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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. sometimes even my hair decides to work with me
  2. can't say I'm good for pictures. or maybe I just suck at taking them this is why you never try to get use out of me when I'm listening to music:
  3. good tip, but rock doesn't resist bug
  4. Screenshot_8.png.c85f0d9ee5a5d6d51d0fde409e7413e2.png

    The team at this point in time. The reason I named Bronzor Lusus is that I used to hate Bronzong, but I'm trying to get over that. And because it sounds cool~

  5. Awaken my Brood

    Today you will rise

    I've given you life

    My Lusus Naturae

    Open your eyes!~

    1. Dreamy


      Where evolution failed

      Science will prevail

      What nature warped

      I will restore

    2. Wolfox


      Lusus Naturae may just push Bad Luck Charm off my Number 1 RWBY song position. And this song alone makes me wanna play Grimm Eclipse. perhaps when I have a console for it

    3. ....


      Roses are red

      Violets are blue

      Omae wa mo shindeiru....

  6. Mega Beedrill: 42 Mega Pidgeot: 40 Mega Steelix: 9 Mega Sceptile: 7 Mega Sharpedo: 14 Mega Camerupt: 33 Mega Altaria: 10 Mega Glalie: 13 Mega Gallade: 41 Mega Diancie: 17
  7. Gonna get a haircut today. Don't worry, I can still hair flip afterwards. just gonna lose up to 2 CM of hair

  8. Cain: 24 Aya: 19 Florinia: 23 Hardy: 26 Julia: 3 Kiki: 11 Samson: 17 Shade: 19 Shelly: 25 Anna: 31 Cal: 20 Laura: 25 ZEL: 27
  9. now there are some good ones
  10. Mega Gengar: 10 Mega Kangaskhan: 8 Mega Pinsir: 23 Mega Aerodactyl: 24 Mega Ampharos: 24 Mega Scizor: 26 Mega Heracross: 25 Mega Houndoom: 24 Mega Mawile: 10 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 24 Mega Abomasnow: 18
  11. You+have+my+sword+_e47c3eec2434ce0eda766

    not sure if you've seen this one before, but I know you'll like it

    1. ....


      Oh how adorable!

      This is my kind of knight that's for sure~

      I found my love,

      Thank you Wolfox-san :D.


      I cannot add any more reaction today....

    2. Wolfox


      don't worry about it. it's actually from the same comic series as those pokédubs of earlier (this is Aeralin drawing Aeralin)

    3. ....



      How nice..

  12. @Thundermaze is just cute. simple as that. And don't worry, I am willing to change my downsides for the better (I mean if I don't what's the point anyway?)
  13. my standards are decently low compared, at least I think. 1 - she's gotta wanna date me (big one right there) 2 - she's gotta be a nice person 3 - she's gotta have some humor 4 (most important one) - she's gotta accept me for who I am.
  14. don't thank me for speaking the truth (or sharing my opinion if anything)
  15. @Thundermaze that's honestly surprising. you're a nice person, you got a sense of humor you're cute (I mean wut?). so yeah, confused me is confused
  16. I only have one small issue with the controlled I bought friday: the cord is long. like really long. I can use the cord I got for my phone for it, luckily. but yeah, that's the one issue I got with it (and me still having to get used to the damn thing. Having B where Nintendo has the A button messes me up sometimes)

    1. SilverAngelus


      And here I am complaining my phone's cord is too short

    2. Wolfox


      my phone cord is pretty short too, but just long enough

  17. I assume both, I know for a fact move tutor moves can't be bread onto mons tho
  18. I should say that too, You're Kawaii Thundermaze-Kun!
  19. So, I'm gonna say something about LOTA that might be extremely inaccurate. The begining of the game could use some work. The first battle with Max to be specific. Remember my main complaint about Desolation and how Connor used to have about a solid 1 counter there? Well, LOTA lets you start with an eeveelution depending on your playstyle. I got Leafeon. What do I have to face? a Grimer with Sludge and a Pineco. See where I'm going here? All I can do is spam Sand Attack hoping grimer misses enough time for me to get at least 4 to 6 sand attacks off to even stand a chance. This is not exactly well balanced, is it? This is the kind of "story before balance and playability" stuff that made earlier desolation a "do not play" for me. Am I being harsh on the game so far? Mst likely, but that doesn't take away that it's a valid point of critisism

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      that doesn't excuse any of it though. If anything give the player something to do other than spamming sand attack and praying to god that hax favors them. Because who doesn't like getting 2koed in the first battle that you MUST WIN. Yeah, if it was a forced loss battle it could have been acceptable. but NOPE. you get no pokéballs, a couple of potions and an eeveelution. but that's all you get. So unless you like grinding up against level 10 to 12 fucking BEEDRIL you will not get past that battle unless the hax gods have blessed you. There's only one thing I can call it really. Bad Game Design. "But Wolfox, you're just salty this happens to you. For all the other starters it's absolutely fine.". That only makes it fucking WORSE. why give one specific starter option such a steep disadvantage? In reborn at least you have options to deal with Julia if you start with a water type that isn't a meme. in this game, you can either Grind till you OHKO everything he can toss at you, you get lucky as all hell with the sand attack hax, or you start over with another starter.

    3. Azeria


      I honestly found it a pretty fair challenge, he's using 2 crappy unevolved Pokemon, you're using one evolved above average one. Granted if the Grimer gets the Poison, you lose no matter what.

    4. Wolfox


      on the one hand, yes, but getting 2koed each time unless you get lucky with the sand attacks just makes it absolutely aggravating. add to that my bad luck as we get a recipe for bullshit

  20. There... are Ralts in the first route of Lota... WHEN DO I GET POKÉBALLS!

    1. seki108


      Good to know if I ever continue/restart my playthrough......that lasted all of 15 minutes and was more to see how the game looked compared to Rejuvenation (which I decided to play instead)

  21. I felt like showing my face again. I can Hair Flip~ Sorry for the decently bad quality btw. Laptop cameras aren't the best
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