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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. I can agree. compared to characters like Cain and even Victoria, Taka seems rather mild. which makes it a bit hard to stand out.
  2. the main reason you don't have a ground type is that the only ground type you can have at that point is Marshtomp (iirc). Though usually a moxie mighteyna tears Julia a few new ones
  3. when the support stories are better than the main story of the game. If nothing else Fates still plays like a dream
  4. 52a2900216cd6a18c8dc415ccdb8aab9--awesom

    I seriously can not hate this image nor Arc-V. Yes, they dropped the bal at the end and the pacing was not great, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a fun show to watch that in the end, made me smile

    1. FairFamily


      I don't think they dropped the ball at the end but rather the middle. Synchro dimension was just way too long. After that time was pretty short to resolve all the plot which was getting noticed at the end.


      The end itself was pretty good. Reiji vs Yuya had to happen, just as Shun vs Yuya and Dennis vs Yuya. These duels in itself were pretty good and fun too watch.


      The biggest problem was that the end didn't magically fixed all the issues that were left. But like I said that was a problem of the long synchro arcs.

    2. Wolfox


      true, as I said the pacing wasn't always good. Doesn't mean the Synchro Arc wasn't fun to watch, I mean how many times do you see a protagonist get schooled as badly as Jack schooled Yuya in their first duel. and can I just say that the duel between Dennis and Yuya is probably my favorite Arc-V duel? a true entertainment duel between entertainment duelists.

  5. I get your point with salamence, but that time has, in fact, passed. Dragonite has been OU since it's Hidden Ability came (in gen 6 at least, not sure about gen 7) while mence was resting in UU. And while I understand the frustration about pseudo's usually being dragons, that is actually completely intentional. Dragons are one of the strongest types in the game, so strong that they needed to add a type to nerf them (HAIL PIXIES!). If nothing else it gave us Kommo-o. Politoad: I think it works best as pure water, as I personally don't see a good type that matches with it (trust me, I wanted to like it with another type, but I just dislike water types...) Gulpin: Again, no clue. There's not a set type that I believe Gulpix should have. the ability Corrosion might fit it tho? Also, looking back at it I noticed you might have missed something: Mega Absol: not part fairy. Even if its wings are just Fur, it deserves that fairy type for the mega.
  6. not gonna pretend it's easy, but here's what helps me when I wanna strike a conversation: I just turn part of my brain off so I don't think about what to say too much. I only let get a check for "is this appropriate?" and after that, I just blurt it out. note: this is a double-edged sword. sometimes your brain will tell you to start singing.
  7. Mega Venusaur: 20 Mega Charizard X: 22 Mega Charizard Y: 23 Mega Blastoise: 6 Mega Alakazam: 21 Mega Gengar: 21 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Aerodactyl: 22 Mega Mewtwo X: 14 Mega Mewtwo Y: 20 Mega Ampharos: 17 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 20 Mega Houndoom: 23 Mega Tyranitar: 22 Mega Gardevoir: 14 Mega Mawile: 22 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Medicham: 20 Mega Manectric: 24 Mega Banette: 18 Mega Absol: 18 Mega Garchomp: 12 Mega Lucario: 16 Mega Abomasnow: 18 I don't even care that Gardevoir is getting the type h/h fairy treatment right now (only with fewer people healing it), but at least let me see Blastoise dead before Garde gets the boot. I mean who even likes Mega Blastoise? probably less people than there are fairy lovers in reborn
  8. Rowan: 13 Juniper: 18 Sycamore: 14 Kukui: 7
  9. Cain: 22 Victoria: 12 Adrienn: 14 Amaria: 17 Aya: 21 Charlotte: 22 Ciel: 20 Corey: 17 Florinia: 27 Hardy: 24 Julia: 18 Kiki: 20 Luna: 22 Noel: 18 Radomus: 14 Samson: 19 Saphira: 18 Serra: 14 Shade: 28 Shelly: 27 Terra: 19 Anna: 21 DJ Arclight: 16 Blake: 8 Cal: 28 El: 18 Heather: 6 Laura: 22 Dr. Sigmund: 5 Taka: 17 ZEL: 21 Sirius: 12 Solaris: 23 Lin: 1 Ciel and Kiki have never even been hit? wow
  10. fan made product for a song that only had a story board. Let that sink in


  11. Nah, he decided to play witch and BURN! speaking of, am I the only one here who liked the show Witch growing up?
  12. Permission to rename "No Johns" to "No Murdoc's?"

  13. "I'm pretty sure Bidoof get's Roar of time"
  14. So, I started playing Skyrim. I'm a little dissapointed about the skilltree's, ort at least two of them. Two handed and One handed. Why is there no skill that allows you to wield a two handed weapon in one hand in either of them?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GenEric


      skyrim is too massive for my pea sized brain

      and two handed weapons are supposed to be TWO HANDED NI🅱️🅱️A

    3. ....



