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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Wolfox


    sorry if this comes off as harsh, but what will an Alolan Shrew do for you when facing Julia? Best case scenario it hits one mon supper effective. And did you by any chance click out of the screen while trading? If you did, it messed up the trade (had it once with a Magikarp, we both had the red fish)
  2. For me to be able to plat it in the first place. (no switch atm ) Keep casual mode. Now, before you hunt me down with a pitchfork, allow me to explain. Casual mode can make the game easier, but only if you play on it. There has never been a forced playthrough of Casual Mode to unlock Classic mode, so completely removing it alienates newer players more and for people who just want to play a bit casual (like me ) it's just a good addition. Fenix mode can fuck right off tho. Lunatic +. Just so that people who say the game is "too easy" have something to chew on.
  3. Cain: 26 Adreinn: 12 Amaria: 20 Aya: 23 Charlotte: 26 Ciel: 19 Corey: 13 Florina: 31 Hardy: 30 Julia: 25 Kiki: 21 Luna: 22 Noel: 19 Samson: 19 Saphira: 18 Serra: 11 Shade: 30 Shelly: 29 Anna: 21 Dj Archlight: 16 Cal: 27 Laura: 22 Taka: 11 Zel: 18
  4. gonna try to learn feel good inc on guitar. wish me luck

  5. Remember the types one? Enough reason to believe it is mostly based on them being fairies. and just wait for mawile to get hit into the ground, that's coming.
  6. Mega Beedrill - 20 Mega Pidgeot - 20 Mega Slowbro - 20 Mega Steelix - 20 Mega Sceptile - 21 Mega Swampert - 20 Mega Sableye - 20 Mega Sharpedo - 20 Mega Camerupt - 20 Mega Altaria - 21 Mega Glalie - 20 Mega Salamence - 20 Mega Metagross - 18 Mega Latios - 20 Mega Latias - 19 Mega Rayquaza - 18 Mega Lopunny - 20 Mega Gallade - 21 Mega Audino - 18 Mega Diancie - 21 Speaking of Mega's that were a mistake. Rayquaza. how are your doing?
  7. Watch the right screen. It's actually kinda crazy

  8. I know the X/Y mega's hurt and heal isn't over yet, but my Professor one is. So I have enough reason to start this one! Primal forms aren't going to be added because those aren't mega's by technicality. Hurt in red and heal in green, like my other hurt/heals. failing to do so without a good reason (you know, being on mobile) will void your vote. This is to avoid confusion between people who like using other colors for hurting and healing (like some using red for heal and blue for hurt, but others use blue for heal and red for hurt. One hurt and one heal each day. Mega Beedrill - 20 Mega Pidgeot - 20 Mega Slowbro - 20 Mega Steelix - 20 Mega Sceptile - 20 Mega Swampert - 20 Mega Sableye - 20 Mega Sharpedo - 20 Mega Camerupy - 20 Mega Altaria - 20 Mega Flygon. Oh wait! Mega Glalie - 20 Mega Salamence - 20 (this was okay, but artist block for Mega Flygon stopped it from happening. Let that fucking sink in) Mega Metagross - 20 Mega Latios - 20 Mega Latias - 20 Mega Rayquaza - 20 Mega Lopunny - 20 (probably one of my persal favorites. making a bad mon extremely good) Mega Gallade - 20 Mega Audino (still salty that this is the only gen 5 mega...) Mega Diancie - 20 with all that said and done.
  9. You can

    Skrew Nevada!

    Mess with Maine.

    Leave Hawaii in a puddle of pain.

    You can, beat Virginia till she's down on the floor.

    But if you Fuck with Tex you'll be On Your Knees for sure.


