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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Mega Gengar: 18 Mega Kangaskhan: 16 Mega Pinsir: 24 Mega Aerodactyl: 23 Mega Ampharos: 21 Mega Scizor: 24 Mega Heracross: 27 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 3 Mega Mawile: 9 Mega Aggron: 23 Mega Manectric: 25 Mega Banette: 0 Mega Absol: 8 Mega Abomasnow: 21
  2. Mega Beedrill: 37 Mega Pidgeot: 39 Mega Slowbro: 12 Mega Steelix: 16 Mega Sceptile: 15 Mega Sharpedo: 15 Mega Camerupt: 28 Mega Altaria: 15 Mega Glalie: 19 Mega Gallade: 38 Mega Diancie: 18

    You can't make me change my name~

  4. As much as it pains me to say this, there are only 3 fairies in the whole dex that can be useful against Aya. 1 of them is Tapu Lele, one of them is locked till the Late Game and the other is Mr. Mime... (Take a wild guess which the late game one is. you won't ever guess). Booting Granbull (sorry buddy) for a psychic type and booting Mr. Biggles and Noctowl for Crobat is a great idea (kudos @Thundermaze) Wishcash might remain useful for a bit, but I wouldn't count on it. Cofagrigus and Blaziken should stay though, those work well
  5. well, if you want to play a strategy game why are you playing Pokémon, to begin with? It doesn't exactly fall into the strategy RPG Genre outside of conquest :/ If you really want to get challenged by a strategy game, Xcom should be the game franchise for you. And if they relied only on nostalgia they would just release Red Green Blue and Yellow over and over again. Which they don't, they rely on the FORMULA they set up early but keep trying to improve upon it in one way or another with each new release. Was gen 7 perfect? No, it wasn't. But why should it be? I mean, how many "perfect" games are there in general? about an even 0. And, as I said earlier, Just because the formula doesn't work for YOU, doesn't mean it doesn't work in general. Do you really think pure 100% Nostalgia sells that well? If you do you might reconsider your outlook on the gaming market
  6. Welcome! Take a shot every time we get a new Dutchman. Before too long we might take this place over!
  7. so, for those keeping up with Vrains. How do you feel about Revolver having the Holy Barrier - Mirror Force in his deck?

    1. FairFamily


      I'm legit annoyed. Now revolver has even more gimmicky dragons that aren't bullets. Just what he needed.  I'm missing on bullet support.

    2. Zarc


      Well idk. It’s good to see an old card like mirror force on vrains. And furthermore on a vilain deck. But yeah agree with Fair , we need more bullet support.

    3. Wolfox


      I can understand that. I personally find it to be quite funny how Emma warned Yusaku about Mirror Force and people began speculating about "New Mirror Force Confirmed?"

  8. Cain: 25 Adrienn: 2 Aya: 18 Florinia: 22 Hardy: 24 Julia: 13 Kiki: 15 Luna: 10 Samson: 22 Shade: 23 Shelly: 26 Anna: 28 DJ Arclight: 15 Cal: 28 Laura: 28 ZEL: 22 permission to take pride in keeping Cal high up there on my own?
  9. Mega Gengar: 18 Mega Kangaskhan: 16 Mega Pinsir: 26 Mega Aerodactyl: 23 Mega Ampharos: 20 Mega Scizor: 23 Mega Heracross: 26 Mega Houndoom: 22 Mega Tyranitar: 7 Mega Mawile: 12 Mega Aggron: 23 Mega Manectric: 25 Mega Banette: 4 Mega Absol: 10 Mega Abomasnow: 20 if we're talking needless mega's, mind helping me take down the pseudo first?
  10. Mega Beedrill: 36 Mega Pidgeot: 37 Mega Slowbro: 14 Mega Steelix: 16 Mega Sceptile: 17 Mega Sableye: 7 Mega Sharpedo: 15 Mega Camerupt: 26 Mega Altaria: 16 Mega Glalie: 21 Mega Gallade: 39 Mega Diancie: 17
  11. A-Sandslash: 49 A-Ninetales: 30 A-Marowak: 11 I will now explain why I like A-Ninetales better than A-Sandslash: Sandslash is still a bit slow. Nothing to do with typing, Slash is just a sad bit too slow even with its ability.
  12. Reborn Penta-Opp Predictions on Pulse Tangrowth number 1.


