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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. take a wild guess as to why I dislike swampert. I bet you'll never guess it
  2. when you have a huge post ready but one wrong click destroys it all (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU) least favorites: 1- Fern (hate his archetype, he's a disgrace to Roserade users. what more reason do I need? and how did he even evolve his Budew?) 2- Blake (fern with ice puns. No) 3- Bennett (disgrace to bug users) 4- El (I hate normal types, no fan of El's Arceus preaching and that Ditto Arceus...) 5- Solaris (he killed Kiki. Enough reason for me) favorites: 1- Cal (love his archetype and redemption. also helps that he reminds me of myself a lot) 2- Shelly (she's the cutest, names mons after friends and has good development) 3- Cain (I can't even hate the guy. Yes, he made mistakes. but isn't that what your teens are all about?) 4- Victoria (She has good intentions behind being a hurdle at times. With the Slums, she wants to protect you. With shelly she wants her to take it easy for a bit and let her mind come to rest. With Kiki, she just learned her mother figure is terminally ill. She wants to prolong Kiki's lifespan as much as she can.) 5- Laura/Charlotte/Aya (It can really be either of these 3. Laura is the only one coming close to shelly's cuteness levels and I would be the friend she needs so bad anytime. Charlotte may be a bit cocky, she does have the best intentions most of the time. Wanting to help her friends/family, kicking "the good doctor's" ass. She might even be a potential LI (Love Interest) for Cain, who is Pansexual (not so much looking at gender or looks but to the inside). That can't mean she's all bad. And Aya... I'm a sucker for Punks. What can I say? I love the music genre. I love the clothing style and I've had good experiences with punk people in the past. At to that a good story and the first really hard Gym Leader battle on reborn and you have a great character in my books)
  3. maybe putting either G.Gardevoir or Radomus second would help fill spot 5 if only for it looking nicer? While yes, Fern directs his anger at Florinia because after she turned into the Flobot we know, she got more attention from their parents and others around them (for a good reason might I add. of course people worry about someone shutting out all emotions). This led Fern to the attention seeker path, not caring if it's positive or negative. In his mind Florinia stole the attention he should be getting
  4. Mega Venusaur: 13 Mega Charizard X: 7 Mega Charizard Y: 25 Mega Alakazam: 18 Mega Gengar: 22 Mega Kangaskhan: 17 Mega Pinsir: 25 Mega Aerodactyl: 23 Mega Ampharos: 16 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 24 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 19 Mega Mawile: 18 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 24 Mega Banette: 10 Mega Absol: 11 Mega Abomasnow: 21 well, only one mega that 100% didn;t need to happen left. others I'd say can be argued that they were kinda needed?
  5. I'd say 2.5 dimensional (I want you to know, if not for Grammarly I would always type that with a T instead of an S). She does still have the feeling hidden from herself card to play. at least adds the 0.5
  6. Cain: 25 Adrienn: 12 Amaria: 4 Aya: 23 Charlotte: 4 Ciel: 12 Florinia: 26 Hardy: 27 Julia: 25 Kiki: 21 Luna: 20 Noel: 17 Samson: 25 Saphira: 8 Shade: 27 Shelly: 23 Anna: 22 DJ Arclight: 17 Cal: 27 Laura: 25 ZEL: 19
  7. Mega Beedrill: 30 Mega Pidgeot: 33 Mega Slowbro: 18 Mega Steelix: 16 Mega Sceptile: 26 Mega Swampert: 18 Mega Sableye: 16 Mega Sharpedo: 19 Mega Camerupt: 22 Mega Altaria: 23 Mega Glalie: 21 Mega Latios: 8 Mega Latias: 18 Mega Lopunny: 15 Mega Gallade: 31 Mega Diancie: 16 wanna bet if it shall?
  8. A-Raticate: 6 A-Raichu: 18 A-Sandslash: 29 A-Ninetales: 27 A-Dugtrio: 12 A-Persian: 6 A-Golem: 14 A-Muk: 24 A-Exeggutor: 17 A-Marowak: 21
  9. mega_roserade_by_locomotive111-d6ttpoa.p

    It's Roserade Cosplaying Lucina... perfection

  10. 6 more rep and I'll have a lucky number. but will I actually be lucky?