  10. a good rock player can make top tier monotype players with high tier types shit bricks (get it?). even if it's not the strongest type and doesn't have the strongest mons, it has Synergy our the ass. Cain: 25 Adrienn: 12 Amaria: 19 Aya: 22 Charlotte: 26 Ciel: 21 Corey: 15 Florinia: 29 Hardy: 30 Julia: 24 Kiki: 21 Luna: 22 Noel: 19 Radomus: 3 Samson: 18 Saphira: 18 Serra: 11 Shade: 30 Shelly: 32 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 16 Cal: 26 Laura: 22 Taka: 13 ZEL: 18 Solaris: 6
  11. when my Azu drums a beat things die. doesn't matter if Azu gets the kill or not. things just die. Mega Venusaur: 15 Mega Charizard X: 24 Mega Charizard Y: 24 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 23 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 23 Mega Aerodactyl: 25 Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 22 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Gardevoir: 4 Mega Mawile: 28 Mega Aggron: 22 Mega Medicham: 2 Mega Manectric: 21 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 16 Mega Lucario: 12 Mega Abomasnow: 17
  12. So, here's an idea. What if you could only use Porygon 2 or chansey with eviolite in Monotype? Put a limit on the Eviolite in Mono and such. The only thing it would do it make Normal players use their brain instead of swapping between those and bulky bird. It's a Win Win!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dragoknight


      I'd go with Chansey. It's just more versatile and better than Porygon 2 in general. But before we try and nerf stall 'mons, can we destoy the abomination known as Toxapex? Plus isn't normal not great of a type in monotype? Why nerf it when the best eviolite users are normal type?


      @IntSys Um, I don't use Cobalion at all on my fighting teams. I just go with freedom pony Keldeo.

    3. IntSys


      Cobalion lets Fighting not die to Flying and Psychic right away. Its ability to cover two very powerful and popular types at once is quite valuable in Fighting, as otherwise you'd have to split the burden into two Pokemon. Kinda like how it would take two Normal types to match P2's neutral bulk.

    4. Wolfox


      the main reason I didn't cover those is simply that I have no way of "fixing" them without turning it into ban all stall mons (in my mind it would fix it if anything. Stall is never fun). And the main reason is, also, that Normal is the only type that can use 2 eviolite users effectively. Hell, if Type: Null had recover it would have been 3. And normal stall is the most annoying IMO. Between Chansey and P-2 you can barely do anything with some types (guess what type I'm talking about). also, let's remember that I wrote this around 12:30 am. nothing good comes out of me at that late a time of day.

  13. 3 guesses as to which mega I really want to use. You'll never guess. Anywho, regular Heracross is great on bug mono's. Even with Buzzwhole it's not too uncommon as it's more of a "pick your poison" kind of situation, granted both options are good. Hera has the better moveset and speed for sweeping chanses while Buzzwhole hits a bit harder and has Drain Punch. ... What? Just because I main fairy doesn't mean I can't also know a little about bug. Heck, early gen 7 I mained bug for a while. went back to fairy one day before the Tapu Lele ban tho (timing am I right?). Granted my bug team was a bit... odd (My main sweeper was Yanmega... Just can't hate that mon). As for mega's I love using... Gardevoir, Altaria, Gallade, Diancie, Houndoom (when I play Dark Mono's. My go-to mega on those), and Absol (It should have been part fairy IMO, but its still cool). Surprisingly, I don't hate Mega Scizor. Yes, I've been salty on that thing sweeping my fairies many times, but I just can't hate the mon. I do hate Sableye, blastoise and mVenusaur's mega's tho. Sab cuz I hate stall, blastoise because I hate blastoise and venusaur because it's really annoying to kill with fairies (you have 2 options for it at best. and usually one of those is Mega Diancie with psychic, which is not a fun one). What others do I not like... Mega Blaziken was a Mistake (hey KFC, you can joins Ash Greninja!). Mega Garchomp... love garchomp, love the mega's design, hate the speed drop. Mega Salamence was a mistake, mega metagross... not as much of a mistake but enough to consider it one. Mega T-tar... no (guess my stance on pseudo mega's. I bet you'll never guess). Mega Audino... I just want to know who at gamefreak decided Audino should be the gen 5 mon with a mega. I mean, why not Haxorus and make it part bug? Why not bisharp? why not the starters/monkeys? (okay the monkeys I can understand, but maybe a mega could help them?) Why not Zoroark? So many Gen 5 mons that would have done better with a Mega. Hell, give one to the two bugs, let @Jess dance with them.
  14. He plays guitar, disses fern and managed to be the second last or last gym leader with a lowish tier type like Rock. Him dating Aya is just icing on the cake
  15. Yet it can happen to anyone. everyone has a limit to how much they can take. you can be the pinnacle of anger management but you can still reach that limit and unleash your anger. the longer you have been able to control it, the higher the chance of true blind rage. it's not positive, but it is the way it is. One bad day can instantly let someone snap. It doesn't have to be something big. If you haven't vented out your anger one way or another, it will eventually take over. So, as I said, it can happen to anyone. everyone just has different triggers.
  16. hurting someone in a blind rage is never excusable, but I can say that I've done so in the past. it can literally happen to anyone. And Shelly being the one person who understood him suddenly not understanding him.. not too hard to see how he lost his temper.
  17. they learned from Pixelate. But a little too much
  18. You can tell me many things, but you can't tell me Zuko isn't the best character in Avatar the Last Airbender. He literally had it all. Good backstory, good development, good design, good redemption. Sibling Rivalry with his sister. A badass Scar.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ....


