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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. Mega Venusaur: 19 Mega Charizard X: 24 Mega Charizard Y: 23 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 22 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Aerodactyl: 24 Mega Mewtwo X: 2 Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 Mega Ampharos: 13 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 22 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 23 Mega Gardevoir: 11 Mega Mawile: 27 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Medicham: 10 Mega Manectric: 24 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 18 Mega Garchomp: 4 Mega Lucario: 14 Mega Abomasnow: 17 come to think of it (not even out of bias here), all mega's fairy has gotten were on mons that to an extent needed it. The one that I'd say you could argue about is Gardevoir because Diancie needed the buff without even a doubt. and Mawile... from PU to Ubers. nothing more needs to be said there
  2. Cain: 22 Victoria: 7 Adrienn: 14 Amaria: 18 Aya: 21 Charlotte: 24 Ciel: 20 Corey: 17 Florinia: 28 Hardy: 26 Julia: 21 Kiki: 20 Luna: 20 Noel: 19 Radomus: 14 Samson: 19 Saphira: 20 Serra: 14 Shade: 30 Shelly: 29 Terra: 11 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 16 Cal: 31 El: 12 Laura: 22 Taka: 17 ZEL: 21 Solaris: 18 so long solaris!
  3. 404_not_found.gif

    I could give you a regular gratz. but you know me well enough that "regular" is never good enough

    1. Dreamy


      Wow, doesn't feel like that long ago when I was congratulating you @Wolfox for [Reputation Not Found]

  4. so... can anyone tel me how to mod Skyrim? even if ther's only two mods I'm really interested in (or two kinds technically). Vampire Lord reskins and Silver Weapons improving. Vampire Lord because obvious reasons and Silver Weapons beause I picked up a Silver Sword and I love the design. Really sad they didn;t do more with them :( Like, if anything make them the tier below Deadric or a bit lower than that, but a serious contender for most useful weapon. Undead are decently common in Skyrim but not common enough that it would be broken, right?

    1. Dragoknight


      Oh, you'd be quite surprised with the amount of QoL mods that Skyrim has to offer.

      First things first you'll need the Nexus Mod Manager. From there you do the majority of the work in the game and data folders. You can look up a tutorial on Youtube for a step by step guide.

    2. Wolfox
  5. Because of course a mega needs to be viable in at least OU to be considered worth it! In all seriousness, there are mons I would love to see get a mega that either deserve it or need it. Examples are FLygon, Yanmega, Bisharp (just because gen 5 can use some love. It doesn't need the buff, but gen 5 needs the love), Cryogonal, Drudigon (give it mega char X's form and watch it go) and even Klingklang (guess what gen I think should get mega's more). I personally see no issue with getting stronger mons a mega, but the second it goes like Blaziken, Salamence, and Metagross... just stop. My favorite examples of Mega's done right are Gallade and Gardevoir (only partly because Garde is my favorite mon). Gardevoir itself was already a pretty strong mon. It didn't fully need it's mega. But the mega it did get buffed it in the right way without breaking it. a higher speed, spakt, and spdef combined with a new ability that completely changes it while changing fairly little (though I don't understand why it gained 20 base attack... like, seriously. does anyone have an idea why it did? why couldn't that have gone to def/speed?). Mega Gallade did everything Mega Gardevoir did right and did it better to a mon that needed it more. Higher attack, higher speed, and higher defense, yet lacking a bit in the Ability (not a terrible ability, but not a good one either. Justified or something would have been better). Granted that those two are done well is my opinion, yet I truly believe that that is the way to really make a good mega for a mon that needs it.
  6. it was BL2 in gen 6 without it's mega, so.... I guess you're right. I hate sableye tho...
  7. Sableye didn;t really. before gen 5 it was shit, but the second it got Prankster it became a *shudder* stall mon. which I guess is accurate with it's signature ability being Stall.
  8. I'm mildly disapointed with the Vampire Lord transformation in Skyrim. don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it. I just feel like they could have done something better with the design. something like this:


    or maybe like Gabriel Belmot's Dracula. Instead we get something based on Dracula's dragonic form. Which is still cool, but not as cool as the other would have been.

    1. FairFamily
    2. Wolfox


      I'm not even surprised. in fact I'm happy that there is. not that the "ugly" vampire lord looks terrible. this just looks better

    3. Lord Drakyle

      Lord Drakyle

      Wolfox, it's funny you mention Dragonic because I believe one of the Elder Scrolls you gather in the quest for the Vampire Lord line either mentions Dragon or was named Dragon...or both

  9. Cain: 22 Victoria: 9 Adrienn: 14 Amaria: 17 Aya: 21 Charlotte: 23 Ciel: 20 Corey: 18 Florinia: 28 Hardy: 26 Julia: 20 Kiki: 20 Luna: 20 Noel: 19 Radomus: 15 Samson: 19 Saphira: 19 Serra: 14 Shade: 30 Shelly: 28 Terra: 13 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 16 Blake: 1 Cal: 30 El: 18 Laura: 22 Taka: 15 ZEL: 21 Sirius: 4 Solaris: 23
  10. Mega Venusaur: 22 Mega Charizard X: 23 Mega Charizard Y: 24 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 22 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Aerodactyl: 24 Mega Mewtwo X: 6 Mega Mewtwo Y: 18 Mega Ampharos: 15 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 21 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 23 Mega Gardevoir: 15 Mega Mawile: 23 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Medicham: 12 Mega Manectric: 22 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 18 Mega Garchomp: 8 Mega Lucario: 14 Mega Abomasnow: 17 here's how we fix the Mega Charizard Situation. we let it keep Y because it's the most like regular Charizard and we give X to Drudigon. Why Drudigon? Because it's a dragon that needs a buff and kinda looks like mega zard X. no clue what to do with mega Mewtwo tho... you tell someone who mains fairy in monotype. a fairy staple is Azu. something tells me I know how Huge Power/Pure Power works. You know that before Gardevoir got a fairy typing it was sitting in NU right? and that even after it raised to UU with it's mega being the one in OU. Not saying Gardevoir is a weak mon (cuz it's not. if you ask me it's better than Alakazam by a long shot), but I am saying that had it not been for the Mega it would not be anywhere near as popular. and for Diancie, it's one of the weakest mythicals we've gotten in terms of stat distribution and typing. a defensive mon that dies when a steel type (nice and popular since gen 6 might I add). it sat in RU without it's Mega iirc. so I would argue that Diancie also got something it needed
  11. Vampire's> Werewolves

