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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. just tossing an idea out there.
  2. or case c- Sigmund is the only one in reach and she knows about his way of treating people
  3. zfgoieesrjjy.png

    Would Bumi be the only Earth Bender who could posibly beat Toph?

    1. Wolfox


      true, true. let me rephrase it:

      Would Bumi be the earthbender with the best chance of beating toph.

    2. seki108


      Best chance, probably.   Actually possible, not likely.  I'm not sure which he would stand more of a chance against: young Toph (ATLA) or old Toph (LoK).

    3. Wolfox


      young. Old Toth has had the chance to torment two avatars. Bumi would not stand a ghost of a chance

  4. This is something you will rarely hear me say, but I think the Dutch dub of the Last Airbender might actually be better than the original English version. Not saying the English one is bad tho. But if you can find a dutch dub of TLA with subs I suggest you at least give it the old college try

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      rarely, but it did. I personally liked the Test Iroh put out for Aang, for example. a safety net in case he was just another air nomad. outside of that not much

    3. seki108


      I mean,   it kind of dropped the whole 'elements gravitating toward him' immediately after, so it wasn't even consistent.   I guess they covered that one base as best they could, since the comic describing how thorough the Fire Nation was at wiping out hidden pockets of nomads wasn't released until years late.      

    4. Wolfox


      Another thing it did well is display Iroh's power. while Fire Benders were hugely nerved in the movie, Iroh was able to just create fire out of thin air were others can only do so with Sozins Comet

  5. I'm gonna rewatch what I will gladly call the best cartoon I've ever seen: Avatar The last Airbender.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      I remember looking up to Zuko a lot as a kid. When he turned to the good guys it was like I was dreaming. Heck, he was a pretty big inspiration for me when I was growing my hair.


      And everyone can say that Uncle Iroh thought them one or two lessons.

    3. Caimie


      UNCLE IROH MVP! Tbh i would love to work at a tea place that he owns. My favorite episode is the one where they go watch a play about themselves lmaooo, it's so funny. Also ALL the episodes where they pretend to be fire nation citizens are hilarious!

    4. Wolfox


      yeah, the play episode was one of the best. "Kies voor veraad! Dat is leuker!"


  6. Gardevoir. It has amazing synergy with Magnezone and then some. good typing, good movepool, really an option that is at least to be glanced over a few times
  7. This life is a glitch

    Something we should fix

    From the start start we were

    Ghosts in the Machine~

  8. Mega Bird Jesus is really good. but I still like Gallade better.
  9. Mega Beedrill: 31 Mega Pidgeot: 34 Mega Slowbro: 18 Mega Steelix: 16 Mega Sceptile: 26 Mega Swampert: 16 Mega Sableye: 16 Mega Sharpedo: 19 Mega Camerupt: 22 Mega Altaria: 20 Mega Glalie: 21 Mega Latios: 6 Mega Latias: 18 Mega Lopunny: 13 Mega Gallade: 32 Mega Diancie: 15 I think I know a fun H/H topic for the next one. [insert evil laugh here]
  10. Mega Venusaur: 13 Mega Charizard X: 4 Mega Charizard Y: 24 Mega Alakazam: 18 Mega Gengar: 23 Mega Kangaskhan: 17 Mega Pinsir: 23 Mega Aerodactyl: 24 Mega Ampharos: 16 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 24 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 17 Mega Mawile: 17 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 25 Mega Banette: 10 Mega Absol: 9 Mega Abomasnow: 22
  11. A-Raticate: 3 A-Raichu: 18 A-Sandslash: 28 A-Ninetales: 26 A-Dugtrio: 10 A-Persian: 4 A-Golem: 12 A-Muk: 24 A-Exeggutor: 16 A-Marowak: 20 I'll vote something else this time. voting Meme Tree for heal cuz it's funny, voting golem down because that beard tho
  12. Same. the best thing is he would compliment us on it. He knows blindly trusting someone you don't know well enough is not a good thing
  13. Cain: 27 Adrienn: 12 Aya: 21 Ciel: 10 Florinia: 25 Hardy: 26 Julia: 25 Kiki: 21 Luna: 18 Noel: 15 Samson: 26 Saphira: 4 Shade: 26 Shelly: 24 Anna: 22 DJ Arclight: 17 Cal: 28 Laura: 26 ZEL: 22 Fully trusting Radomus is not a good idea, but not trusting him at all might be even worse of an idea. He is always multiple steps ahead of everything going on, having him as an ally will rarely put you on the bad end of the battle (the Arceus Ditto thing is one of the exceptions). He hasn't told us everything, but he has not lied to us yet either. He is, so far, honest with the player. But he only tells them things he believes they need to know. @NickCrash I wouldn't really call Radomus cocky myself. He knows his place most of the time and doesn't really pretend to be better. He just does his thing and lets others do theirs. Unless your talking about his Chess skills, because then you might be correct.
  14. he's giving away Cyndaquill. Typhlosion is your favorite mon right?
  15. @Zarc dude now is your chance
  16. Screenshot_6.png.a056e8a00eb244abebaaa5788c30b46b.png

    Suze is full of himself?


