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Everything posted by Wolfox

  1. "This is no place for the living, Mortal. You shall be summoned when it is your time. And everyone has a time, as we saw with your beloved Shield Knight."


    So, can we all agree that Specter Knight is the best character in Shovel Knight?

  2. Yeah... Level 5 should have kept the way that the Yo-kai "scanning" worked from the first game. The yo-kai moves around more and faster, the amount of "scan" that drops when you don't have the yo-kai in your sight is increased and it takes more time to "scan" a yo-kai even if it's standing still... maybe I just have to get used to it, but it's not a good "improofment" if you ask me

  3. You could argue that Titania does care for Amaria (she did pretend to be her girlfriend so she wouldn't kill herself which ended up not as she had planned). She goes to extreme lengths, but it's not hard to see that she does care for Amy
  4. What I'm gonna say here might come over badly, but I'm still gonna say it.

    This guy sounds like a black jazz singer to me. Great song non the less

  5. iZTfyrkvSLaIHCZc-AYS8w.png

    Crystal team planned so far. what to add as the last mon tho...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Wolfox


      which is Gold Exclusive (like... why? Why is Primape of all mons exclusive to Gold?)

      Repeating Bug isn't the biggest issue I'd say, the issue is finding the right tree >.<

    3. Wolfox


      with Tyrogue I could get lucky with the free daycare egg. granted that's a 1 in 7 chance

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      heracross isnt too good as a fighting type in gen II. it gains a solid one damaging fighting move through leveling, which is reversal, and iirc that comes at somewhere at level 40-50. its an earlygame powerhouse due to stats, but earlygame stats is all it has. youre better off using a raticate or some shit than heracross, tbh.

  6. clefairy line, the beheehem line, not much else I can think of
  7. I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
    I got sunshine in a bag
    I'm useless but not for long
    The future is coming on
    I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
    I got sunshine in a bag
    I'm useless but not for long
    The future is coming on
    It's coming on
    It's coming on
    It's coming on~

    1. Sayia


      ...in a bag.

      Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania get in the bag

    2. Wolfox
    3. BandorKitty


      Reminds me of the first part of this poem:


      I pop off my scalp like the lid of a cookie jar.

      It's the secret place where I keep all my dreams.

      Little balls of sunshine, all rubbing together like a bundle of kittens.

      I reach inside with my thumb and forefinger and pluck one out.

      It's warm and tingly.

      But there's not time to waste! I put it in a bottle to keep it safe.

      And I put the bottle on the shelf with all of the other bottles.

      Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts in bottles, all in a row.


      My collection makes me lots of friends.

      Each bottle a starlight to make amends.

      Sometimes my friend feels a certain way.

      Down comes a bottle to save the day.

  8. Simple question really, do you like the Minimap to rotate as you rotate your character or not? Personally, I like the map to not rotate. I like knowing where North is so my sense of direction (as bad as it is) can at least do a little bit of work
  9. so... the team members I have planned for my Crystal team so far are: Typhlosion (starter, Scyther and Dragoniet (gift at the Dragons Den. going to get it with E-speed). any other ideas I could use? Remember, I can't do trade evo's (no scizor or Steelix :()

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wolfox


      gyarados isn;t really that good in gen 2. between gens 1 and 4 it it's pretty avarage due to not having good stab to take advantage of

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its still a gyarados, though it is a fact that gen II has the weakest gyarados of all gens.

    4. Wolfox


      which is pretty ironic since it's the gen where you get the Red one xD And I already got Dewgong planned~

  10. Oak: 6 Elm: 5 Birch: 3 Rowan: 18 Juniper: 17 Sycamore: 18 Kukui: 20
  11. Gardevoir and Gallade have great mega's only thing I'd change it removing the 2 base attack buff on Gardevoir and add that to defense and speed
  12. what Yo-kai Watch 2 improved: many things really. some things that weren't needed but are good now.

    what Yo-kai watch 2 made a bit worse: 2 things, Fishing and the Yo-kai lens. The lens now takes a pretty long time to fully scan a yo-kai, which makes it a lot harder to scan them (like, seriously. the last part of the circle is long as shit). the fishing was made a bit worse by changing the way you fish completely. instead of the chance wheel you have to reel in the fish now. which would be fine if the chance wheel was a bad idea (which it isn't really). Maybe I just have to get used to it but I don't see myself fishing too much.