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I'm not even directly speaking of Skyrim (granted they are better) but in general.



      speaking of Skyrim vamps and pups tho, I was looking at a question about which one was better, someone said werewolf because you didn't need the DLC to get it. my thoughts when I read that:

      "Fair, yet if someone is reading this they either have the DLC already or they are already planning on getting the DLC. so giving that as a major reason is not exactly the best case you could have made."

    3. FairFamily


      "Vampirism" is acquirable without dlc. The problem is that skyrim has 2 types of vampires: normal vampires and vampire lord. Sanguinare Vampiris allows you to become a normal vampire without the dlc. It doesn't give the vampire lord form and the vampire lord skill tree. However the werewolf tree also isn't available without the dlc. 

    4. Wolfox


      yeah, I knew about Vampirism and vampire lord being two difirent things. but I didn't know the werewolf tree was also DLC locked

  12. first day of the olympic's/ 4 medals for the NL. silver on the shorttrack and bronze, silve and gold on the womans ice skating (not sure about the course). I think it's save to say that when it comes to Ice Skating the Dutch rule. And Sven Kramer hasn't even shown his face yet

  13. Yeah, i'm gonan try to write down some of the character backstories I dreamed up. will be told in a first person perspective (so I'll wrote it down as if the character would be telling it).

    Anyone interested, please let me know which one to do first:





  14. dukedevlin_otogi.png?w=594&h=619

    Don't make me bring Sexy Back

  15. good point, and I never said heather isn't annoying when she opened her mouth, did I why not help me burn down Blake? he needs to get iced asap.
  16. so, I had another genius idea last night when I went to bed (because last time that happened I tried fixing the story of Fates). I managed to come up with backstories for my (so far) 4 Skyrim characters. if people are interested I might post them here somewhere.

  17. Rowan: 10 Juniper: 17 Sycamore: 16 Kukui: 1 Kukui, you just got sarged
  18. Fern and Bennett were already gone tho. Heather has been silent for a long time, and pissing people off with silence is not easy, not impossible but not easy. Cain: 22 Victoria: 11 Adrienn: 14 Amaria: 17 Aya: 21 Charlotte: 23 Ciel: 20 Corey: 18 Florinia: 28 Hardy: 25 Julia: 18 Kiki: 20 Luna: 20 Noel: 18 Radomus: 16 Samson: 19 Saphira: 20 Serra: 14 Shade: 30 Shelly: 27 Terra: 17 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 16 Blake: 6 Cal: 29 El: 18 Laura: 22 Taka: 15 ZEL: 21 Sirius: 8 Solaris: 23 I'm not here to melt your frozen heart, Blake. I'm here to melt you down!
  19. Mega Venusaur: 21 Mega Charizard X: 23 Mega Charizard Y: 22 Mega Alakazam: 22 Mega Gengar: 21 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Aerodactyl: 23 Mega Mewtwo X: 8 Mega Mewtwo Y: 20 Mega Ampharos: 17 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 20 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 23 Mega Gardevoir: 16 Mega Mawile: 24 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Medicham: 14 Mega Manectric: 25 Mega Banette: 16 Mega Absol: 18 Mega Garchomp: 10 Mega Lucario: 16 Mega Abomasnow: 16 so, here's a legit question. Why was Mega Mawile Banned in gen 6 while mega Medicham wasn't? Megacham was about equally strong, had a more diverse movepool and was faster. With mega maw you knew what your opponent was going to use almost 100% of the time. Megacham... not so much
  20. So... I love the vampire stuff in Skyrim. and I don't sparkle durring the day :D

    1. Dragoknight


      But sparkles make everything better.....image.jpeg.3d80a784bebc76679a54d01e95ec3e0d.jpeg

      You know there's a cool mod that makes vampires really cool in Skyrim. I think it's just called "Better Vampies".

    2. Wolfox


      better? How if I can ask. 100% illness resist is useful in and of itself, some really useful effects and powers (extra sneak for example) and you just gotta try to pick fights during the night or indoors. And look out for fire, but that's what enchanting and being a Dark Elf is for

    3. Dragoknight


      The mod itself gives you a lot of cool spells and unique abilities that you can access upon reaching a certain number of feedings. It also has a number of unique features that you can turn on or off such as blood points (that are used for your unique abilities), vampire hunters that will hunt you every now and then (cuz you know, the Dawnguard exists), how sun damage affects you, corpse feeding, just a bunch of cool features. 

  21. my next target will be Mega Medicham. it's one of those mons that the mono council learned to deal with properly in gen 7 after it being a complete psychic staple in gen 6 (Mega Gallade banned for knowing Knock Off. the stronger one was allowed to stay and run rampant. the smell of Bias and Salt is strong here).
  22. Sigmund wanted to become a doctor, but he didn't have the patients
  23. just beat Whitney (Crystal) First try. 0 mons fainter, not a fighting type move used

    1. Sayia


      Me in gen two, against Whitney: Croconaw use Rage! ;)

    2. Wolfox


      My quilava just spammed Smoke Screen for a bit

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