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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Mega Venusaur: 13 Mega Charizard X: 12 Mega Charizard Y: 25 Mega Alakazam: 18 Mega Gengar: 23 Mega Kangaskhan: 16 Mega Pinsir: 26 Mega Aerodactyl: 24 Mega Mewtwo Y: 3 Mega Ampharos: 14 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 23 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Mawile: 23 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 23 Mega Banette: 14 Mega Absol: 13 Mega Lucario: 2 Mega Abomasnow: 19
  2. So, while playing around with the Sacrosanct mod, I realized how stupidly broken one specific power actually is: Vampire's Command.

    WHile only usable in Stage One Blood Thirst, it more than makes up for that with what it does: You get Lelouch's Geass. Or pretty much that. when used it adds commands that can't be refused to the people you talk to untill it wears off. These commands are:







    You won't believe how usefull it is when doing Dark Brotherhood stuff.

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    1. FairFamily


      Mah the necromage perk synergy is more broken.

    2. Wolfox


      haven't used that one yet.

  3. With the holograms beside me
    I'll dance alone tonight
    In a mirrored world, are you beside me?
    All my life

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  4. Sometimes I wonder why people love specific gimmicks too much. My favorite example is the HGSS gimmick of Pokémon following you. Yes, it's a fun gimmick. But outside of that it adds about 0. Honestly, every time I hear people say "Pokémon better follow you again in the next game" I just...

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    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      if only the ash always loses major leagues gimmick so the writers have an excuse to make him go on a journey again wasn't such an annoying gimmick

    3. Wolfox


      I personally don't mind that gimmick as long as it's used well (one of the fewer things the gen 4 anime fucked up. Tobias...)

    4. seki108


      Perhaps if I played Yellow, it would have also appealed to me.  I was Red only for Gen 1.  Crystal was the first and only 'improved third game/re-release' that I ever bought

  5. I would say it's far from dead. most of the question topics are unneeded due to the question being answered already (sometimes multiple times) and most other topics are just... not made because they're either not needed or no1 feels like making them
  6. if anything Mega Audino stayed with Audino's theme as a healer? IDK I'm trying to find something redeemable about it
  7. weird Skyrim idea:

    step 1: get married.

    step 2: become VL.

    step 3: get quest "The Gift"

    step 4: cure vampirism

    step 5: become Werewolf

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  8. that's pretty dope. sad, but dope. Cain: 25 Adrienn: 11 Amaria: 14 Aya: 23 Charlotte: 11 Ciel: 18 Florinia: 29 Hardy: 28 Julia: 25 Kiki: 21 Luna: 20 Noel: 17 Samson: 23 Saphira: 18 Serra: 1 Shade: 28 Shelly: 28 Anna: 20 DJ Arclight: 17 Cal: 25 Laura: 24 Taka: 6 ZEL: 19 Oh, Ciel. You're a good character, but when sharing screen time with Terra and Samson (and Cain + friends) just harmed your impact. that's not why I'm hurting you tho. no. the hurt comes from you using a god damn mega Altaria
  9. Mega Venusaur: 15 Mega Charizard X: 15 Mega Charizard Y: 24 Mega Alakazam: 18 Mega Gengar: 24 Mega Kangaskhan: 16 Mega Pinsir: 25 Mega Aerodactyl: 25 Mega Mewtwo Y: 5 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 23 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Mawile: 23 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 23 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 12 Mega Lucario: 4 Mega Abomasnow: 20
  10. Mega Beedrill: 27 Mega Pidgeot: 28 Mega Slowbro: 20 Mega Steelix: 18 Mega Sceptile: 27 Mega Swampert: 21 Mega Sableye: 18 Mega Sharpedo: 20 Mega Camerupt: 22 Mega Altaria: 24 Mega Glalie: 20 Mega Salamence: 10 Mega Latios: 16 Mega Latias: 18 Mega Lopunny: 18 Mega Gallade: 27 Mega Audino: 6 Mega Diancie: 19 that's two mistakes gone just 3 more to go
  11. We earned the badge from Kiki and Corey before they bit the dust, but they got invalidated. So yes, even if Titania dies after you get her badge, it will be invalidated.
  12. when it comes to soft drinks, nothing beats a cold cola with some ice

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    1. Caimie


      Lipton Ice tea for me :)

  13. Mr Biggleworth stands above all, thus counting him would not be fair (and he just wanted a hug )
  14. Flirting was a lot less destructive back in my day...

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    1. seki108


      I was glad they gave this bit of WhiteBird shipping since they only really got to interact in that one episode.

    2. Wolfox


      Where Winter learned a lesson about Qrow.

      TO quote Glynda: He's Always Drunk!"

  15. Almost sure you've seen this. but just in case of the 1% chance you haven't

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    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its been one of my favorites animes since forever. ive seen it before, but it stays good.


      be one with bidoof.

  16. Here's a quote that I try to remind myself of when I need it: "Everything will be alright in the end. So if it's not alright, it's not the end." - Stuart Pot (2-D), Gorillaz
  17. Cain used to try to poison mono but dropped that early on, yet he was still supposed to be poison gym leader. Aya, of course, steals some of the show when she can. the third one is the same as the other bug user, @Jess
  18. I would say this on your thread, but I can't really contribute anything there that hasn't been said already, and I have less experience in this sort of thing.


    If the bonds were so easily broken, I don't think they were that strong, to begin with. But don't let this bring you down (yes, this is coming from me. the guy who ranted about valentines day in a depressing manner just a few days ago). There are people out there who really care for you. your BFF's for example. and I know that there are more.


    "Companionship is decently common. True Friendship a rarity."

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    1. Sayia


      It is not that we are losing our friends with time.. It's just with age that we realize who deserves to be called.

    2. Wolfox


      and if nothing else I have this:

      help me get out alive a few times

  19. Cain: 26 Adrienn: 12 Amaria: 17 Aya: 24 Charlotte: 13 Ciel: 19 Corey: 3 Florinia: 30 Hardy: 30 Julia: 23 Kiki: 21 Luna: 20 Noel: 17 Samson: 22 Saphira:19 Serra: 7 Shade: 30 Shelly: 29 Anna: 19 DJ Arclight: 16 Cal: 27 Laura: 24 Taka: 6 ZEL: 19 To Corey: There are 3 respectable poison users in reborn and you ain't one of them.
  20. Mega Venusaur: 15 Mega Charizard X: 17 Mega Charizard Y: 25 Mega Alakazam: 18 Mega Gengar: 23 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 24 Mega Aerodactyl: 26 Mega Mewtwo Y: 8 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 22 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Mawile: 26 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 23 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 12 Mega Lucario: 8 Mega Abomasnow: 19
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