the Empire, but to avenge my unborn brother/sister. At first mother and father were worried about me, but my Sister said that there was nothing to worry about. They saw me off to a cariage that would take me right to Solitude, the Capital of Skyrim. Little did I know the carriage was illegally transporting me. This led to a rough first run-in with the Empire. But I'm no less determined to help the Imperial Legion and free Skyrim of this war. But the true reason I'm fighting is so that Mother, Father and Sister don't have to. In other words, I fight for those who took in the freak with a Daedric heart.


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dragoknight


      I'm not sure my knowledge is as vast as @Thundermaze's, but I do know quite a bit, especially about the lore of the races and a lot about the divines and other gods. (been playing since TES III Morrowind)

      I'd be glad to help fill you in!

      And fantasic work writing what you have!

    3. ....


      Maybe you can dowload some quest mods that allows you to go to realms of Oblivion for this playthrough,it could double the immersion....

    4. Wolfox


      perhaps. might look into that

  24. you're both cute. a Kawaii Yandere and Kawaii Tsundere
  25. I've been singing this song all day. In other words: I'm addicted to another song

    1. seki108


      Sorry for leading you to an addiction

    2. Wolfox


      don't worry about it. I love music addictions~

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