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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. And Gengar get's Focus Miss to counter Dark Types

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      let Garde have it too and we got a deal (make it an egg-move from Gallade if you have to)

    3. Jess


      :o That would be great to see!

    4. Azeria


      Where's Aura Sphere Alakazam tbh.

  2. so has Garchomp. but those can't fly or levitate either
  3. I'm gonna be that guy and say that I would LOVE a Fangame or Romhack where your goal is collecting enough Contest ribbons and winning a Grand Festival. Like, Contests in ORAS are just so fucking fun

  4. Simple question. If you were a Pokétuber, what Pokémon would be your mascot? For me, it's actually up in the air between Gardevoir, Gallade, and Roserade. Reasons being that Gardevoir is my favorite mon (no kidding!), Gallade is bad-ass and can allow me to easily edit the mascot image when I do Yugioh content and Roserade because I love roserade. It's cute as fuck. Please let me know what mon and why that mon.
  5. c5d.jpg

    don't know why, this just made me laugh a bit too much.

    @Alistair you will like this one too

    1. Dreamy


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    2. Alistair


      Uh oh

      cats don't like water you know!

    3. Wolfox


      but Blake in only part Cat. and don't forget that we're also talking Pun-Queen Yang here

  6. More predistions for the Reborn Penta-Op:

    Nexus: Will struggle at first but finally learn the LP Meta (Example of LP Meta: Sawsbuck is great in LP Meta while it's let viable in the regular meta).

    Twit: He will have an Aniem Arc every episode.

    NAPPY: will struggle with the Field Effects at first but learn how they work and work with them.

    Mo: Will look up things about the game when needed but will try not to spoil himself or the others.

    Jay: Will just run through the game with his Mewtwo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      I can see them getting decently far tbh. granted Twit will lose the Nuzlocke at Julia already

    3. Azeria


      Nah, underdog twit sleepin', getting past all of them barely. Then Serra's bullshit happens.

    4. Wolfox


      Nah, twit's gonna get a mon overleveled (because we're talking about Twit here) and it's gonna disobey into getting killed

  7. The Last Airbender... rarely have I seen a show that is just good without moments where "it should have gone another way" or "it should not have happened". even the weak moments of a character serve for great character building and have good reasons behind them. Take, for example, Zuko in Ba Sing Se. Instead of sticking with Uncle Iroh he chose to fight with Azula and the Firenation, betraying Iroh in the process. This is not a strong moment for Zuko, but it is understanable. For 3 years he's wanted to return to the Firenation a hero and now he has the chance and then some. It helps that in one of the comics he at first didn't want to leave Ba Sing Se because of what he did, but thanks to Tai Lee and Azula setting him up way Mai he did return eventually. And it didn;t take him too long to figure out he had messed up.


    But I'm ranting. If you have not yet seen the Last Airbender (first off how did you avoid it for so long?) I highly recomend you just watch it. It's without a doubt a masterpiece. Just avoid the movie

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I just finished re-watching it.

      I also watched Korra a few years back, and while that's not as good (but honestly, can we be mad at that?) that's still really good. Just turn your brain off during season 2 a bit

    3. Phi-Bi


      Oh yeah i haven't finished korra. I just can't finish it--don't ruin my memories of The Last Airbender since so far I'm disappointed with Korra.

    4. Wolfox


      it get's pretty good. if anything it's better than The Ember Island Players and the Movie

  8. Cain: 26 Aya: 20 Florinia: 22 Hardy: 24 Julia: 9 Kiki: 13 Samson: 17 Shade: 21 Shelly: 29 Anna: 29 DJ Arclight: 7 Cal: 24 Laura: 30 ZEL: 25
  9. hence why I said the complete extremes. my personal checks for yes or no were Sun and Moon and Darksouls. Dark Souls just tosses you in without any holding bars while SuMo gives you a parachute and a falling net while just walking across a regular road.
  10. Mega Gengar: 16 Mega Kangaskhan: 16 Mega Pinsir: 23 Mega Aerodactyl: 22 Mega Ampharos: 22 Mega Scizor: 25 Mega Heracross: 25 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 0 Mega Mawile: 8 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 26 Mega Absol: 8 Mega Abomasnow: 20
  11. Mega Beedrill: 38 Mega Pidgeot: 40 Mega Slowbro: 8 Mega Steelix: 14 Mega Sceptile: 10 Mega Sharpedo: 15 Mega Camerupt: 29 Mega Altaria: 14 Mega Glalie: 19 Mega Gallade: 39 Mega Diancie: 19
  12. take a wild guess what episode of TLA I've reached. Hints: you love it and HONOOOOOOR

    1. Wolfox


      "You're really going to get a kick of this."