    1. seki108


      Hopefully luckier than this chump



  11. doesn't mean she can show it too well at times tho (maybe she is on the autism spectrum as well? THEORY BORN!)
  12. self-esteem and confidence issues due to bullying. don't you love those? (this was a sarcastic question. nobody likes or loves those). Anyway, I had some issues with my confidence for quite a while (take 3 guesses to the cause. If you guessed bullying, you are correct), but those have started to resolve themselves. The best advice I could give is to at least 4 times a day say something nice to yourself, but not at the same time. at least 2-hour gaps. even if only a little, it will help quite a bit over time. Another thing that helped me was music. simply putting up some tunes always manages to calm my nerves and generally makes me Feel Good (Shake it, Shake it, Shake it... sorry. Got feel good inc stuck in my head). the hardest but most successful advice is to try and let the past go. don't let past you rule over new you. A way to remind yourself of this can be a minor appearance change (like a new hairstyle, a ring/necklace/bracelet, anything really) to remind you that you're changing from who you were. I did the same when I let my hair grow, as a sign that I was letting myself go to be myself (I'm not good with words. this is the best I got). Lastly, ask your friends to try and help. Explain the situation and ask if they can try to help. before you know you'll be cracking jokes about how bad your sense of direction is (or is that only me? I can't be the only one with the sense of direction of a potato, right?)
  13. That's always what I thought of Titania telling her to not go to Calcenon, still being injured and recovering from Solaris his Direct Attack. Remember, as much of a facade Titania puts up that she "loves Amaria" she still cares for her enough to go through with it. Not in a lovers kind of caring, but in a strong friendship. I mean, let's face it. if you can face that relationship for as long as Titania has, you gotta either be a great actor or have a strong bond with the person already. Hell, she jumped after her when Amaria jumped off the waterfall. That's not something you do simply out of guilt (I think? Not sure about that. Never been in such a situation).
  14. last night one of my best friends texted me about her starting an Ultra Moon extreme randomizer. She asked if I could guess her starter options. I guess Gardevoir (my favorite mon), Swoobat (her BF's favorite mon) and Vaporeon (her favorite mon). Turn out I was right... Weirdest thign is that it wasn;t the first time this happened. Maybe I am a psychic without knowing it?

    1. Caimie


      Hope she enjoys it!!

  15. scramble_egg_by_cardhunter-d5iml83.png

    this is my lunch

    1. Sayia


      bon appetit! ;)

    2. Wolfox


      in case you wanna see a guy actually eat that card

  16. Skyrim character backstory: Kiri.


    "Hmm? If I have connections to the Thalmor and the Embassy? Well, outside f the fact that I want to walk up to the Ambassador, conjure up my Bound Sword and put that where the sun doesn't shine I can't say I have any links to the Thalmor. Why are you looking at me like that? Is it that weird to be an Altmer who hates the Thalmor? If so, allow me to explain why I feel the way I do. See, I never knew my real parents. I was taken by some Thalmor goons as "the Divine Incarnate" or something. All I had to do day in day out is say what they wanted me to say and think what they wanted me to think. For years I just went on with it because I had nowhere else to go, and they did train me in Magic, if only a little. One day, as they were "teaching" me about the war that had gone on between the Altmeri Dominion and the Empire. I wasn't too surprised, but when I read the peace treaty and noticed that "we" wanted to have the worship of one of the empire's devines outlawed... I spoke my mind about it. Telling people who they can and can't worship is just not acceptable, no matter what reason you have for it. Got grounded for a month for "that little stunt". Then I learned something even worse. Appearantly I was not raised to be some devine crap. No. I was a barganing chip in case war broke out again. Nothing more, nothing less. So I took the first chance I got and ran to the one place I knew I would be savest; Skyrim. Hey, I said savest, not save. When I arived there I saw a couple of Thalmor goond hauling people out of their home just for one of them having an Amulet of Talos. I managed to conjure up a Bound Sword to try and help the family. Good news is: the family is now save. Bad news, I'm in the damn cart with you, that Horse Thief and that man you call Ulfric Stormcloak."


