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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I'm not the only one who had nightmares of Ko the Face-Stealer, right?

  2. "Are you too busy fighting you can't see your own ship has set sail?"

    Uncle Iroh. Master of Tea-Making and inventor of proverbs

    1. Caimie


      IT FEELS SO WEIRD TO SEE HIS FACE AND THEN HEAR THE VOICE?????? omg but then you see the part where its the anime and you cant see his face and it feels totally like zuko??? Lmao thank you!!

    2. Wolfox


      inb4 the crush on Zuko returned for his VA xD

    3. Wolfox


      He is, but not in the Dutch version.

  3. magearna was a mistake. not as much as other things (like ash grend and mega ray) but still a bit of a mistake. I think it's extremely cute tho
  4. I would personally refrain from dropping Gardevoir. not because of bias or anything, but because it simply checks most boxes for most if not all teams in Reborn. with its good movepool and typing, it's really no surprise it got booted to late game status by Ame. pair it with the Magnezone that I mentioned earlier and you have a two mon core that can go through almost everything.
  5. legit the best way to scare a player

  6. replace Manectric with Magnezone and train up Staraptor. Magnezone is one of the Reborn Champs due to it's great synergy with mons like Gardevoir. And Staraptor is one of the best flying types available in general.
  7. I'm legit surprised mega lop is going down as fast as it is. I guess it's just annoying as fuck
  8. You know, way back when I was watching the Gen3 Anime. I always thought Aggron was Steven's ace. I was a dumb kid

  9. Mega Venusaur: 10 Mega Charizard Y: 16 Mega Gengar: 21 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 23 Mega Aerodactyl: 23 Mega Ampharos: 18 Mega Scizor: 20 Mega Heracross: 24 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 13 Mega Mawile: 15 Mega Aggron: 25 Mega Manectric: 25 Mega Banette: 10 Mega Absol: 9 Mega Abomasnow: 22
  10. Cain: 25 Adrienn: 12 Aya: 21 Ciel: 8 Florinia: 24 Hardy: 27 Julia: 23 Kiki: 21 Luna: 14 Noel: 7 Samson: 23 Shade: 24 Shelly: 26 Anna: 23 DJ Arclight: 17 Cal: 28 Laura: 27 ZEL: 24
  11. Mega Beedrill: 34 Mega Pidgeot: 36 Mega Slowbro: 16 Mega Steelix: 16 Mega Sceptile: 25 Mega Swampert: 9 Mega Sableye: 17 Mega Sharpedo: 19 Mega Camerupt: 23 Mega Altaria: 19 Mega Glalie: 21 Mega Latias: 10 Mega Lopunny: 11 Mega Gallade: 34 Mega Diancie: 13 the thingy is, Diancie needed the buff to actually be good. and even with the big buff, diancie has a glaring weakness to punches of the bullet variety.
  12. A-Raichu: 21 A-Sandslash: 33 A-Ninetales: 32 A-Dugtrio: 0 goodbye discount exca. now you will be jealous of MY hair! A-Muk: 20 A-Exeggutor: 10 A-Marowak: 22
  13. while only announced yesterday, the server has had issues and has been under maintenance for a few days
  14. Friend: Hey, I know I'm really damn late (or early if that's how you wanna see it) for your b-day, but I still gotta get you something.

    Me: You really don't, you already congradulated me anyway.

    Friend: No, you gave me something Xcom, now I gotta give you something you would like.

    Me: If you say so.

    Friend: You've been playing Skyrim a bit recently right? Lemt me give you Oblivion. Have fun.


    sometimes having someone be late for your b-day can be a good thing

  15. to an extent, yes. but I personally wouldn't wanna use it
  16. I have a feeling you might have had a little too much time on your hands
  17. Looking back at the past, I remember having both a Zuko and an Aang action figure growing up. I always was a nerd

  18. Mega Venusaur: 9 Mega Charizard Y: 20 Mega Gengar: 23 Mega Kangaskhan: 17 Mega Pinsir: 25 Mega Aerodactyl: 22 Mega Ampharos: 18 Mega Scizor: 19 Mega Heracross: 24 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 15 Mega Mawile: 16 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 25 Mega Banette: 10 Mega Absol: 9 Mega Abomasnow: 23 N-nani? A Fairy user healing the best fairy killer in the game? Has he gone mad? First, to go mad you must have been sane in the first place. Second, I always loved Mega Scizor and Scizor. It's just a well-made mon in all rights. Helps that it's a bug type too
  19. These are really good. prefer most of the original ones, but the Cain one is absolutely amazing
  20. 2352edj.png

    Ladies and Gentleman, the wisest man still alive in the Fire Nation

  21. so... fun fact. there's new Vampire Support coming.

    I have seen some of the cards and dare I say some of them might make it playable?

  22. A-Raichu: 21 A-Sandslash: 30 A-Ninetales: 31 A-Dugtrio: 8 A-Golem: 1 A-Muk: 22 A-Exeggutor: 14 A-Marowak: 21
  23. Mega Beedrill: 33 Mega Pidgeot: 36 Mega Slowbro: 18 Mega Steelix: 16 Mega Sceptile: 24 Mega Swampert: 13 Mega Sableye: 16 Mega Sharpedo: 19 Mega Camerupt: 22 Mega Altaria: 21 Mega Glalie: 21 Mega Latias: 16 Mega Lopunny: 11 Mega Gallade: 33 Mega Diancie: 14
  24. Cain: 25 Adrienn: 12 Aya: 21 Ciel: 10 Florinia: 23 Hardy: 27 Julia: 25 Kiki: 21 Luna: 14 Noel: 9 Samson: 26 Shade: 23 Shelly: 27 Anna: 23 DJ Arclight: 17 Cal: 27 Laura: 28 ZEL: 24
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