      Zuko may be my favorite, Iroh is easily one of the best in the whole series

    2. Caimie



    3. Wolfox


      The Ember Island Players remains a great episode. And it fulfills the need of "TLA Abridged". or if anything better than the movie did...

  13. I forgot how awkward it was for Zuko when he joined up with Team Avatar. And I've gotten people to look at me funyn when I told them he used to be a bit of an inspiration for me (Why els would I have longer hair now?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      what's stopping you from doing so?

    3. Candy


      The massive amount of work I must do before I graduate and the proven knowledge that once I start... there's no stop until the end 😱

    4. Wolfox


      points taken

  14. Simple question really. Or is it? Also, we're going for the full extremes here. no skipable tutorial parts or tutorial you can play anytime. You either have a Mandatory Tutorial that tells you all you need, or you just get tossed in and have to figure it out yourself while trying to survive (Castlevania style). Personally, give me the tutorials. I can find enjoyment in playing those (yes, even the first island of SuMo/USUM) and I'd rather just learn what the game thinks I should learn.
  15. So, thanks to this thingy here:


    I will now be able to really play Metroidvania games without breaking my fingers tryying to do so on keyboard. First in line: Cicle of the Moon. The one after will be the game that started the legacy of my first forum profile pic (it's Soma Cruz if you didn't know)

  16. turning Roserade into a Technician Railcannon is always a good idea. HP + Megical Leaf just works, no questions asked. Gallade should help, but Ralts is late game locked.
  17. Reborn Penta-opp prediction on Corey's death:

    Nexus: Dude, you're overreacting.

    Twit: Good, you killed my [insert overleveled mon that got killed because it didn't listen to Twit because it was overleveled here]

    NAPPY: That's a bit much.

    Mo: Okay, wow.

    Jay: WHAT!?


    And now to his "return" in Gengar form:


    Nexus: Doen't notice.

    Twit: This Gengar is gonna fuck me up!

    NAPPY: GENGAR! I lost. I can't kill it.

    Mo: Shadow Ball in the field is gonna kill things.

    Jay: I killed it with my Mewtwo.

  18. you can't see it, but I got my controller. I'm happy with it

  19. Dio was such a legend...

  20. So... I'm gonna get a controller for my Laptop today. Main reason is so I can play Metroidvania games on there without breaking my fingers on the keyboard. I found a nice one with the only downside (acording to a review who actually named a downside to the controller) was that it wasn't wireless. So last night as I was about to hit the hay my brain turned of and gave me the question "Do you need to recharge wired controllers?" while I literally bought a wired mouse because I didn't need to rechrage it...


    What did we learn today? When Wolfy is tired his brain turns to mush.

  21. Attack on Titan, Either Fullmetal Alchemist, My Hero Academia, One Punch Man, Deadman Wonderland (if only it could have been finished ), Code Geass, Castlevania (It's a Netflix series with 4 episodes so far, but it's good), Death Note, SAO (Yes, I'm recommending SAO. While it has flaws, quite big ones at times, it also has good high points), Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate, Kill La Kill... I think that's most of what I can offer (have I proven my weebness yet?)
  22. Cain: 26 Aya: 19 Florinia: 22 Hardy: 25 Julia: 12 Kiki: 13 Samson: 19 Shade: 23 Shelly: 28 Anna: 30 DJ Arclight: 11 Cal: 25 Laura: 28 ZEL: 24
  23. A-Sandslash: 47 A-Ninetales: 30 @Amethyst can if anything be proud of us this time
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