    @seki108 you'll like this too

  17. All hail king Naptune and his waterbreathers

    1. seki108


      Good old Naptune:  I just wanted an excuse to post this, now that I found it.


      Sleepy Neptune


    2. Wolfox


      Neptune won't eat Superfast Jellyfish tho. with his fear of water

  18. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/feb/22/full-list-of-winners-at-the-2018-brit-awards

    this is pretty fun to see. helps that two of my favorite bands are winners.

    Speaking of, here is how Gorillaz accepted their prize:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      true. didn't watch it, but I learned about Gorillaz being the brittish winner via this video, so I decided to look up other winners

    3. Sayia


      I didn't watch it too ;)

    4. Sayia


      Right now I'm listen JT - Mirrors (long version)

  19. and for @Thundermaze, a screenshot of Kiri


    edited as well as I could with MS paint.

    1. ....


      Oh boi she is an Altmer that's for sure~

    2. ....


      And this is my Bosmer Ilmoriana~


      Nice to meet you Kiri~


  20. Skyrim character backstory: Valora


    "So. You want to know about little old me? I guess I should be flattered. In that case, you might want to take a seat. It's gonna be a decently long story. It all started a few years ago, in a town not too far off the Skyrim border. It was a town mostly filled with Nords, but most of them accepted me as if I was one of their own. With that, I mean that there was one person who despite everyone telling him I could be trusted though he was too smart to listen to others and just stick to his "facts" that "I was just a dirty Dunmer" and "Nothing good can comes from a Dunmer. She will magic us into oblivion before we know it". To make things harder, he was kind of like the Village Chief. Ha, one day he took some of the guards and made them follow me around all day. Just because he had seen me "scheming a take-over". It wasn't that bad though. I had a job at the local inn as cook and waitress. Didn't pay much, but I got a room and food to compensate. I was decently big on reading. But the second it was about Vampires it got all of my attention. Not sure why, they always just intrigued me. And look at me now, I'm one of them. I also had a girlfriend. Yes. I am, as you call, gay. Can't really say why. It just feels good, you know? I even have a loving Wife back in Whiterun, as a matter of fact, I'm trying to get enough septims to buy a larger house somewhere, gods know she deserves it. Wait, I got a bit sidetracked, didn't I? Damn. Well, I had a girlfriend back in the town. Most was well with her. She accepted me for who I was, she would spend most of her free time with me. Couldn't ask for much more. There was an issue though... See, her father was the Village Chief. You know, the guy who wanted to gut me like a fish every time I served him food? This made the relationship interesting, to say the least. Luckily, due to some Nordic hardheadedness and Dunmer stealth were usually able to meet up without much trouble. Most people in town knew and helped keep us out of trouble. Until one day it went to Oblivion. See, the Chief was having a big party at the Inn. All his friends, including his wife, were there. His daughter wasn't. He also demanded I would not work, fearing I would "poison the meat and the mead". Little did he know he just helped me spend a whole day with my love. Around the evening she told me she thought we were ready for our first kiss. I didn't know what to think or say. I just nodded and let her take the lead. All was well at that little point in time. I felt like I could take on all the Deadra of Oblivion on my own, at the same time. This, sadly, didn't last that long. I was awakened from my bliss by a hand dragging me away. It seems her father had come home sooner than we expected, oops. He demanded I told him what kind of spell I put on his daughter. Because to him having a daughter that like girls and doesn't care about what race you are was just too far-fetched. When I told him the truth (you know, that we had been secretly dating for about a year), he simply said I was lying and had the guards toss me in jail for a year. And that's how I became a little Jail Bird. But we're not done with the story yet. The Guards, knowing I did nothing wrong outside of picking the wrong girl to fall in love with, would give me decently plentiful means, provided by my boss, and get me some of my books. They would also let my girlfriend visit me whenever she wanted. Getting away from her dad wasn't the easiest, but my Dunmer Slyness had rubbed off on her a little over the years. Occasionally the Chief would enter to ask me what kind of spell it was. Luckily the guards would always drag him away before anything happened. But yeah, after that little year I picked my life back up. back to my job, back to my room and everything. All was well again until around two years later when a Breton in black robes and a black hood arrived. Nobody trusted him for even a second. When the Chief met him he spoke of having killed enough Elves with a single spell to be a friend of any "True Nord". Think you can guess what the Chief though? He only heard "Killed enough Elves" so he gave him a free room in the Inn because of course he was allowed to. One day while cleaning his room I noticed he had let a book open on the desk. I went over to close it and glanced at it. I noticed a few words, but the one that stood out was "Necromancy". This in