      There are even some DLC-Sized quest mods with pretty good voice acting.

      Maids II Deception and Falskaar are some examples.

    4. Wolfox


      When I can somehow manage to not get lost with a sense of direction that makes a broken compas look accurate, I think you'll manage

  15. I can see where you're coming from, and I like the idea. But some of the type changes I can not get behind (Chansey to fairy for example. I understand why but as someone who loves fairies and absolutely hates Chansey you can hopefully see my issue with it). I'll list some others down here as well (starting with gen 2, as most of gen 1 was pretty good) Meganium: what exactly makes it a fairy? Typhlosion: What makes it a dragon? Feraligatr: What makes it steel... Actually, this one makes more sense than the others. still not as much, but some. Sudowoodo: The point of it is that it only looks like a grass type, but isn't one. Again, I see your point, but sometimes something that "should be"isn't for a reason. Politoad: Where did it get psychic powers from? Aipom: How is it fighting? Dunsparce: evolution would have been better, but a nice change Heracross: Why rock? it get's more fighting type moves and its favorite move (CC) is a fighting type move Octilery: Where did this one learn how to move things with his mind? Donphan: where did the steel come from? Blissey: same issue as Chansey. I would rather not see my favorite type gain such toxic stally mons. Sceptile: Steel? This seems to be the one I question most huh (maybe because steel kills fairies?) Wurple Line: it worked with the regular typing. better anyway. Nuzleaf and Shiftree: let Nuzleaf keep its dark typing and it's actually perfect (what? I can be positive about suggestions too. why would I be unable too?). Nincada: Where did the steel come from? It's a ground cicada. Aron Line: Yes. Simply Yes. Gulpin Line: how did it become a fairy? Torkoal: I was gonna ask "Steel? Again?" but then I realized it works (kinda) because of its shell. kudos. Vibrava line: so from ground... to bug and back to ground? I can understand that people want flygon to be bug type but why make one of them bug but not the others? Swablu line: you took a mon I love and slapped my favorite type on it. 100% yes. Anorith line: where does the steel keep coming from? the reason this one is rock is that it's a fossil mon and those are always rock. Milotic: buff the old Dragon Slayer. I like it. Clampearl line: confused yes. Luvdisc: I see the idea, but I would not exactly say it's a good one. Bagon line: this might just be regular Charizard times 11... it looks like a dragon, and it's Steel (I believe this might be your favorite type at this point. am I correct?). how? why? it doesn't make sense. and the mega does remain dragon? even less sense!
  16. Guess how I woke up this morning.

    By my leg cramping up.

    1. BandorKitty


      Ouch! That's one of the worst ways to wake up :( 

    2. Wolfox


      if nothing else it stops you from falling asleep again

  17. Cain: 22 Victoria: 11 Adrienn: 14 Amaria: 19 Aya: 21 Charlotte: 21 Ciel: 20 Corey: 19 Florinia: 25 Hardy: 22 Julia: 18 Kiki: 20 Luna: 24 Noel: 18 Radomus: 13 Samson: 21 Saphira: 18 Serra: 14 Shade: 27 Shelly: 25 Terra: 19 Anna: 20 DJ Arclight: 16 Blake: 10 Cal: 27 El: 20 Heather: 10 Laura: 22 Sr. Sigmund: 7 Taka: 19 ZEL: 21 Sirius: 12 Solaris: 23 Lin: 7 I would do my mini psycho thing on Corey, but someone else already did that and I have no ways of doing it better than them.
  18. Mega Venusaur: 21 Mega Charizard X: 21 Mega Charizard Y: 22 Mega Blastoise: 10 Mega Alakazam: 21 Mega Gengar: 20 Mega Kangaskhan: 18 Mega Pinsir: 22 Mega Gyarados: 4 Mega Aerodactyl: 22 Mega Mewtwo X: 14 Mega Mewtwo Y: 20 Mega Ampharos: 17 Mega Scizor: 18 Mega Heracross: 20 Mega Houndoom: 22 Mega Tyranitar: 22 Mega Gardevoir: 16 Mega Mawile: 24 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Medicham: 20 Mega Manectric: 23 Mega Banette: 18 Mega Absol: 18 Mega Garchomp: 14 Mega Lucario: 16 Mega Abomasnow: 18 if nothing else the other fairy mega is going strong.
  19. Rowan: 14 Juniper: 17 Sycamore: 13 Kukui: 14
  20. Loudest doorbell I ever heard...

  21. I don't have many predictions for the Winter Olympics this year. but I know one thing: Sven Kramer is going to take medal and chew bubblegum. and I think he's out of gum

  22. You will fear my LAZERFACE!

  23. Rowan: 15 Juniper: 18 Sycamore: 15 Kukui: 17
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