    Twit: will have an Anime Arc.

    Nexus: "I wanna say somehing I shouldn't say."

    NAPPY: "Okay, this is kinda wild."

    Mo: "Wow WTF IS this? Let me look it up for a sec."

    Jay: One Shots it with a Mewtwo.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      It's confirmed. At the start of the year he said:

      "After insurgence, our next Penta-Opp project is going to be Pokémon Reborn."

    3. J-Awesome_One


      The only "problem" though is that we don't know if it will happen really soon or sometime later this year.

    4. Chim


      Wild. I'll make sure to follow that project. Penta Opps are the only thing I still watch.

  13. it won't for what I know, but I highly suggest you use the "rejects", as you call them, and really take a feel for Reborn as it is. The game is built around limiting your options early on and even later on.
  14. I honestly don't understand the negativity toward gen 7. If you ask me (and more people) they are some of the best games of the whole series, but that's not what we're on about here. For the Switch game, I'm thinking it will be more of the "spiral of decay" (which I also heavily disagree with, but that's just me) with the old-school Nintendo focus on fun over challenge and story. Because why fix what isn't Broken? And before you say "But it is broken. I found gen 7 horrible and it shouldn't keep going this path.", keep in mind that for you it is broken, but for others (I'm assuming most people playing) it is far from broken.
  15. I may not have been in a relationship yet, I also haven't had a toxic relationship yet. Nor have I managed to fuck a relationship up.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Wolfox


      alright, but who says I have an attitude like that and don't just keep it in the back of my mind and separated from my daily life?

    3. Josef


      Why mention it here on the forums if its not a very dominant matter in your mind? Your status sounded as if you wanted reaffirmation in order to get it out of your system.

    4. Wolfox


      then you've missed the entire point of it. Each time I spoke of relationships in the past has been negative, but now that I have a more positive look at not having had a relationship yet I decided to post the POSITIVES it. Those were not having been in a toxic relationship and not having fucked any up.

  16. my 4th year here is aproaching. it's been a while since I've come here huh?

    1. GenEric


      That means you are four years closer to death


  17. That's a metric fuck-ton of luck you used there.
  18. that's a strong team. if anything I guess Alolan Ninetals could be replaced for a better ice type later on like Sneasel/Weavile), and even that is trading something amazing for something equally amazing. I would say "Gardevoir and Magnezone", but Primarina does things that Gardevoir can do as well (only thing setting Garde higher being speed if you ask me)
  19. anyone in for some irony?

    Least favorite type: Water

    Favorite Gen 2 Legend: Suicune

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      Diancie is just amazing in almost all rights. if only it had more than 50 base hp...

    3. Azeria


      imagine toxapex with more than 50hp

    4. Wolfox


      let's not... it's already stally enough without having a ton of HP

  20. A-Raichu: 8 A-Sandslash: 45 A-Ninetales: 33 A-Marowak: 16 It's not too surprising. I mean it's Ice Steel vs Ice Fairy. Alolan-Slash has a 4x type advantage
  21. Mega Venusaur: 1 Mega Charizard Y: 1 Mega Gengar: 20 Mega Kangaskhan: 16 Mega Pinsir: 27 Mega Aerodactyl: 23 Mega Ampharos: 19 Mega Scizor: 21 Mega Heracross: 25 Mega Houndoom: 22 Mega Tyranitar: 9 Mega Mawile: 13 Mega Aggron: 23 Mega Manectric: 24 Mega Banette: 8 Mega Absol: 10 Mega Abomasnow: 2 he sets up the kill
  22. Mega Beedrill: 37 Mega Pidgeot: 36 Mega Slowbro: 14 Mega Steelix: 16 Mega Sceptile: 22 Mega Sableye: 11 Mega Sharpedo: 15 Mega Camerupt: 24 Mega Altaria: 19 Mega Glalie: 21 Mega Lopunny: 1 Mega Gallade: 38 Mega Diancie: 16
  23. Cain: 27 Adrienn: 8 Aya: 20 Florinia: 22 Hardy: 24 Julia: 16 Kiki: 15 Luna: 10 Samson: 21 Shade: 23 Shelly: 27 Anna: 27 DJ Arclight: 17 Cal: 30 Laura: 28 ZEL: 22
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