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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Fuck the traitor lord boss fight. Double damage attacks, screen wipes, 0 time to heal. 

  2. How many people would I "trigger" into instant reaction mode if I said "Shaa!" 

  3. Okay, so while deepnest is annoying as hell it is still enjoyable. The boss guarding the city dreamer is not. A boss gauntlet, same enemies, but 2 at a time, large hit boxes, attacks that can be near impossible to dodge if the AI is a dick, and of course little to no time to heal before they come rolling again. Is it hard? Yes, but the worst thing it is is not fun. Kinda hard to stay on the ball if 2 of them just charge at you from off screen

    1. Dreamy


      Yeah watcher knights is just generally kind of ass. did you do the chandelier thing to autokill one of them before the fight?

    2. Wolfox


      I did on the last try, that helped a lot more than it should have. 


      Also got the first ending with 81% completion

    3. Dreamy


      Nice! now go for 112%

  4. Hollow knight is quickly becoming one of my absolute favorite games, but there's one place in this world that I didn't love: Deepnest. While I didn't hate it, I didn't like it and am happy I got most things I needed from thrre(?). Now I'm only 2 pale ore, from grubs and the coliseum, away from the perfect nail. Also, Hornet is my favorite character in the game (surprised anyone?) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreamy


      Ah nice, if you're in the wider queens gardens that must mean you've done a decent bit of the "extra" story progression (with the second hornet fight etc then).
      Traitor Lord actually used to be pretty easy, but then the lifeblood update buffed him a lot and he's pretty tough now. Is Cloth there too?

      Not really spoilers at all but if you're wanting to be super blind, I guess you can ignore:


      I'd actually kinda recommend not leaving the 3rd dreamer and the thing after it til the very end, so that you can experience the regular ending before meeting all the conditions of the true ending and doing that. getting the regular ending also lets you see your completion percentage (and it's one where you go back to just before the end afterwards and can complete more stuff)



    3. Wolfox


      Cloth isn't there, as I wanna keep her alive 

    4. Dreamy


      Fair, though I do think it's a 'good ending' for her. seems like you already know a fair amount of things to come then though

  5. Hidden boss of the Royal Waterways, first try. The warriors dreams of the howling cliffs, greenpath, and Resting Ground, first second and third try respectively (not in that order tho). Now I'm going to either fight Hornet again, look for the last 3 pale ore, or hunt dreamers. 

  6. After 5 tries the Broken Vessel has fallen 

  7. Working on a Red deck in Legacy of the duelist link evolution. Just got a Scarlight drop. 

  8. 1- Jotaro 2- Sono Chino Kyoku 3- That some people, no matter what, will try to hurt you. 4- Azure Blue 5- I'm exited. The game won't be perfect, but not a single game is
  9. And even the Soul Master fel first try. I was dreading that one, too

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreamy


      in that case, can't wait to hear more

    3. Wolfox


      Well, the Dung Defender lost first try. Now I'm going to fight the boss on the Royal Waterway next (after work probably) 

    4. Dreamy


      sounds like you're doing very well so far in any case

  10. 1. Does paraflinch Togekiss count? 2. The muffin man? 3. Shelly. I would just spend all day hugging her. 4. 1- Three Houses. 2- Awakening/Fates 4- Sacred Stones 5- Echoes 6- Shadow Dragon (I know, I gotta play more)
  11. permission to brag about beating both the Mantis Lords and Hornet (first battle) first try in Hollow Knight?

  12. Full moon. At least then I won't be working for the worst company in gaming
  13. That duck is Ferdinand Von Aegir. I don't make the rules
  14. Sirfetcht'd definitely seemed far fetched to me

  15. *thinking wolf sounds*

  16. Finished my first Fe3h route. The blue lions. Definitely an amazing game. 

    1. Des Teto

      Des Teto

      Haha I just finished Black Eagles, my first run, 30 min ago.


      I will flip a coin because I can't choose between the two remaining houses.

  17. So I got Sao Hollow Realization on switch. Really fun game, but a simple thing erks me about it. So, it has character creation. Really good character creation. What's the issue? Cannonically you're still Kirito (I heard Fatal Bullet changes this). It just makes little sense to me. 

  18. Friday the 13th, full moon, 50 year anniversary of Scooby-Doo. Ruh Roh

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