  13. Mega Venusaur: 21 Mega Charizard X: 19 Mega Charizard Y: 20 Mega Blastoise: 16 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 20 Mega Kangaskhan: 20 Mega Pinsir: 20 Mega Gyarados: 16 Mega Aerodactyl: 20 Mega Mewtwo X: 18 Mega Mewtwo Y: 20 Mega Ampharos: 19 Mega Scizor: 20 Mega Heracross: 21 Mega Houndoom: 21 Mega Tyranitar: 21 Mega Blaziken: 14 Mega Gardevoir: 24 Mega Mawile: 21 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Medicham: 20 Mega Manectric: 21 Mega Banette: 20 Mega Absol: 18 Mega Garchomp: 18 Mega Lucario: 18 Mega Abomasnow: 20 that should be all the names fixed. Also, @Azeria, are you feeling okay? not only did you heal a fairy (your least favorite type iirc or at least a type you hate), you also healed a fairy that you generally dislike. or the strangest part, you healed the same as me.
  14. Cain: 24 Victoria: 14 Adrienn: 18 Amaria: 21 Aya: 20 Charlotte: 21 Ciel: 20 Corey: 20 Florinia: 22 Hardy: 20 Julia: 18 Kiki: 20 Luna: 24 Noel: 20 Radomus: 12 Samson: 21 Saphira: 20 Serra: 14 Shade: 24 Shelly: 24 Terra: 19 Titania: 12 Anna: 20 DJ Arclight: 18 Bennett: 0 Blake: 19 Cal: 23 El: 21 Heather: 18 Laura: 20 Dr.Sigmund: 15 Taka: 28 ZEL: 21 Sirius: 15 Solaris: 22 Lin: 13 there are only two respectable Bug users in reborn. @Jess and Shelly. Bennett can hang out withCal's Magmortar
  15. true, yet I believe that he knew El was not fully hypnotized or was playing a part and simply played the part needed to fool Elias. I legit feel like Radomus is a few steps ahead everytime you speak to him and that's pretty refresing
  16. I personally love Radomus. Whenever I see him in the game I just know that he is at least 4 steps ahead
  17. please explain how I did, because I do not see it
  18. So, I decided against the shiny cyndaquil because I know I will sit there for at least a few months just soft reseting. so I went with the one with the (what I know) best stats. 13 speed and 12 spatk as start, best I've goten so far.

    Now, to name my rival...

  19. it's the best mon Gamefreak has created thus far and I will defend it as such. (note that this is my opinion, not a fact. doesn't mean I can't say it tho)
  20. if you get "Piss Off" from "If you don't like it maybe you shouldn't play" then I believe I might have to take my apology back. while I never meant saying that I never said anything that could be taken as "Piss Off" without twisting some words mentally
  21. Mega Venusaur: 20 Mega Charizard X: 20 Mega Charizard Y: 20 Mega Blastoise: 18 Mega Alakazam: 20 Mega Gengar: 20 Mega Kangaskhan: 20 Mega Pinsir: 20 Mega Gyarados: 20 Mega Aerodactyl: 20 Mega Mewtwo X: 20 Mega Mewtwo Y: 20 Mega Ampharos: 20 Mega Scizor: 20 Mega Heracross: 20 Mega Houndoom: 20 Mega Tyranitar: 20 Mega Blaziken: 20 Mega Gardevoir: 21 Mega Mawile: 20 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Medicham: 20 Mega Manectric: 20 Mega Banette: 20 Mega Absol: 20 Mega Garchomp: 20 Mega Lucario: 20 Mega Abomasnow: 20 if you wonder why I picked the ones I did, you must not know me at all
  22. so, there's one thing I kinda dislike about Crystal (the ehop version). the fact that I can't get the trade evo's because I got no1 to trade with. No scizor for me :(. I guess Scyther is still pretty good without rocks

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      same. I personally quite like the version exclusives and trading evo's. not the best part of the games but it does what it needs to.

    3. seki108


      Nowadays they probably aren't bad, since wireless trading is thing......to some degree.  I haven't played a canon game on an official product, so I don't know the full details of how it works.   


      Nothing will every get me to like (or give Gamefreak a pass on) the older games having it though,  no matter how good of a business design it was for them.

    4. Wolfox


      well, GTS is a thing. wondertrading and internet link trading help. but old gen is hell for trading

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