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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Here's our chance for an all-out attack! 

  2. When I first joined here I had a Soma profile picture. And now it's back

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      When I hear Soma I think of food wars XD

    2. Wolfox


      well that's not the Soma I'm talking about

  3. hey. it's almost time for RWBY v7

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I actually didn;t do the binge this time, v6 is still quite fresh in my memory, and I am NOT ready to rewatch v3

    3. doombotmecha


      I'm not sure if I can EVER rewatch v3, and I saw it as it came out. Me and my friend joke about repressing PvP.


      Re: v7 I'm very excited for the show, but my enthusiasm is dampened by choices that roosterteeth has made recently. In particular, I am very angry about the FIRST price hike, and I am especially irritated that Gen:LOCK season 2 will be streaming on HBO Max instead of the streaming service belonging to its actual creators, with a 90-day wait for the show on a platform I'll actually use. I just wish the makers of my favorite shows didn't work so hard to stop me from watching them as they come out, is all.

    4. LeoYT


      There was a time when they thought GenLock was gonna pull in tons of cash. Im still pretty mad they sacrificed RWBY chibi just to make it. but what really drove my money away is them forcing me to cancel my grandfathered priced first membership. V7 is their last chance to end the year on a high note

  4. My Castlevania hoodie and Lament of Innocence are on the way. Ima happy 

  5. Why is persona 3 fes so expensive to find for a European console... 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      Update: cheapest is 129... Ah fuck I'm never playing that game am I? 

    3. J-Dawg


      Can't you just emulate it?  That's what I did for Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.

    4. Wolfox


      Nope, my laptop can't even run por at half speed meaning I'm probably never playing it

  6. which Belmont struds best?

  7. Prediction: people are gonna bitch about being able to skip the catching tutorial and over leveled mons in the wild area despite those thing being both good and relatively good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      sadly. I'm still excited for it because more than anything it looks like ther one thing every pokémon game is and should be: fun.

    3. Abyssreaper99


      I just want Galarian pooch now. I just kinda hate that most of the reveals so far are just Game Freak Gen 1 pandering again

    4. Wolfox


      Yeah, that does suck. But I'd rather the other have the rest be a secret 

  8. First dark souls save: Pyromancer. Second one will be Cleric (not done with save 1 yet tho, not by far) 

    1. Felicity


      Hit people with the force yeet then roll around and mace everyone to death.

  9. am I the only one who wants Demon Souls and DS2 on switch?

    1. Amphibi


      I want demon souls and bloodborne on pc and/or switch, sold my ps3 before I got into the souls series

  10. Well, I ran into Havel in DS switch... Not ready for that boy yet... 

  11. What sparked this thirst for Dark Souls lore within me? 

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Couldn't say, but there's quite a well to dive into that folks have pieced together that's for sure lol

  12. Here's a song that might resonate with a lot of people here, when translated that is. Hope you enjoy 


  13. Reached the white palace 

    1. Dreamy


      Enjoy playing Super Meat Boy for a bit. 


      oh and if you find the path of pain, I recommend turning around. it's not worth it.

    2. Wolfox


      I am not planning on doing the Path of pain, considering the regular palace is already kicking my ass

    3. Dreamy


      iirc it took me about 2 hours on the first playthough.

  14. I heard a goose Honk irl again...

    1. doombotmecha


      Untitled Goose Go

  15. Okay, Grimm is definitly my second favorite character in Hollow Knight

    1. Dreamy


      Love his design, hate fighting him (in NKG form at least)

    2. Wolfox


      his fight is gonna be a nice puzzle to solve. but considering his huge Dracula-like paterns it should not be the hardest to figure out. if need be I'll use the "exploid"

  16. Got 1400 essence now, almost at the needed amount. Beat the Lost Kin, now to find the best dream boss to fill it up with 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      haven't even been in his room yet. and yeah, the other warriors dreams, most of the whispering roots and the Lost Kin

    3. Dreamy


      Ah, so from memory there's still the Failed Champion, Soul Tyrant and the slightly more secret one in dirtmouth if you've done colosseum level 1 and also saved bretta at the bottom of fungal wastes?

    4. Wolfox


      I saved her and did level 1, but forgot Zote thus far 

  17. Catching up on Vrains, I realized I love almost everything about my new favorite Link 3 monster: Vector Scare Archfiend. Fun effects, nice arrow, it's an Archfiend. However... I hate the summoning condition. 2+ Cyberse... Not just effect, not genetic, Type locked. Still, love the card

  18. okay, so Joker is an amazing movie. 

  19. I'm gonna watch Joker tonight

  20. Didn't even notice I got past 2k rep. Got 2002 now. 

    1. Dreamy


      You've almost caught up to the current year!

    2. Wolfox


      Yeah, heck I've gotten quite close to Ame

  21. Yo this rwby 7 trailer 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. doombotmecha


      Yeah holy shit. I love the gang's new looks, especially that little bit of gold metal used in the repair of Gambol Shroud.

    3. seki108


      I'm not a fan of Ironwood's full beard.  Clean shaven was ok, rugged was great, but full on just looks.......jarring.

    4. doombotmecha


      Yeah absolutely he looks like a different person.

  22. Final beat the traitor lord, now to double my essence to get the other half... 

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