      Azula better~


    3. Dragoknight
    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      l mean "Best" is a rather vague statement.

      He's got a really good redemption arc though ye, and one that's very successful and doesn't feel forced. That's a thing l'd love to see more often in media tbh. We don't oft get quality Redemtpion arcs.

  19. I've asked myself that multiple times. if nothing else GF learned from this mistake and increased Gallade's defence and speed
  20. yeah. if you just hate mons because they're commonly used therem are about 3 mons you can actually like in this list :/ The best people to roast a mon are the ones who call it their favorite. Gardevoir was never an amazing mon till fairy. It was never truly bad, but not great either (that speed man... if that was like 10 points higher...)
  21. How did today go: pretty good. but I'm still gonna rant on how I feel about valentines day.


    I hate it. Absolutely hate it. I have multiple reasons to do so.


    First things first: It's a day that reminds me that I don't have anyone to share it with, so there's that. Secondly, I don't even see the point of it. Why the fuck do people who are happy in a relationship need a god damn day to celebrate their happiness and be happier? Why not just be happy for the other so many days in the year? Do we really need a day that reminds those happy that they are happy and reminds the ones who aren;t in a relationship of the happiness they should feel for the other people while just wanting to not leave the bed for the day?


    Rant over. Guess I'm a bad person for wanting to tell people who are being lovey dovey with eachother on valentines to get a room. But I'haven;t been depressed or overly negative in at least 6 months, I deserve a rant bloody hell

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Wolfox


      I'll try to look into why I sometimes feel that way. maybe it's just the confident person in my trying to get me to ask them to tone it down a bit but me not being able to muster it because I always try to be as little of a disturbance as possible. I don't mind if people want to help me with anything, it's just that I always had issues asking for help. Something in my mind just tells me that if I rely on help too much I will never be able to stand on my own two legs (not a good mentality, I know. not many easy or quick ways to get rid of it tho). So, if nothing else thanks for wanting to help.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lt's no biggie, sometimes we need help. Society does often decide that "Help is for the weak" but it's simply... untrue. At times having another persepctive, or someone to just talk at is a good thing. Never be ashamed to ask for help, because someone teaching you, helping you forward, is certainly a way to better one's self faster~ And, when you've leanred that is alesson you have and can pass on to others who may ask you.

      Keep this in mind. And it gonna sound cliche and whatever but it's something that needs be said. A relationship... it's about 2 people. Not 1. 2. More or less, you're gonna have to work with someone and rely on someone if a romantic relationship is something you do desire in the future. lt's how they work.~ So, it's a good skill to be learning now rather than in the moment with your significant other when said time comes. Be open to relying on people sometimes, it's not a weakness and it doesn't make you a weaker person. lt makes you a stronger one. Drawing upon the bonds of friendship etc etc isn't a trope in media for no reason. The Power of Friendship etc... Companionship, whether of a plutonic or a romantic sense... is a strong and powerful force. People can help us with our shortcomings and see things we miss. You get the picture.

      Now, l don't wanna get... too preachy or anything so l'll cut off here. But always feel free to just ask me stuff or just hit up my inbox ((here or Discord l suppose, best places to reach me really.)) and blow it the feck up with messages about something that's on your mind if you can't parse it on your own. l don't mind just listening and helpin' folks sort through things. ~~l'm not much of an advice person... but one can ask if it's what they desire, l'm just not a huge fan of it myself cause lt's an imprfect thing but l'm going on a tangent now... LOL~~ 

    4. Wolfox


      I hope I'll use your offer at some point. not hoping it will be needed of course, but that if it is I will actually use it.

  22. Someone get genwunners in here, I feel like pissing those off.
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