itself doesn't mean much. I mean there have been friendly Necromancers in the past, right? Right? Well, he wasn't one of those. He had a note a few pages further, talking about how he wanted to take this village and make it his undead Army. He would have to leave someone alive to blame it on, but that was already arranged. Or so it said. Anyway, I talked to my girlfriend, who now had a house of her own and was almost ready to tell her father to shove off with the harassment, and she said she would help me talk to her dad. He wasn't happy to hear that his new best friend in the whole wide world was an evil Necromancer. I even showed him the gods damned note. He said I forged it instead. So I, my girlfriend and the Guards decided to just take him down. We'd lure him to a safe location before we arrest him. All was set up perfectly. The location was my Girlfriends house (wait, I only just realized I never spoke her name once. It was Sania. Might have made the story easier on both our ends. Oops), the Guards would wait inside and around the place and I would lure him there. Simple enough. And all went well until it came to arresting him. He managed to get a few spells off. Most of them quite harmless, but two of them deadly. Sania and her house got hit by a pretty powerful Fire spell. Her house in flames and her gravely injured, but other than that no hiccups. The Imperial guard came over to pick the Breton up. It turns out he was a wanted man. When they came to pay off his bounty the Chief claimed the glory and asked them if they had any idea if I was a wanted woman (I mean, I've lived in his damn town for all of my days and he still doesn't trust me. Damned oaf...). Sania was recovering slowly but surely and all was well with the world again. At least for a few weeks. See, when she was recovered enough to walk and talk again, she said she didn't want to die alone. I didn't understand at first, until she asked me to marry her. She didn't care about how her father felt about us anymore. And if he disagreed with it we would just run away to a place they do accept us, like Skyrim. She told him she was engaged to me, he didn't accept this, bring up the whole "you put a spell on my daughter! Release her at once" gig again. so that night we ran. To out new lives. Some of the Guards were able to help us to the border, but that was where they had to see us go alone. A couple of day into Skyrim and we were met by Imperial soldiers. We noticed that they had ambushed some other soldier. We had heard of a civil war in Skyrim, but we didn't know it was as big as it was. Sadly for us, they saw us as rebels as well. Long story short, we were put on a carriage to Helgen to have a date with the headsman. Sania looked at me the whole trip. She wasn't afraid, or at least not very. She gleamed with happiness that she was at least not alone for her death, and with pride that she stood up to her father and just followed her heart. Before we stopped we shared one last kiss. The first to lose his head was a Stormcloak soldier. Sania was second and I was to be third. Right before she was called to the block she whispered one last "I love you". And after she was placed on the block she screamed it out, tears rolling from her eyes. I would be next, but then a damn Dragon shows up and interrupts the damn execution. I have my natural stages of grief to go through, I did just lose the love of my life after all, but some Stormcloak soldier helped me up and carried me to freedom. He said I was lucky to be alive. But I wasn't at all. If anything I would rather have been with Sania in death than live without her. But I knew she wouldn't want me to throw away this second chance. I went to Whiterun, hoping to be able to buy a little house, when I stumbled upon a cave is known only as Broken Fang Cave. I now know that cave is not exactly close to Whiterun and that my sense of direction is about as bad as it gets. When I entered I was met with little light. Before I knew it something jumped me and bit me. I was able to fight it off, but I felt a bit woozy. When I reached Whiterun I simply went to the closest in and paid for a couple of days, to recover from all that had happened. after a few days of resting at the Inn I noticed something about myself... I had grown Fangs. At first I didn't know how, but I then understood what had happened in that cave. A Vampire had bit me, and in turn turned me into a Vampire. It apeared people couldn't really tell, only giveaway were my eyes, but people didn't take much notice. Something told me Sania had guided me to that cave, so I could have an easier start at a new live here in Skyrim..."



  21. Tomorrow: (hopefully) a screenshot of Kiri for @Thundermaze and a new SKyrim Character background and story. Instead of a hint, I'll just tell you who it is. Valora, the Dunmer Femme Fatale Vampire with a "colorful" story if nothing else.

    1. Dreamy


      there now you're at lucky sevens

    2. ....



      I am excited.

  22. what can I say? I hate overly cocky people (Yes, Charlotte is a bit cocky, but in far fewer ways and levels than Fern and Blake. speaking of, the Ice puns manage to make Blake better than Fern, when have ice puns ever made someone cooler?). Bennett is a bitch, I hate normal types and Solaris killed one of the best teacher archetype characters ever.
  23. you'd have to ask @Amethyst about that. I would offer more but as you said it hasn't been asked before, so I have no clue)
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