    1. ....


      Nice ~

      Post your character ~

      I wonder what he looks like~

    2. Wolfox


      I'll take a screenshot of her later.

    3. ....


      oh it's a she okay~

      I will follow this closely~

  17. Last post before sleeping: new Skyrim Character backstory/background tomorrow (for the whole 0 people interested in this). Given hint: The character is a mer.

  18. Mega Venusaur: 13 Mega Charizard X: 9 Mega Charizard Y: 26 Mega Alakazam: 18 Mega Gengar: 22 Mega Kangaskhan: 16 Mega Pinsir: 26 Mega Aerodactyl: 24 Mega Mewtwo Y: 1 (You're already dead) Mega Ampharos: 15 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 24 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Mawile: 21 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 23 Mega Banette: 12 Mega Absol: 11 Mega Abomasnow: 20
  19. Mega Beedrill: 29 Mega Pidgeot: 32 Mega Slowbro: 18 Mega Steelix: 16 Mega Sceptile: 28 Mega Swampert: 23 Mega Sableye: 18 Mega Sharpedo: 19 Mega Camerupt: 22 Mega Altaria: 25 Mega Glalie: 21 Mega Latios: 12 Mega Latias: 18 Mega Lopunny: 14 Mega Gallade: 29 Mega Diancie: 17 without hurting or healing, can we just appreciate how well Mega Glalie was made from Glalie? It didn't fix all its problems but it's probably one of the best in terms of fixing a weaker mon.
  20. I think we can all guess why I like Alolan Ninetales. Because it makes Mono ice more usable. Nice design, amazing shiny, interesting type combination, first turn Aurora Veil. The general reason I dislike Persian more than the other is simply that the design reminds me of a certain orange cat a little too much. by no means do I hate it, it's just not on par with others if you ask me.
  21. A-Raticate: 14 A-Raichu: 20 A-Sandslash: 20 A-Ninetails: 22 A-Dugtrio: 20 A-Persian: 18 A-Golem: 20 A-Muk: 21 A-Exeggutor: 21 A-Marowak: 20 Nanu may be awesome (best Kahuna btw), his Ace mon isn't really. also, fun fact: people who go to Nanu for a starter get an Alolan Meowth as starter
  22. tumblr_nnwy12qtNU1tpiwxmo1_500.gif

    I think Murdoc is scaring the kids again...

  23. So, I wan wondering something.

    I recently watched SW ep 3 with friends, and I for one think that it was not even close to a bad movie. I mean, an actual decent Ani that's understandable, pretty good action. Quite good IMO.

    But, how does the SW Comunity stand on it? Is it the black sheep of the prequals or is speaking of it as illegal as the other two are?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox
    3. Zarc


      I'm sorry , i didn't really answered to your question correctly , but as a good fan of SW since childhood i need to explain a lot , and it can take a lots of paragraphs

    4. Zarc


      To me , there are no explanation : or you like or you dislike , but nothing is right or wrong. Just your own opinion :) 

  24. Cain: 25 Adrienn: 11 Amaria: 12 Aya: 23 Charlotte: 11 Ciel: 16 Florinia: 26 Hardy: 26 Julia: 26 Kiki: 21 Luna: 20 Noel: 17 Samson: 24 Saphira: 13 Shade: 27 Shelly: 26 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 17 Cal: 26 Laura: 24 Taka: 6 ZEL: 19
  25. Mega Beedrill: 28 Mega Pidgeot: 30 Mega Slowbro: 20 Mega Steelix: 18 Mega Sceptile: 28 Mega Swampert: 22 Mega Sableye: 18 Mega Sharpedo: 21 Mega Camerupt: 22 Mega Altaria: 24 Mega Glalie: 20 Mega Salamence: 2 Mega Latios: 16 Mega Latias: 18 Mega Lopunny: 18 Mega Gallade: 28 Mega Diancie: 18
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